Hi Guys!


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
Been a while, all's well just doing the mom thing. Mr. Grey is almost 6 months old, uber cute, so adorable I want to just eat him up! I'll have BDM post his Christmas picture because it's him on a fluffy rug, in a diaper and a santa hat, seriously, ridiculously ADORABLE!!

It took a long time to get to this point, Grey was almost put up for adoption several times, had he not been so cute the threat might have been real. The Colic is over and done, he doesn't absolutely wail every time he's in his car seat and he's learning cool new stuff every day so he's super fun.

We're considering having another baby, it can't be worse than this one, LOL, but we have a couple of years to think on that.

In the meantime, I just wanted to say hi!


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Good to see you around, LG. Can't wait to see the baby pics!


beer, I want beer
Been a while, all's well just doing the mom thing. Mr. Grey is almost 6 months old, uber cute, so adorable I want to just eat him up! I'll have BDM post his Christmas picture because it's him on a fluffy rug, in a diaper and a santa hat, seriously, ridiculously ADORABLE!!

It took a long time to get to this point, Grey was almost put up for adoption several times, had he not been so cute the threat might have been real. The Colic is over and done, he doesn't absolutely wail every time he's in his car seat and he's learning cool new stuff every day so he's super fun.

We're considering having another baby, it can't be worse than this one, LOL, but we have a couple of years to think on that.

In the meantime, I just wanted to say hi!

We will now pause to consider the possible Karmic implications of L_G having to deal with an inarticulate nonstop hysterical shrieker who cannot be reasoned with...now you know how democrats feel. (Just kidding. Glad the tiny terror is doing well...)


I want to smell dark matter

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
I can't even watch shows about kids being put up for adoption much less actually put my baby up for adoption, don't be silly.

Colic is, without question, the single most horrible thing I've ever been through in all my life. I barely slept for 4 months and my baby was NEVER happy, makes a mom feel like a miserable failure. Not to mention a small bout of post pardem depression and not enough help. It was rough on my mommy heart.

Baby's all shits and spits and giggles and, "DADADADADADADADADADAAAAAA!!!!!!" Now, I LOVE IT!


babies suck :flushes overies:


Boobie inspector
The baby times are the easiest times, once they start walking and talking, thats when it gets tricky.


Elder Statesman
I disagree.

My son's just short of 4, and he is getting more interesting every day. His first year was cute, but every day I like him more at this point because he wants to be a Monster Truck driver (or a Manta Ray) when he grows up, and he tells me all about it.

Maybe this will change when he turns 12...but for now every "stage" has been better than the last.

Congrats LG and Large Richard, enjoy this time, and enjoy the future! The world needs all of the cynical spawn it can get!


Is this real life?
I've been wondering where you are for a while, glad to hear things are going well. :)


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
I'll post a couple of pics of the boys tonight. All the pics are on an external HD connected to LG's laptop!


Is this real life?
I predict he will change his name to "yellow" and seek out a career in musical theatre.

I was expecting you to ask if the pics were in colour or black and white.


I want to smell dark matter


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
I'm with Consumer because Grey is AWESOOOOOOOOOME! Even sick he's more fun than a barrel of monkeys. His smile can melt the coldest heart. And though Scott can put ADHD kids to shame with his energy level he is funny as hell and too smart for his own good. I absolutely adore the shit out of my boys!!

Before BDM posts pictures let me just tell you, Grey is pretty, super pretty, people ALWAYS ask me if he's a girl. The baby nurse in the hospital checked with me to make sure he was a boy, she said, "He's a boy right? He's so pretty I was sure he was a girl." He's just the cutest damn baby in the whole damn world. Oh but he does have a big old bucket head like his daddy. His height and weight are in the 5th percentile but his head size is in the 90th percentile...Going to the doctor at the end of the month just to make sure his noggin STAYS in the 90th percentile. He needed that big head for his huge brain I guess. He's all packed with smarts and what not.