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Community (season 3 on)

Britta is Princess Peach.

Frog Extinction
Other Parrot
Magic Carpet
Rocket Ship
Ladder Bus
Hidden Pipe
Subcon Vase
Magic Flute
Star Zone
Dark Queen
Channel Wood
Space Ship
Old Man Trainer
Fly on a Bird
Cinnamon Island
Seal Along the Shore
Black Lightening
Wine Hat
Magic Feather
Raccoon Clothes
Running Jump
Collect All Blue Coins
Island of Annoying Voices
Hot Tub End Boss
Mustached Mushroom
Bell Toss
Charsed Fireball
Time Bomb
Rock Punch
Blue Fire
Green Fire
Purple Fire
Boring Regular Old Fire
Flying War Ships
Clown Face Helicopter
Teeter Totter Flying Floor
Unstable Bath
Impervious to Lava
Underwater Exploration
Hover Puppy
Giant Ant Dance Club
Good Karma Quests
Fun Murder Quests
Unkillable Bears
Antiphysics Horse
Bubble Attack
Leaf Attack
Time Freeze Attack
Metal Blade Attack
I liked all three episodes. I'd agree with Wacky in general: First one was better than I thought it would be, second one was very good, third one was good but perhaps tried to do too much.

I hope they sort of settle down next season, though. I think they were going a bit too nuts with the 'theme' episodes this season. I know one of the things about Community was that every episode could be as different but I felt that the first two seasons kept a nice balance of having one foot in reality-based stories, and one foot in the more outlandish stories, where as in season 3 we had a plethora of 'themed' episodes, "The 'What if?' Episode", "The Musical Episode", "The Historical Documentary Episode", "The Law & Order Episode", "The 8-Bit Episode", etc. All of them were not bad stories on their own, but it I think they saw that they were getting the best responses from these types of episodes from seasons 1 and 2, and so just did a whole load more of them.

It's that kind of thinking, the "Oh well we have a mixture of reality and wackiness, and the audiences LOVE the wackiness, so let's make it ALL WACKY." thinking, that killed Scrubs stone dead, and while Community isn't anywhere near that bad yet, I hope they pull back from it.

Also want to say things about Britta/Gillian Jacobs but suspect Tomtrek will want to say the exact same things and if I post them he might not post at all so I won't!

My Britta feelings:

8-Bit Britta was not pale enough. I know they made Annie the pale one but really Britta can be JUST AS PALE. Such as:

Words cannot express how much I love Goth Britta. So much. So much.

Also Britta in glasses.
Yeah I'd love to see a few episodes just based around having a class at the community college they attend! That's been a lot of fun in the past and I miss the classroom setting quite a bit.


I didn't enjoy the first episode, actually. I thought it went on a bit much and it wasn't that amusing. Plus the ending was obvious. But the second ep was excellent. Amazing they haven't done an Oceans 11 pastiche til now (although the fried chicken gangster episode was similar in style). Just goes to show Chang can be good if used appropriately. Oh and I liked the reverse Dean/Jeff touching.
Uh oh.

Community As We Know It Is Over

By Matt Toder - May 19, 2012 12:38 AM

News just broke that Sony has not extended the contract of Community showrunner Dan Harmon. Instead of signing him for two years at the end of season 2, as is customary, Harmon and Sony agreed to a one year deal and now that Community has been renewed, Harmon is out. Somewhere in Southern California, Chevy Chase is smiling.

While every show is driven the voice of its showrunner, few shows are driven by as distinct a voice as Harmon's. Few shows have been as stylistically daring as Community has been. Even its most mundane episodes, episodes that consisted of little more than two characters going out to dinner, have been as rich with homage and layered with comedy as any show has a right to be. (That My Dinner with Andre episode really was incredible.)

It makes last night's season finale, "Introduction to Finality", that much more, uh, final. Its Wire-like end montage is much more than just the end the Greendale Seven's third year, it is, most likely, the true end of the show. Community was Harmon's own, thoroughly, and sometimes that meant episodes of TV that were amazing and all the time it meant a show that barely anyone watched, no matter what Twitter had to say about it. The new showrunners, reportedly David Guarascio and Moses Port formerly of Happy Endings, no matter how good they are, will never be able to replicate the totally unique vision that Harmon brought to the show.

For people who love Community, especially at its most outlandish, this news comes as something virtually as bad as the cancellation of the show. What is Community without Dan Harmon? Guess we'll see in the fall.

Breaking: Dan Harmon out as showrunner of Community - AV Club

David Guarascio And Moses Port To Run ‘Community’ As Dan Harmon Steps Down -
Gah. Why on Earth wouldn't they renew his contract? He is the show!

I guess on the plus side the show might be slightly toned down for a while, with more charactery episodes. Maybe they can bring him in as a guest writer for a couple of theme episodes?
I won't be reading any reviews from march until may.

Here's why. Read the first few paragraphs of this article:

Then scroll to the bottom and look at the comment I apparently had to leave.

I'm no hero. Why am I googling "The Sarah Silverman Program?" Why am I skimming over good reviews and looking for bad ones? Because I'm a masochist and I'm retarded, that's why.

When someone tells me I'm bad, I say "you have bad taste" and deep down, I'm thinking, "you're right."

When someone tells me I'm good, I say "you're right," and deep down, I'm thinking, "you have bad taste."

So what's the point of reading reviews. For me? There is none. If people like something I do, it will get back to me in its own special way.

Oh, by the way, here's the FIRST DRAFT of what I wrote to that reviewer:


I just read the beginning of your article. Then I stopped.

In the scene you're describing, the police are chuckling at the futility of Sarah's stated goal to find another way around the wheelchair marathon.

They're not explaining that the "molten lava" joke was funny.

You actually had to alter the script for your critique to apply. You had to skip a line of dialogue and change the meaning.

Were you just not paying attention, or are you dishonest, and in either case, how did you get a job telling anyone what's funny?

Look at the title of your column, Maureen. "The Watcher?" If you're a watcher, why are you writing, and if you're a writer, why are you watching? You're living off my chops. You're on writer's welfare, and I'm paying for it. I create things for you to write about disliking over ambrosia salad. You're welcome.

Have you looked at the photo of yourself next to your column's heading? You look like an idiot. I don't mean God shaped you like an idiot, I mean you're making choices with your face that an idiot would make. I'm looking into the 3 pixels that represent your eyes and right into your unremarkable soul. I can see all the craving for recognition, I can see all the swallowed dreams nestled in the ulcerated lining of your stomach.

I would recommend suicide, but there's a chance you'd do it, because my words tend to have an effect. Not bragging. Observing.

I know what you're thinking: "Oh, but my words affected you, and you're an effective person, so that makes me effective."

No. That makes me sensitive. Which, incidentally, is what makes me effective.

So, that's about it. Soak this up. Something special just brushed across you. Odds are it will never happen again.

I wish you good watching.

From Dan's myspace blog... WOW

lol he's a bag of dicks