What's the difference between Chuckie and a Pizza?

The Question

The only day of the year that there isn't a pack of groids in Wilson's house lined up at the door to his mammy's bedroom is...

Father's Day.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What happened when Wilson looked up his family tree?

A large ape shit on his face!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
How do you make Wilson nervous?

Take him to an auction :D


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Why does Wilson's ex-bitch wear high heels?

So her knuckles don't drag :bigass:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What do steroids and the police have in common?

They both make Wilson run REALLY fast!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What has 200 balls and fucks Wilson?

A shotgun!!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Why did Wilson get kicked out of Disneyland?

He sat on Pinocchio's face and said "Lie to me"


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What did Wilson do when he got to the ball?

He cupped it, of course.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Why does Wilson cup deer balls?

Probably because they're under a buck!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I failed my biology test today

The question was "What's commonly found in cells?"

I guess "Wilson" wasn't the correct answer!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What does Wilson Say when he has diarrhea?



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Why will Wilson never be on Star Trek?

He won't work in the future, either.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Why doesn't SHRIMPTEASE'S fat ass stank wear panties when they go to barbecues?

To keep the flies off the chicken!



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Wilson walks into a bar with a duck on his shoulder. Bartender says, "Hey, cool, where did you get that?" Duck says, "Africa, they are all over the fucking place."


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What would you call Wilson if you found out he was Jewish?

A Heblew, of course!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What do you get if you cross a gay Eskimo with Wilson?

A snowblower that doesn't work!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Why is Wilson like Pac-Man?

He swallows balls til he dead.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

A neighbor's wife knocks on Wilson's door​

She says "Your kids can't play with our children any more."
"Why?" Wilson asks, shocked.
"They keeping on calling the other kids gay, you should watch your language around them!"
Wilson replies "They couldn't have learned it from me, otherwise they would have been calling them cocksucking faggots"


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Why did the Wilmington Police Department fire Wilson?

He kept blowing all his cases.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Why can't Wilson drive faster than 68 mph?

Because at 69 he blows a rod!