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Oh yeah, that's probably who she is referring to. I think Hannibal killed him because he didn't want anyone else to know that Will has encephalitis. The neurologist seemed on board at first, but then seemed to have some qualms about it, so I'm sure Hannibal was covering his sexy ass.
Or maybe he'd thought about killing him all along and when opportunity struck with Dead Girl, he took it.
ahhhhh - yer right Ladies- my mistake - he was a neurologist - I forgot that they'd gone to med school together & he had made the crack about Hannibal not wanting to get his hands messy or something. HA! Maybe that's why Hannibal offed him! Thank you. Somehow I completely missed the encephalitis thing.
I really want to like this show because there's lots of good things about it, but episode five was pretty tough going. Half of it was about Jack and his wife (which I don't care about) and Will did nothing but crack up and sleep-walk in the killer of the week plot. I don't know how they're going to move his character forward if he gets more and more unstable with every crime he tries to solve.

Still like Mads and Hannibal though and I hope other episodes are better!
^^ I hear that, Wacky. The writers are writing themselves into a corner with the Will story arc - COME ON! - the results of the tests will show up in the neurosurgeon's records (Hannibal did not walk off with them) and the cops will find that because he has been murdered and they will look at everything from his life with a fine toothed comb or the whole plot starts losing credibility and the show gets stupid. Writers of Hannibal, please dont let the show get stupid! Thanks.
Maybe the doctors will discover Will's illness now that he's in the hospital. He will still have the super empathy, but maybe with less insanity? FUCK, I don't even remember if what he has is treatable.
I'm watching the latest one now and had to pause it. Eddie Izzard removing the contents of his psychiatrist's abdomen is a little hard to stomach.
Izzard's look of puzzlement and "what next?" nearly caused my sides to burst. Chilton is one of those characters you love to hate.

As Hannibal states in the second film adaptation "Ah yes Dr. Chillton. Gruesome isn't he? Fumbles at your head like a freshman pulling at a panty girdle."

I've been putting off watching this show, and I just watched all 11 episodes this weekend.

The writing is superb. I fucking love it. They've done a few homages to the movies so far, such as "I'd love to have you and your wife for dinner" (Hannibal), and "your cologne, it's something with a little ship on the bottle, yes?" (Norton's Red Dragon). The fencing mask on the wall of his office was from Hannibal Rising.

Red Dragon is one of my favorite books of all time. They're really nailing the characters here. I'm actually really happy Lecter has a German-like accent.

As for Will's encephalitis, Lecter is like Dr. House with ZERO restraints. He has NO problem using people he considers friends as lab rats for experiments. As for his definition of "friend" he sees them as curiosities of human nature he's not quite able to understand, but knows he's supposed to have and/or want. Will poses a break in the intellectual boredom he faces every day. Everything he does is highly calculated. He does have moments of impulse (calling Garret Jacob Hobbs, snapping Franklin's neck, etc), but they're very few and far between. Mostly a result of unrestrained curiosity or annoyance.

I loved the addition of his "annoying people Rolodex" and how it was a second serial killer who killed the horn player. Though, it strained belief that they'd duke it out in his office and he'd call the cops. Odd, however, because Lecter does possess a pretty good knowledge of martial arts. Why he didn't fuck up the other guy in a heartbeat is strange to me.

I could go on and on, but in short, I like it. As a fan of the books, I approve.


Great episode. I'll wait until I know others have seen it before discussing it.

The Tumblrers are getting a little upset with Hannibal Lector! They've been shipping Will and Hannibal, lol.

I think Hannibal does care for Will in a twisted way, but he's not going to sacrifice himself for him.

Gillian Anderson is fantastic. I KNEW IT, I knew she was hiding something. Hannibal has a hold over her.
I'm sure I'm in the minority but this show is starting to bore me. None of the characters seem to have any personality, they feel more like chess pieces moving between obsessively decorated sets. I don't mind slow shows... I loved The Killing... but between the grisly murder scenes, everyone talks in a very measured and emotionless way. Gillian Anderson could be a freaking robot. Even Will at his most upset seems like he's on Xanax.

Yeah, they're all on benzos and high on pot. Surprisingly, the one who emotes the most is Hannibal. I think it's done that way so that his emotions, or semblance of them, stands out more. Of course, Jillian's look of surprise when Crawford's brought up Lecter's name was the first giveaway she was lying. As for the whole patient attacking her, it was obvious that's how Lecter got his hooks into her in the first place. The instant it was brought up a few episodes ago I knew he had a hand in it.

I disliked the homicidal fantasy where Will impaled Abigail. That's not his MO.

He and Abigail discussing the power they felt when they killed was an interesting scene.

Freddy being helpful and nice to Crawford seemed to be a stretch. In the books, HE is written as something of a slimeball and only does stuff for personal gain. Just telling Crawford outright about Abigail's obvious truth-hiding doesn't work.

I really hope the writers can get their shit together. Otherwise, I see this going down as a better-acted version of Hannibal Rising.
starting to get on my fucking nerves that NO one in the hospital where Will has been admitted has advanced beyond"fever" as a diagnosis for him. Is this the shittiest hospital in the world, with the stupidest doctors?
ANd ALL the bloody hospitals have close-circuit cameras EVERY fucking where these days - and yet no one picks up on Hannibal traipsing around killing at will? PICK UP THE BALL WRITERS!!! fuck! they're going to ruin this wonderful vehicle for Mads, Gillian, et al.
It must be a shitty hospital, because there are no nurses in the ICU where one of those oxygen tanks would be located.

Most hospitals have 24/7 staff on every floor. Not a lot of hospitals I know have cameras anywhere but the elevators and the exists, etc. So, that works. The lack of staffing and witnesses is what bothers me.

One of the first things they check when people pass out is your head. They do CT scans. Swelling of the brain would show up on that. These are the worst doctors ever.
Hrmmm... I think the FBI needs to invest in better handcuffs. This is getting a little ridiculous.