I quite liked it. So far they've actually managed to follow continuity by not having Adama fighting the Cylons in a viper (because we saw in Razor that that happened only once; about ten minutes before the armistice).
Unfortunately they haven't managed to make his appearance fit continuity, but I suppose we can say that after this he hit the steroids and they made his face become manlier and spottier. And he took up smoking.
The CGI looks fantastic, but then that's pretty much the only aspect I had full confidence in from the start. Too many lens flares in the vastly expanded flight deck, but that might be an attempt to cover up a lack of detail, more than a "hey, lens flares are cool, right guys?!" thing.
The TOS references have gone through the roof. Original series theme tune(/Colonial anthem), Colonial ships, basestars, Cylon fighters. Very nice.
Adama's accent was a bit ropey at times. Sometimes he sounded like a New Yorker, other times he could've been my next door neighbour (who of course is not an American at all), but he did some good acting. The bit where the woman said she'd been working on the Cylons was well played.
I look forward to more.