beer, I want beer
Ohhh very telling my ass. Hey fuck you too. I DID say I liked the show. It is entirely possible to have fun with a show and stil have issues with things.
Don't get your panties wadded up, I'm fucking with you. But you are being a total buzzkill weenie about the tank and the minutiae. You remind me of a bro of mine who went with a group of us to watch Lord of the Rings Fellowship when it first came out. I was alone that night because my ex hated that kind of stuff, but my bro had a hot looking date who was basically ignorant of the story and along for the ride. So we come out of the film, everyone's hyped and excited at the opening night spectacle, and if my buddy plays it right he's getting laid that night guaranteed. You could see it in her eyes.
And what does that idiot do? He immediately launches into a total nerd meltdown of exactly where the movie goes "wrong" by straying from the book, complete with Tom Bombadil rant, the absence of the fucking pony bits, all of it. I'm watching his date the whole time he's ranting, and she went from not following to not caring to not wanting to be there at like mach 3. Have you ever watched sexual desire die in a woman's eyes, when it ain't directed at you? Fucking heartbreaking. I wanted to slap him in the head and cry and laugh all at the same time, and the dude just blathered on, oblivious to the rapidly retreating chances of getting a taste any time soon from that girl.