Troll Kingdom

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Badlands Citizenship and Spamstitution

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I'm not tearing this family apart. I love you all, equally. Except for our little black sheep, Falconarg.


Go ahead. I'm not scared of Captain Underpants.

Captain Underpants hatie using her namie
Captain Underpants love the ladies
Captain Underpants love masturbatie

Shall I dig my grave any deeper? LOL.
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*casts Remove Curse*

And if you don't know what that means, well fuck you and your non-polyhedral-dice-loving self.
A test performed by Jason Mills for White Dwarf magazine concluded that the frequency distribution of the Zocchihedron was substantially uneven, 5,164 rolls (binomial distribution dictates that to be confident of an average result on a fair dice the number of trials required (n) is equal to μ ÷ p, where μ = mean, or die average, and p = probability of a single result. n = 5050 for a d100) led Mills to conclude that results greater than 93 or less than 8 are significantly rarer than results between these figures. Mills attributed this to the especially high, and especially low numbers being situated at the poles of the sphere — and thus being closer together. Numbers near the equator are more widely spaced.
Later versions of the Zocchihedron have been designed with a different pattern of number distribution, resulting in more even results overall. Individual numbers still suffer from the bias.

Are you sure you want to?
Yeah, but I'll look so cool with my giant die and everyone else will have their inferior 20-sided bullshit.
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