Dragon Age: Origins


New Member

I'm Kind Of a Big Deal

Completed the entire game with the main character ever falling in battle.

I made a dwarf:

Hope you get the reference.

I'm going to try to make famous people faces.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I forgot to raid the chest in the assembly and didn't get the key to the city :rwmad:


Right - I have FINALLY started to play this game. Very early doors yer - about 3 hours into the Human Noble story, and still getting used to the many controls. Looks good so far. Downloaded all the DLC in prep for getting to the end - in about 2 years time!

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee

Seriously though I've played it for a few hours today and I really like it here's my guy: OKAY?


I'm playing as a chick. I usually play as a chick if the option is there. Why?

(I can't do a Screenshot. I'm playing on the Xbox 360).


The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
I usually play a guy because then it's more likely that I can romance the HOT GIRLS to make up for my failures in real life.

Except for Mass Effect of course, because FUCK male Shepard.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I NEVER finished the game, I'm really bad about that sort of thing. I really should just start over because I LOVED the game.
I also got bored with that game. I was like 3/4 of the way through and got sick and tired of micromanaging that party. GOD DAMN IT MAGE-LADY WHOSE NAME I FORGET, I TOLE YOU TO SIT THE FUCK BACK THERE AND HEAL AND WHATNOT, QUIT RUNNING UP TO MELEE YOU STUPID CUNTBAG!! -my recollection of my last four hours playing that game
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Touching the monolith
Staff member
You should have edited the orders for the mage lady. You set it so each individual character does exactly what you want them to do, and then if you need them to do something different during a battle, you can just take over the character and have it do the different thing without having to change your settings. I had my mage and my archer set to ranged attack, with my mage set to heal a character once that character's health went down a certain percentage. I was having the same problem when I first started playing! This is why I'd like to just start over, PLUS there was a lot of stuff I missed because I didn't know I needed whatever it was I missed. ALSO, I didn't find out about the chest in the camp until way later in the game, like after I'd already got the elves, dwarves, and mages and was ready to go fight the dragon.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
Also, suggestion for those of you who WON'T FOLLOW MY ADVICE (YOU NEVER DO): if you're a mage, spec for both blood magic and healing (or whatever it's called) and you can do lots of cool stuff, like stealing party member's health to restore your MP, then use your awesome healing to more than compensate, rinse, repeat, basically giving yourself an infinite magic bar. Plus you get an awesome AOE stun with lots of damage, mind control, and other gnarly stuff. Totally overpowered.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Well, I think most of us have played Morrowind and loved it. I know I did. I will play it again someday.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
Good thing Morrowind has infinite replay value, making it superior to shit games like DAO for all of time, then. :S:


Staff member

Here is my party of choice right at the end of the game, level maxed and pimped to the extreme.

I am a mage with Blood Magic and Arcane Warrior specs. I specced Morrighan as an Arcane Healer for her second specialization because I wanted her to replace Wynn as the healer of the group. The reason I did this is two fold. Firstly because I prefer Morrighan as a character and secondly because even though Wynn is a natural healer you still get decent magic lines with Morrighan especially in the Hex line which once combo'd with my characters maxed Glyph line deal ridiculous damage and penalties on enemies.

Alistair is your standard Tank with Champion and Templar specs and Leliana is specced to Bard and Duelist and all points in to cunning and dexterity which makes her a monster and far more effective than Zevran.