What's the difference between Chuckie and a Pizza?

The Question

One day, little Blackfoot's mammy sends him into town to get some food, 'cause they're starving. He comes back an hour later covered in sweat and breathing hard, and hands his mammy a wheel of cheese. She says, "Bless you, chile, what kinda cheez be dis?"
He says, "Dis be nacho cheez, mammy!"
She says, "Bless you chile but how you KNOW it be dat kind?"
He says, "Soon as I grabs it an' starts a runnin', da big ol' cupcakea behin' de counta starts yellin', "DAT'S NACHO CHEEZ, DAT'S NACHO CHEEZ'!"


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
LOL...why does Blackdoot cry during sex?

From the mace, of course.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Why does Blackfoot like gardening?

He likes to get down and in the dirt with his hoes.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
How do you circumsize Blackfoot?

Kick his sister in the jaw!


Holy Roman Emperor
Didn't the late Redd Foxx once say that if we slammed Blackfoot's face into dough, we could make gorilla cookies?

The Question

Why do geese fly over Blackfoot's "crib" upside down?
Because there's nothing worth shitting on.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What's blackfoots favorite meal?

Spam, of course!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
How do you know Adam and Eve weren't black?

Ever try to take a rib from Blackfoot?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Why does Blackfoot have chickens in his back yard?

To teach his kids to walk, of course.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Why do police dogs lick their asses?

To get the taste of Blackfoot out of their mouths, of course.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What do you do if you run over Blackfoot?

Throw it in reverse!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What's the most confusing day in Blackfoot's neighborhood?

Father's Day!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What does Blackfoot do after sex?

15 to 20 years, depending on the judge!

The Question

Fun thing is, while Jack repurposes most of his from cupcakeer jokes, I repurpose most of mine from blonde jokes and pollock jokes, 'cause those work just as well for a retard like Blackfoot.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
How did Jack beat Blackfoot when they played war?

When Blackfoot threw his grenade over, Jack pulled out the pin and threw it back :D


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It was the Summer of 1968 and Blackfoot showed up at the Pearly Gates. Peter comes out and says, "Uh, is there something I can do for you? I mean, we don't let cupcakeers in here." "I know," said Blackfoot, "It's just that, I am from Alabama, and I grew up around White folks, and I like White folks, and I even married a White woman, so I thought maybe I could get in." Peter said, "Wait, you say you married a White woman in Alabama? When the hell was this?" Blackfoot looks at his watch and says, "Oh, about 10 minutes ago."


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
So Blackfoot gets a job digging telephone pole holes and at the end of the day the foreman comes by to see how many he had gotten done. "One, boss," he replied. "One! Hell everybody else can dig 15 holes a day!" "Yeah, sure, but they way they dig them, look how much of the telephone pole is still sticking out of the ground!"