Dragon Age: Origins


Touching the monolith
Staff member


Elitist Redheaded Trollop


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I have to go through a burning door, so burning man is necessary. I've been reading some various FAQ and I think most people who didn't have any trouble with this area got the spirit form first. I'm thinking of back tracking, if that is possible, and going into darkspawn invasion for the spirit form. I really don't know what else I can do! Those mages use a lightening attack that is devastating to burning man, plus they have a mage off in the distance who heals them after I knock them down with my two fire attacks. I've tried luring them into the room so I can get them one at a time, but the other mages can cast their spells through the walls! NOT FAIR :rwmad: lol


Touching the monolith
Staff member

The trick is to zoom out and target the mages on the other side of the wall with that fire blast thing before you open the door, that way they're dying from flames while they come after you, plus they're shooting each other with their lightening attacks. THE BASTARDS.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Now I'm getting my ass kicked by Uthkiel the Crusher. :rwmad:


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Woohoo.. I finished the circle of mages quest. Now I GET the combat system. It's actually not as hard as I thought it was, just different than what I'm used to.


New Member
I'm a little disappointed there's no grinding. I don't think it should be an integral part of the game (Everyone on the 'net is saying if you don't like it, you should go play WoW, because there is no middle ground :rolleyes:) but it'd be nice to try to max out your character.

*OK, found some glitches to exploit after I beat it.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Nah, you can take as long as you'd like in DAO; nothing ever happens without you. I did Redcliffe after the mages and still found the zombie attack to be pretty challenging to survive. You may want to do another area as well to gain more levels before fighting the zombie hordes, otherwise, you'll probably need lots of potions. Crafting potions, by the way, just requires the herbalism skill.

I would just like to tell you that you are WRONG about things not happening without you. lol

If you start a quest and then leave to do a different one, it might just go on without you! I left Redcliffe village after doing a couple of the quests, when I came back all the villagers were gone,they're now zombies in the castle, who I will have to fight! Also, I think the sidequests they would have had me do are gone forever. It's alright though, I've missed a lot of things that I'll be sure to get right on my next play through.

I love this game!


New Member
The zombies quest was the first one I did. They were pretty tough, and at the last wave I retreated all the way back to the mill to get help from the knights.

I've definitely messed up point and skill distribution but am getting by.


New Member
I would just like to tell you that you are WRONG about things not happening without you. lol

If you start a quest and then leave to do a different one, it might just go on without you! I left Redcliffe village after doing a couple of the quests, when I came back all the villagers were gone,they're now zombies in the castle, who I will have to fight! Also, I think the sidequests they would have had me do are gone forever. It's alright though, I've missed a lot of things that I'll be sure to get right on my next play through.

I love this game!
Have you chosen an umm... LOL, 'like' like companion? You'll be able to get their approval past 74 without doing their personal quests, which will net them passive bonuses.

Isn't Zevran dreamy? Ricardo Montalban FTW.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I've decided I want to do IT with Alistair, lol. He's disapproves sometimes, when I do things I need to do though. BUT he is easy to get back in good graces with if you sympathize with all his life stories. So far I have both Morrigan and Wynne with high approvals and some plot bonuses.

I tried to kill Flemeth yesterday, she is TOUGH. I almost had her, but I ran out of health poultices and lyrium potions with only a tiny bit of red left in her life bar and she wiped my party out. I think other people wait later in the game to do that quest, but I was so close I think I'll try again.


New Member
I've never had a problem with Alaister or the girl from the Fifth Element. It's always Sten and Morrigan that give those annoying random disapprovals. It's pretty easy if you try to understand the characters to know which dialogue to choose.

I find Sten by far the easiest to deal with. I have to do his quest since he's already at 71.

"You have... things here. Small sweet things that are baked."
"Yes! 'Cookies'."

There are tricks to Flemeth apparently. I haven't encountered her yet so this might make more sense to you:

Get a tank to meet her up on her 'platform' and she'll attack him/her. Make sure it has lots of fire resistance. Alternately you can just cast Forcefield on the tank and attack from a distance somehow.


New Member
I just realized why the Lady of the Forest is so hot - she reminds me of mint chocolate.

Spoiler spoiler, image-wise:


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Arghhh.. Alistair is a virgin! I'll probably have to max out his approval rating before I can make sexy with him, lol. Leliana is acting like she wants to get it on with my character, she likes my hair. Morrigan's approval jumps up after you give her Flemeth's gremoire (sp?). Then just always sympathize with her and she'll keep on approving, plus give her jewelry.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
You can have sex with other characters? Why wasn't this shit around for the Zelda games? Fooking bastards!