Don't Trust The B---- In Apartment 23


I want to smell dark matter
Watched. Liked(!?) Will watch again! Will add Krysten Ritter to creepy list.

"Who wants to get weird and play Mario Kart?"


Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Meh. She's like Zooey NEW GIRL Deschanel's evil sister.

Old New York City apartment cliches. The truth is, you can't even scam a Manhattan apartment anymore unless you're a corporation. Or foreign with rich, titled parents.



Touching the monolith
Staff member
I watched Gem Shopping instead! srsly... from the commercials it looked awful, but if CAPTAINWACKY says it was pretty good, then maybe I will give it a shot.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Not hating on anyone, just the premise and script.


I want to smell dark matter
Old New York City apartment cliches. The truth is, you can't even scam a Manhattan apartment anymore unless you're a corporation. Or foreign with rich, titled parents.

I don't think they were actually going for realism. Unless they do put sick children in wind tunnels because they've developed a sudden fear of bicycles (it's a wacky sitcom.)

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Yeah, but when blithe urban ennui is so mainstream that it needs a wacky sendup, it's time to start rebuilding our pop culture from scratch.

The way the show is built, when confronted with this selfish dishonest woman, the "natural" conclusion for the honest blond chick isn't to seek justice or move on to someone better, but to transform herself into the same selfish, dishonest kind of person in order to fit in. I get black comedy when I see it, but this show seems like too much of a hybrid that wants it all. THEN AGAIN I'VE ONLY SEEN THE PILOT PLUS I'M TIRED AND CRANKY TODAY SO WHO KNOWS LOL.

Dr Dave

Watched it online.

Good show, I enjoyed it.

I liked the line about Mario Kart and the one Dawson said about being a blond man in a Vietnamese prison.


I want to smell dark matter
I laughed at "Dawson is the MOON!"


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
No offense against the great city of New York, but why is every fucking show set there? Or L.A. or San Francisco? RAWR

The commercials did look cliched, and the blonde chicks voice is annoying, especially in that clip where she's trying to say hi to someone and they hit her.

Dr Dave

We had one set in the city where I live, but it was like filmed in Canada and the show aired on the CW.

We now have Leverage, which during season two started filming here, but was set in Boston, but now to my understanding is set here now.


I want to smell dark matter
Portland has Grim!

The commercials did look cliched, and the blonde chicks voice is annoying, especially in that clip where she's trying to say hi to someone and they hit her.

Yeah, but did you watch it? I heard the promos werne't very representative of the show.

I'm not saying it was the best thing ever or anything, but it definitely showed a lot more potential to be good than crap like 2 Broke Girls or 2 And A Half Men or 2.4 Children: The Return.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I did not watch it, but I will say that I've gotten weird and played strip Mario Kart. Does that count?


I want to smell dark matter
Do you ever do it online?

ALSO only post one more time so I can start a "happy 15,000 posts, Tisi!" thread!


Registered User
Tisi, watch it! James van der Beek ("The Beek from the Creek", "La Beek c'est chic") is portrayed as a disgusting sex addict holding on to his former glory and banging chicks to the sound of "I Don't Want To Wait".