By: Troll Kingdoms, The Question/The Highwayman/The Saints
"I felt a great disturbance in the Minefield, as if millions of bricks were suddenly shat in outrage." -Obi-Wan Kenobi (Probably.)
:gagh:Troll Kingdom Is Dead; Long Live Troll Kingdom
Well, what is there to say, really? A place is built on a theme; when it strays away from that theme, there are really very few remedies: On the one hand, you rebrand and repurpose. When a thing evolves, it's only fair play that it assume its new identity fully and honestly. Or, the hands on the helm bring it back onto its original course. Or... you dissolve said thing, then build something new that better reflects the new course.
If you don't do any of those things, well, you get rebellions -- if you're lucky. People who care enough to throw a fit. On balance, though, what you get is... abandoned.
And, for the most part, that's what TK (the other one) is experiencing. (This version can't be abandoned, of course -- you can't lose a population you haven't got, lol)
So, here's the new Troll Kingdom. Made in the image of the other, but retaining the spirit of old.
Yes, I've given it all the amenities this medium supports (wish I could add an Arcade; maybe Guilded will have that feature someday.) but what this group is, in essence, is a memorial, for the moment. If it draws enough traffic, maybe it'll evolve into a reboot, of sorts. We'll see.
^^^By Troll Kingdoms most recent pathectic son-of-a-biataaaaaach 3 months ago^^^...Probably posted at the 100 Drummer requested...Another supposidly TK legend paid by Venooker (Conchaga, Dork Lord, Sarek, DevilMan, Bickedan, Gear, Danny Hellman, My ladies of tha night (Siren, Alice). Hunter X, Cory Fucka)<<<What a shame.
Hey MODMAN...Tell me why you ain't supporting TK's The Question/The Highwayman/The Saint at the Signal?...Why haven't you signed up at the 100 Drummer's Guilded...HUH!,..Tell the members of Troll Kingdom, WHY... And tell us why you decided to troll me after 6 years of being away...:bigass:
Hit me!...Was The Question/The Highwayman/The Saint-- Neil/Morbo at TK and Celtic at your failed board because you took his money and didn't pay-in-full at The Kingdom?
I don't know much about any of that.
You know, I think I get it. You've assumed this is all tied into that ongoing little narrative you constantly regurgitate (blah blah blah insert a dozen names of people I know nothing about). You've tried to figure out how I fit into it.
I don't.
No ... no. This is something else entirely, boy.
Members at the 100 Drummer and The Question Guilded forum....BigDaddy Patriot 23, CKLT, DarthAutismus (Moderator/Creative), Frank A Silva (Moderator/Creative), Jack/100drummers (Sraff), MadMatt, MrPatriot2022, MrPigir, Oerdin, Sieglinde, The Question (Eternall/Creative), WhiskyBent...***5 membere private***
And Another Thang: 100Drummer
Ain't nobody bitten or shoved something into their mouth on The Question's bullshit board...Pretend to be something that one is not or to have some knowledge or ability that one does not really have...DeviMan/Charles, Yahooee/Kevin Pee-Pee and Steve Bissette (An half-assed American funny-book artist) found out via: THE KINGDOM...Hey Johnny, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself, like you've alraedy done at Troll Kingdom, jacking yourself<<<LOSER...
I'M LOVING IT....HOLLA BLACK, maroon.<< :bigass: