Dragon Age: Origins

I'm still not sure if I should get this game. I spent 120 hours in Fallout 3 but didn't really get into Oblivion...

And Modern Warfare 2's system for grinding with guns / perks is wai addictive to me. I'm lurving the shit out of that game (multiplayer mostly I mean).


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I just gave up on the bridge puzzle, decided to cheat!

Alistair lurvs me now, I'm gonna jump his bones when we get back to camp.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop


New Member
Orzammar is great. Every time a seedy criminal dwarf talks about 'protection money' and behaves like a thug from a film I can't help but laugh. Itty bitty dwarf mafia FTW.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
lol.. I had sex with Alistair. I was expecting it to be a little racier, but Alistair is cute anyway. ALSO KILLED A DRAGON, finally.


New Member
^Kids might play this game too you know... :p

I would go gay for Zevran if I had to go gay for anyone.

Flemeth was easy with Forcefield. Almost everything is easy with Blood Magic and Inferno.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
You mean there's no dirty talk or anal?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I killed Flemeth today, I don't have blood magic so I had to do it with winter's grasp and a whole lot of bashing.


Registered User
I never killed Flemeth - my love of ~~Kathryn Janeway~~ is too great for me to allow her to die. I just told Morrigan I killed her, then had sex with.
Then I turned around and immediately had sex with Zevran.

This game is the greatest thing: Morrigan and Zevran have actually started bickering over me!


Touching the monolith
Staff member
The other party member's comments during quests crack me up sometimes. I like it when Alistair and Morrigan argue.

It's too late for me to become a blood mage, I already killed Connor's demon.. well Morrigan killed her anyway. I'm now deep in the elf ruins. I'm worried the game will be over too soon! (lol I've been playing nonstop)


New Member
Me too. It won't be over that soon, especially if you take the time to do the side quests.

You can become an Arcane Warrior in the ruins. You'll miss Blood Mage's crowd control but you should still be able to get a good tank.

I've played the game in a weird order. First Redcliffe (Without the urn,) then Elves, then Tower, then Dwarves, then Denerim, then Urn.

What does your party look like? I use my Mage Warden, Morrigan, Sten, and Leliana. I hate being forced to take my pickpocket/locksmith along with me everywhere.

BTW... do you have a powerful AOE spell such as Inferno, Blizzard or Tempest yet? With a good stealth level you can scout ahead and cast them on baddies from far away and out of your line of sight.

I'm going to do 10 times better on my next game. I think I'll bronze this play through somehow. I am definitely buying this game and getting the bonus content. If they continue releasing content I will purchase all of it.


New Member
Also I've read something about developer tools being released with the game. Someone should program a rape scene to troll people with.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
But could that rape go horribly wrong?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Since I'm kind of a noob RPG gamer, I figured playing a human warrior would be a good way to play my first time through, so my party is almost always Alistair, Leliana, and Wynne, with Alistair and myself being the tanks. I don't have any good AoE spells yet, except Wynne's earthquake spell, but last time I used it it glitched and I couldn't control anyone in my party.

I'm thinking of being the rogue next time, but also being a mage might be fun. I've tried to always make "good" choices this play through because I wanted Alistair, lol. Next time, I think I'll be more evil, and definitely use different party members. I've hardly used Sten or Morrigan, and haven't used Zevran at all. I know there will be at least one more person added to the party, and one optional person (I've read the spoilers, can't help it). I'm pretty sure I'll have the optional person executed instead of adding him... but next time I will try to play totally different, maybe even making my character male so the Alistair romance option won't be available.

Since I"m on dial up, I can't download any of the extras (well, I'm not willing to wait that long anyway).. so I'm thinking I should buy the collector's edition, or game of the year edition for the extra content. I really don't want this game to end!


New Member
I know what you mean about it not ending.

I've been mostly evil/greedy in this run. I intend to be eviler/greedier in the next, or pure good.

From what you describe you have a fairly solid group but you're missing a few perks, namely curses and hexes from a mage. They are that good.

Morrigan and Sten are staples of my group, for a few reasons.

Morrigan gets gear that improves her ice magic (Shapeshifting isn't so good.) Cone of Cold freezes targets in a cone unless they resist (they usually do not, including bosses). If you still have time you should develop her cold spells and a few of her curses, especially Sleep and Waking Nightmare. You'll understand how effective Blizzard is once it slays 10 people in the other room for you.

Alistair is supposed to be a good tank but I developed Sten because he did more damage with his two-handed sword. And I like him because it's easy to get his approval up if you know how to talk to him, and you don't have to listen to his life story while doing it.

It was Me, Morrigan, Sten and Alistair before he got switched with Oghren. He's such a great, unexpected character - a little Dwarven Duke Nukem.

I've read good things about Rogues but I never got around to focusing on them so Zevran and Leliana took a backseat. I'm considering being a rogue just to have pickpocketing and lock picking at all times.

I'll probably tell some of the characters to buzz off as soon as I meet them. I think you can attack Wynne in the Circle Tower and we all know she has it coming for disapproving of me and Morrigan in the last (this) game. It would be nice to focus on four and only four characters.

My optional person is dead and the final battle is in another window waiting to be finished.


Registered User
Oh, ya, you can just get rid of Wynne entirely. When I met her, I just ended up following Morrigan's lead, and Wynne attacked me without even giving me the option for her to join me.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
If you don't agree to help the mages in the tower, Wynne turns on you. Also if you choose to defile the ashes and Wynne is in your party she and Leliana will both turn on you... but if you go that rout she'll have already become quite a useful character with her healing spells. The only reason I've developed Leliana's character is for lock picking, I keep forgetting that she can pick pockets, so I'm sure there are all kinds of things I"ve missed out on this time.

I think Zathrian is Tuvok!


New Member
^Correct! I didn't recognize Flemeth as Janeway, but the Arl of Redcliffe is Julian Sands AKA the Warlock. And Teryn Loghain's assistant is Tim Curry AKA Pennywise.

I wish I discovered picking pockets earlier.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I totally fucked up the Redcliffe quest when I left them in their time of need. Now I don't know if I'm going to be able to get Sten's sword because that dwarf in the village is dead (or missing anyway). I haven't gone back there to check yet, I just found the guy in the mountains who looted his sword.


New Member
I just completed it and all I'll say is that if they make a sequel I'll be sorely disappointed. Instead they should just release expansion packs in the form of downloadable content. Whole expansion packs. Call those sequels if you like.

The characters are great, although I felt there was a little too much focus on them at times. Not much, mind you.

Even if the game were a bit longer it would never have been long enough. However, it suffered from the same drawback that many other great RPGs with a rich story do: towards the end of the game, the world began to 'shrink' and feel less populated. This is natural, because when you first start exploring the world it seems large. Then it gets smaller, of course. I would have recommended more areas and less quests that see you return to the same spots.

But what makes Dragon Age unique in this respect is that although you might feel you are tiring out a static 'maze' facsimile of a world, there's also a feeling of confinement, because the authors did such a good job of creating the world you don't see, in the form of tales of foreign lands, and arrows on maps that might as well have "Here be even moar dragons" written next to them.

This could be solved if they release expansion packs in the form of traveling to other lands such as Orlais. Don't create a sequel - continue the story! Make it a trilogy. Make it to video games like what the Matrix and LOTR was to film. Closing the book on this specific age in this story universe would be insanity. We shall wait and see what these 'Bioware' people do.

I think I'll buy it now and start downloading stuff.