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Community (season 3 on)

12/22: Fun Holiday Flashmob @30Rock (Midtown)
Date: 2011-12-18, 3:03AM EST
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]
Happy Holidays!

Thursday 12/22/11, 1pm, meet at the 30 Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree (Between 49th/50th Street, cross street between 5th/6th Avenues). Please bring a tiny tree (or a drawing/picture of a tree), and come sing O Christmas Tree with us! You can print out lyrics from this link: O Christmas Tree Lyrics.

We are fans of NBC's Community, but everyone is welcome. We wanted to share our event with NYC, as a way to have some holiday fun with everyone! Here is the Facebook event listing: Community Flashmob! Also, there is a lively Twitter campaign going on (please search for the twitter hashtag #savecommunity (and the amazing #PierceOrChevy), and check out the Save Community Blog).

Black goatees (in the #savecommunity movement, it comes from an episode storyline and symbolizes solidarity with the show), cut out of felt or black construction paper, are optional. (Rough guideline, folded in half vertically: Black Goatee Pattern Link.) If you naturally have a goatee, that's even better.

We don't expect the entire event to take more than a minute or two. We will be filming the event, and we will be networking with NBC and local press to explain the event to them. So, the small legalese part: you'll probably be filmed, OK? We are planning to laugh and have a good time. Come have some holiday fun with us, and we'll all go drink hot chocolate afterwards! Invite your friends; the more, the merrier.

Thank you from the fans of NBC's Community: We love New York!

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Aww... I love this fan video. SIX SEASONS AND A MOVIE :rwmad:

There wasn't much Pierce in it actually, but that aside it was very nicely edited.

(Chang also got short Chang-ed, but meh)

Doesn't look like many people showed up, but STILL it's nice. I would have if I lived near by.