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Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Really pleasantly surprised. The stuff with Batman witnessing Superman's crap attempts at stopping Zod are not only great drama, but also look like they'll do a good job of addressing the concerns of everyone who thought Man of Steel was stupid.
I just want to know why Batman's wearing a jacket in the desert being beaten up by stormtroopers with Superman armpatches.


That's going to need a lot of context to make sense.

(Actually it looks like he was disguised as a fellow trooper or officer maybe?)
I kinda prefer the leaked version, to hear all those fanboys/girls in the audience creaming their jeans every time Jared Leto flashed on the screen.
If it is a nightmare, that means the pic I posted above of Batman in the desert in his awesome jacket is also in the nightmare. Which means Batman's awesome jacket might not even exist.
Well, this went from dark and gritty to "goofy as fuck" in a hurry.


Why is Ben Affleck doing a weird Southern accent?
Why is Doomsday a Ninja Turtle?
Great. Just great. Batman was the one franchise they had left that kicked ass at the movies.

Nice way to kill that once and for all...

This looks like a big, loud mess.

Ben Affleck will never be convinced when all the fans start (rightfully) crying out in unison, "WE WERE RIGHT, YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE PLAYED BATMAN!" because internet.

Jesse Eisenberg needs to come down from that screen and come back to NY and put on his nice little plays, and do me.
I wish he was fucking you, instead of fucking up every trailer, as soon as his voice comes on, its game over for taking it seriously.

Well I think it still looks like it could be entertaining, but more in the fun and brainless category than the tense, dramatic battle of wits category it had been looking like. There are so many locales and major characters in there it just looks like it'll be way too fast paced for its own good.

Wow, Ben Affleck has gotten old.
I don't completely hate Michael Cera Lex, but I get tired of him after 3 minutes, so I don't know about 2 hours. Smallville's Michael Rosenbaum was better.
Michael Keaton and Tim Burton should have taken out a patent on Batman talking like a constipated man with emphysema. They'd have made a killing on licensing fees by now.
How can you have 2 characters with red yellow and blue costumes take up 2/3 of the screen and everything reads slate grey?
5-there is no 5.
6-That's not true. I just can't remember it.