Community (season 1-2)

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I was only able to pay attention to the first half SINCE WORK GOT BUSY AS SOON AS THE SHOW STARTED which is also why I disappeared from chat all of a sudden.

I DLd the ep, I'll watch it shortly.

Good thing they didn't make either of the African-American characters "Spades". :rimshot:


Pinata Whacker

Donald Glover would make a good choice for the Sherriff if Hollywood ever remade Blazing Saddles.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Duh. I just realized their card names matched the cards they used to vote for/against Pierce. I R SLOW

Oh!! And my mom loved the show. She kept calling me during the commercials. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Did anyone else notice Anthony Michael Hall in the beginning?


Is this real life?
Shit I didn't know he was the weedy kid from the Breakfast Club.

Where was he in Community? And who was it that got shot by the Black Rider? I'm sure it wasn't, but it looked a bit like Dirk Benedict.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
He was the head guy of that trio chasing the fat kid at the beginning that Annie took down.


I want to smell dark matter
Fat Niel.


Is this real life?
Ah, he had a mustache! I can blame the mustache! [/Mark from Peep Show]


Touching the monolith
Staff member
OH.. so that's why he was on the Soup awhile back. I didn't notice him on Community though, too much going on!


I want to smell dark matter
She is magnificent.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Love it. She's a complete goofball.


I want to smell dark matter


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Someone said SOMEWHERE that the secret person was spoiled in the credits last week, but didn't say who it was.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I didn't know until they revealed themself, so whatever clue there was, I missed it.


Is this real life?
Ah, we should've known! Well, maybe. Anyway, nice to see so many recurring characters in this episode. The more they're brought into stories, the better, imo.

Will we see Quendra again?!

Pretty much all the flying paintballs and splatters are CGI, I reckon. You're not allowed to fire paintball guns at people unless they're wearing eye protection. Looks pretty impressive though.

So does Troy.

Annie/Abed/Han, whoulda thunk it?

Annie looked nice even with paint in her hair.

Paint in the sprinklers = genius, even if sprinklers don't really spray a whole building every time the fire alarm sounds.