Gary Coleman Dies


I'm just waiting for the next time a two-bit lousy noob staggers into a thread to provide people who have been members of this board for years and years, with thinly concealed posts that are really lousy advice on how to troll.


Forever Empress E
How can I be confused since you hadn't answered me when I asked you why until now? That isn't very nice. Or accurate.

No. _First_of all. The question about wheter or not he would shed a tear was rhetorical. Go check it out. It's all right there. The fact that we didn't know each other was the point of the rhetoric.

As far as I know there is no reason I _must_ see things from Gary Coleman's or anyone elses perspective. Nor do I think I could. It's self-righteous and self-serving to believe that you could in only but the most subjective of ways. Again, the point of the rhetorical question above.

He was not like me. Like everyone else I considered him on some basic level competition for resources. I don't believe in leveling the playing field. And I don't share your feminine tendency toward empathetic campassion for my fellow man.

I leave that to women.

I'm here to win. So if he died first, fuck him.

First_of_all - must I explain to you that I have a life offline? I will not always be here to respond to you immediately. I had a very nice day yesterday, being with friends and family doing stuff we enjoy.

Second_of_all - having compassion for another human being is a good thing. If you can only see having compassion as a negative, then that is your problem, not mine.

Lastly - necrophilia - ewww.


New Member
First_of_all - must I explain to you that I have a life offline? I will not always be here to respond to you immediately. I had a very nice day yesterday, being with friends and family doing stuff we enjoy.

Second_of_all - having compassion for another human being is a good thing. If you can only see having compassion as a negative, then that is your problem, not mine.

Lastly - necrophilia - ewww.

Are you serious? We must not be reading the same thread. I guess i have to explain it to you? You made a statement. I asked you why. You called me confused. I said no, not confused just asking why. You feel the need to explain you have a life outside of this.


It looked like this -

Originally Posted by eloisel
It may be hard to believe, but, yes, I do care.

OK. Why?

Want to guess where I found that? IN THE THREAD.

I'm not going to bother with the rest if you can't follow along.


a treat for missmanners
Oh goody..........


Forever Empress E
Are you serious? We must not be reading the same thread. I guess i have to explain it to you? You made a statement. I asked you why. You called me confused. I said no, not confused just asking why. You feel the need to explain you have a life outside of this.


It looked like this -

Originally Posted by eloisel
It may be hard to believe, but, yes, I do care.

OK. Why?

Want to guess where I found that? IN THE THREAD.

I'm not going to bother with the rest if you can't follow along.

You are confused. It appears you believe I am grieving over the death of Gary Coleman.


New Member
You are confused. It appears you believe I am grieving over the death of Gary Coleman.

Not as confused as you eh?

Or maybe you can explain why you think I believe you're grieving over the death of GC.

I mean I can read the thread same as you. So backpeddle to your hearts content. I'll be happy to continue to point it out.

I'll tell you what - Just admit you became confused and appologize and I'll stop pointing out your mistake and we can get back to hanging out..



Forever Empress E
Point out where I expressed grief over Gary Coleman's death.


Forever Empress E
I've been waiting 5 minutes.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Gee...dead. Whoda thunkit.


New Member

And here is the text of that post-

We are talking about _Gary_Coleman_ right?

-I thought the world was spinning a little more smoothly today.

-Did you see that security guard footage. Good fucking riddance I say.

-People die everyday. Gary Coleman didn't contribute in a meaningful way to -the quality of my experience.

-Do you think Gary Colman would shed a tear if Riotgear died today.

-Who gives a shit?

-I mean lets face it, you don't REALLY care do you?

Want to try to explain how any of that says I think you expressed grief over GC's death?

Wow. You really are confused. Maybe you should be calling someone who cares about you for help instead of trying to stuff this square peg into that round hole.

I Love Cunt

Watch It
RiotGear: I am callous and cold. That makes me cool. Emotions are for chicks. Compassion is for chicks. I am callous and cold that makes me cool. Emotions are for chicks, compassion is for chicks. I am callous and cold. That makes me cool. Emotions are for chicks. Compassion is for chicks. I am callous and cold that makes me cool. Emotions are for chicks, compassion is for chicks. I am callous and cold. That makes me cool. Emotions are for chicks. Compassion is for chicks. I am callous and cold that makes me cool. Emotions are for chicks, compassion is for chicks.


New Member
RiotGear: I am callous and cold. That makes me cool. Emotions are for chicks. Compassion is for chicks. I am callous and cold that makes me cool. Emotions are for chicks, compassion is for chicks. I am callous and cold. That makes me cool. Emotions are for chicks. Compassion is for chicks. I am callous and cold that makes me cool. Emotions are for chicks, compassion is for chicks. I am callous and cold. That makes me cool. Emotions are for chicks. Compassion is for chicks. I am callous and cold that makes me cool. Emotions are for chicks, compassion is for chicks.

Neener neener?