Gary Coleman Dies


a treat for missmanners
Fair enough.

I didn't want to be so presumptuous as to call it 'our' board.

nah, it kinda like that chunky girl, that ya know, we've all been there its been a few months and you say ok, and then just after cumming , you ask when the last train home is, and she's like 'we could do stuff tomorrow' and you're like 'er yeah i got this thing and er work'

and you leave, and fell sorta bad that you slummed it and when you're pals ask did you , you reply ' no way!!!'

thats my board analogy.

bit shit really.....


Forever Empress E
Here's the thing. You're wrong. It's all right here in this lame thread for anyone to peruse as they see fit.

I pointed it out. You took issue and all your friends came running to your aid.

If I misstepped in a conversation with you the way you have with me, I would simply have excused myself to be decent. You already know I'm not above that.

You're not stupid, so I know you know exactly what I'm trying to say here.
It's to your philosophical discredit that you pretend like you don't.

I think I will have the same compassion for you that you have for Gary Coleman.


New Member

Nice hole you're digging, riotgear. Any deeper and you'll hit China.

Yeah I know. Can't kiss ass just because it's the way things work though.

I like to imagine there's people out there who respect a guy for sticking to his guns without resorting to gay lames and profanity. Or admin hyjinx.

I guess we'll see.


Staff member
I really can't be bothered to go back and read the whole back-and-forth but would I be right in assuming that you are asking the question of why people seem to "care" when celebrities die?

If that's your question then I will gladly debate the point with you. Unfortunately I tend to get a sense that you are simply attempting to troll and it does seem that way after skimming over some of your posts. You know, the old cold and heartless shtick that finds any and all empathy to fellow human beings wishy washy and weak. It's an easy troll to be honest. Hopefully you won't disappoint me and there is more substance to your position.

So, balls in your court, ask away.


I want to smell dark matter
So, Gary Coleman died, eh?


beer, I want beer
I really can't be bothered to go back and read the whole back-and-forth but would I be right in assuming that you are asking the question of why people seem to "care" when celebrities die?

If that's your question then I will gladly debate the point with you. Unfortunately I tend to get a sense that you are simply attempting to troll and it does seem that way after skimming over some of your posts. You know, the old cold and heartless shtick that finds any and all empathy to fellow human beings wishy washy and weak. It's an easy troll to be honest. Hopefully you won't disappoint me and there is more substance to your position.

So, balls in your court, ask away.

In the interest of continuing this side of the discussion without stepping into Riotgear and Gagh's pissing match, I will say that I seem to lack the gene for being genuinely upset when a celebrity or famous person dies, unless the death itself is tragic in some fashion. Accidents, sudden tragic crashes and such, bother me more than say a person like Coleman succumbing to his body's frailty the way we all will someday. Even less so celebrities who die from drug abuse, because that's self-inflicted.

Normally I don't interfere with another person's right to grieve even if I don't. I understand the personalization that comes with being very fond of a celebrity, even if personal knowledge isn't there. What bothers me is when people "bandwagon" in a hypocritical fashion after a star's death, suddenly pretending to be broken hearted and upset when the day before they couldn't give a shit about that star.

Anyway, that's my take and I'm more than a little tired, so if I ramble forgive me.


U mad 'bro?
The best joke I've heard so far was:

Brett Michaels had the same problem but he's still alive.
Different Strokes.

I Love Cunt

Watch It
Each time someone that I consider to be from the "80's" dies, I feel a little bit older and closer to death myself. I agree with what Donovan said, I don't shed a tear, but I think about thier families and loved ones. I do the same if someone I know tells me thier relative whom I didn't know died. I feel sad for them. Is it because I am a female? I've seen men cry more than me, I've seen woman more stoic. I hate male/female arguments.

If I am upset about a celebrity passing it is usually because I never got a chance to meet them and full fill any kinky fantasies I had about them. RIP Brittany and Mr. Swayze.


beer, I want beer
Quick relate on dead celebs, based on something I learned yesterday.

Way back in the early 90's I worked at a casino that got a fairly moderate flow of celebrities, mostly because we were off-strip and low-tourist, and had a reputation as a place where celebs could go and not be hassled by fans. I met a handful of stars during the time I was there, but management had a clear policy about not messing with them. In fact, I often got to work directly with some of the regular visitors because of my ability to do my job without fawning. (truthfully, I often didn't recognize them unless I was told. I'm kinda obtuse that way)

One such celeb was Charles Bronson, who came in pretty regular in the time following his wife's death. We were told who he was and ordered not to disturb him; you could tell by looking at him he wasn't right; I chalked up up to grieving at the time, but even knowing who he was you could look right at him and not see "Charles Bronson". He just looked completely done in. Kinda spacey, sunk in on himself and not altogether there.

Fast forward to years later, Bronson's dead and I'm in a whole different life than that one. But yesterday I found out he died of Alzheimer's, something I have very recent experience with watching in another person. Suddenly all the things I observed in the guy years ago make sense, and even though he's been dead for a while, I'm sad about it now because of the new i nformation.

The odd part is I still am not grieving for "Charles Bronson." I'm sad for the lonely old man who came into our casino a few times who was beginning to slowly waste away and we never saw it for what it really was. That guy I grieve for, because I knew him. But he wasn't really ever "Charles Bronson" to me, and I guess he still isn't...


Registered User
First_of_all - must I explain to you that I have a life offline? I will not always be here to respond to you immediately. I had a very nice day yesterday, being with friends and family doing stuff we enjoy.

Second_of_all - having compassion for another human being is a good thing. If you can only see having compassion as a negative, then that is your problem, not mine.

Lastly - necrophilia - ewww.

what is that like? are people nice in person??


Forever Empress E
what is that like? are people nice in person??

Some people are very nice in person. Some people aren't. I am blessed in that most of the people I meet are nice or at least harmless and interesting.


I want to smell dark matter


Forever Empress E
And, Gene isn't black.