Gary Coleman Dies


New Member
You know if you badasses don't let her speak for herself it re-enforces my supposition that she can't really in the first place..

So hey, give it your best we're-protective-of-our-invalids shot.

It's gonna be tough though..

Because she is wrong and I'm pretty sure you won't dump the thread. But if you can and will, go ahead. It will serve to make my point.

Just like you are now.


(oh no! Gagh neg'ed me.. WHATEVER WILL I DO!)

P.S I love you Gagh

I Love Cunt

Watch It
You think we are doing this to protect eloisel? OMG you are so wrong. She doesn't need protection you Overly Inflated Male Ego type. You do now tho. Nice knowin ya. (not really) Good bye.


a treat for missmanners
oh goody....


Forever Empress E
You know if you badasses don't let her speak for herself it re-enforces my supposition that she can't really in the first place..

So hey, give it your best we're-protective-of-our-invalids shot.

It's gonna be tough though..

Because she is wrong and I'm pretty sure you won't dump the thread. But if you can and will, go ahead. It will serve to make my point.

Just like you are now.


(oh no! Gagh neg'ed me.. WHATEVER WILL I DO!)

P.S I love you Gagh

Oh, dear. It is my habit to be kind to retarded people. It is an aspect of my feminine being.

What point were you hoping to make? That you have reading comprehension issues?


New Member
Oh, dear. It is my habit to be kind to retarded people. It is an aspect of my feminine being.

What point were you hoping to make? That you have reading comprehension issues?

Yeah that's rich. Still not following along. Petty insults won't change that.


New Member
And here is the text of that post-

We are talking about _Gary_Coleman_ right?

-I thought the world was spinning a little more smoothly today.

-Did you see that security guard footage. Good fucking riddance I say.

-People die everyday. Gary Coleman didn't contribute in a meaningful way to -the quality of my experience.

-Do you think Gary Colman would shed a tear if Riotgear died today.

-Who gives a shit?

-I mean lets face it, you don't REALLY care do you?

Want to try to explain how any of that says I think you expressed grief over GC's death?

Wow. You really are confused. Maybe you should be calling someone who cares about you for help instead of trying to stuff this square peg into that round hole.

So no?


New Member
You think we are doing this to protect eloisel? OMG you are so wrong. She doesn't need protection you Overly Inflated Male Ego type. You do now tho. Nice knowin ya. (not really) Good bye.

And you.

Yeah it looks like she does and it looks like you are.

Goodbye? Are you going somewhere? Or are just going to never speak to me again?


Forever Empress E
Which do you consider me to be -
the weakest link
the one you have to best
to prove you are more than a foam knight?

I Love Cunt

Watch It
I felt sort of creepy contributing to a celebrity death poll and then being right. But I am still thinking perhaps we could do one here?


a treat for missmanners
All I want is to do my small part. And if that means calling it how I see it and maybe insulting a reg well so be it. Do you want your board any other way?

Not my board pal,I washed up on these shores the same way you did, lost a good few trolls on that damn beach, made headway... lost more then stormed the bunker with silentbtviolent and sggtsniper...

then I realised i was dead all along and gene hunt was like an angel or something....


New Member
Which do you consider me to be -
the weakest link
the one you have to best
to prove you are more than a foam knight?

Here's the thing. You're wrong. It's all right here in this lame thread for anyone to peruse as they see fit.

I pointed it out. You took issue and all your friends came running to your aid.

If I misstepped in a conversation with you the way you have with me, I would simply have excused myself to be decent. You already know I'm not above that.

You're not stupid, so I know you know exactly what I'm trying to say here.
It's to your philosophical discredit that you pretend like you don't.


New Member
Not my board pal,I washed up on these shores the same way you did, lost a good few trolls on that damn beach, made headway... lost more then stormed the bunker with silentbtviolent and sggtsniper...

then I realised i was dead all along and gene hunt was like an angel or something....

Fair enough.

I didn't want to be so presumptuous as to call it 'our' board.