Ketchup or Mustard on your hot dog?
What color is the number 7?
Dress left or right?
How do you spell Spigot?
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
How many questions do I get?
Who is your soul mate?
Would you prefer to be able to swim like a shark or fly like a hawk?
What color shirt do you choose to wear with sandals exposing your red plum toenails?
If 17 people were in your living room, how many people would be on your balcony?
Do you squeeze lemon in your tea?
Is there a Rocky and/or Bullwinkle poster hanging on one of the walls in your residence? If so, is it framed and under glass?
What is the signifigance of the word dreamboat? If you are able, use the word in a sentence.
How many digits do you have?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
16 years ago, when you cut that bitch for getting uppity and then blamed OJ Simpson for it: did you have to kill the waiter too, or were you just caught up in the moment?
May I buy you dinner?
Who will be evicted tomorrow: Sunshine, Shabby or Rachael?
Gagh really does matter.
Gagh, precisely how much of RiotGear do you own?See?
Gagh really does matter.
Gagh, precisely how much of RiotGear do you own?
Do you carry your lunch to work, or do you walk?