
  1. J

    Credits For Charity

  2. Gagh

    Keep a tally of your credits here

  3. Dr Dave

    Sausageman sent me credits!

  4. Kermit

    Donate Credits To Me

  5. jack

    We're supposed to use credits for what again?

  6. Consumer

    What can we use Credits for on here?

  7. H

    Checking: 8,743 Credits

  8. Archibald Nixon

    So wtf are "credits" for?

  9. Conchaga

    You know what bothers me about the BSG opening credits?

  10. CaptainWacky

    Lost opening credits (1967)

  11. Hambil

    Credits and mood overlap

  12. Eggs Mayonnaise

    Credits: 63,999

  13. headvoid

    Competition to have the LEAST credits!

  14. Eggs Mayonnaise

    25,000 credits

  15. D

    First to reply to this thread gets 250 credits!

  16. Elrod

    I have 1,002 credits

  17. Elrod's Dood


  18. Ramen

    I've borrowed 5,000 tk credits...

  19. Oh my god it's Robby!

    my credits
