Gary Coleman Dies


New Member
This dull debate comes up every time somebody famous dies.

People who are affected by the death of someone famous who they never met shouldn't have to be put on trial for having feelings. It's a lame, lazy troll.

Yeah you're right they should be allowed to have their feelings in a vacuum unaccosted.

Best way for that to happen would be to not post RIP's in TK for people you don't know.

I mean we are talking about _Gary _Coleman_ right?


Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I didn't know there was a mandated way to feel about Gary Coleman.


New Member
I didn't know there was a mandated way to feel about Gary Coleman.

Is that what you thought I was saying? So I guess it's all about people dying in general? Or is it Gary Coleman specific? I just want to know where you're coming from here..

Wasn't that your diff'ernt stroke crack RIP?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I'm just arguing while waiting for an external drive to finish formatting. :D


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Although I am not bothered much about Gary Coleman's death, I know I will be genuinely sad when William Shatner dies. So I can't judge others for being sad when some other celebrity dies.


I want to smell dark matter
I don't understand why people are still amazed that threads get posted about celebrities dying.


Boobie inspector
A celebrity can still be part of your life weather you ever meat the person for real or not, I too will mourn the passing of the SHat, and Nimsy, although I suspect the Shat will be the last of the cast to die, I just hope he outlives Takie, so Takie doesnt get to dance on his grave shouting "I'm the captain now bitch!"
i used to watch Different Strokes back in the day. Everyone used to say "oh, look at the cute little black kid". He was funny & talented & then he got older & his life was rocky all the way to the end. Pretty sad actually. :(

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
The score is now tied, Poltergeist 2, Diff'rent Strokes 2.

Place your bets: Is Oliver Robins next, or Todd Bridges?



beer, I want beer
I dunno, with Boner gone and MJ Fox doing his shake, rattle and roll, we may see late surges by Family Ties and Growing Pains. How's Tina Yothers feeling these days?


Forever Empress E
You are confused as to what it is I care about concerning Gary Coleman.

First of all, Riotgear, Gary Coleman probably would not have shed a tear over your passing, had you died before him. More than likely he did not know who you were, had ever met you, or even heard your name. Therefore, you contributed even less to his existence than he did to yours.

Second, even though I did not know him and his contribution to the betterment of my exisentence was minimal and long ago, Gary Coleman was another human being. Even though he might have had some issues and wasn't the nicest person, he wasn't a heinous mudering bastard. He was just a person - flaws and all. Like me. Like you.

What concerns me is the lack of compassion for him because his pain and suffering wasn't as great as somebody elses.


Pinata Whacker
I dunno, with Boner gone and MJ Fox doing his shake, rattle and roll, we may see late surges by Family Ties and Growing Pains. How's Tina Yothers feeling these days?

As long as Mr. Belvedere is still alive, everything is gonna be ok.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Um...Mr. Belevedere's dead.


Is this real life?


Forever Empress E
I don't know about the rest of you, but I didn't die and I got off the island.


New Member
You are confused as to what it is I care about concerning Gary Coleman.

First of all, Riotgear, Gary Coleman probably would not have shed a tear over your passing, had you died before him. More than likely he did not know who you were, had ever met you, or even heard your name. Therefore, you contributed even less to his existence than he did to yours.

Second, even though I did not know him and his contribution to the betterment of my exisentence was minimal and long ago, Gary Coleman was another human being. Even though he might have had some issues and wasn't the nicest person, he wasn't a heinous mudering bastard. He was just a person - flaws and all. Like me. Like you.

What concerns me is the lack of compassion for him because his pain and suffering wasn't as great as somebody elses.

How can I be confused since you hadn't answered me when I asked you why until now? That isn't very nice. Or accurate.

No. _First_of all. The question about wheter or not he would shed a tear was rhetorical. Go check it out. It's all right there. The fact that we didn't know each other was the point of the rhetoric.

As far as I know there is no reason I _must_ see things from Gary Coleman's or anyone elses perspective. Nor do I think I could. It's self-righteous and self-serving to believe that you could in only but the most subjective of ways. Again, the point of the rhetorical question above.

He was not like me. Like everyone else I considered him on some basic level competition for resources. I don't believe in leveling the playing field. And I don't share your feminine tendency toward empathetic campassion for my fellow man.

I leave that to women.

I'm here to win. So if he died first, fuck him.


Boring wannabe troll is, shockingly enough both boring and a wannabe troll.