Hi Guys!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Here's a pic from when I was feeding him the other day! :)



I want to smell dark matter
baby bump


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
Dad was feeding him prunes. You can't see his bib but it says, "Cute but messy, just like daddy." SO TRUE. And Consumer, PUHLEASE!! We can agree to disagree but my son is off the charts adorable, he makes other babies feel bad about themselves.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Looks like he was eating some fava beans and a nice chianti... ;)


beer, I want beer
Dad was feeding him prunes. You can't see his bib but it says, "Cute but messy, just like daddy." SO TRUE. And Consumer, PUHLEASE!! We can agree to disagree but my son is off the charts adorable, he makes other babies feel bad about themselves.

You lie. You're teaching him conservative politics by having him rip the throats out of duckies and bunnies, aren't you? You sicko!


beer, I want beer


Elder Statesman
And Consumer, PUHLEASE!! We can agree to disagree but my son is off the charts adorable, he makes other babies feel bad about themselves.

Yours is cute, no doubt, although you need to train the father in the use of a wash-cloth.

MINE, however, has dozens of little girls chasing him, AND their mothers (which kinda scares me at times) and is the un-disputed pack-leader of his pre-school class. Looks, Brains, AND the attitude to use 'em. All under the age of 4.

He's gonna rule the world someday. Tell your son he can apply as a minion now and get "early adopter" bennies when my son comes to Power.

(Dad will be on his island dukedom of Maui, staying quietly out of his Son's way and enjoying the natives)


What did you do to handle the colic? As I'm sure you know colic is known to most adults as a lactose intolerance, something that doesn't just go away. I would be interested to know what changes were made to his diet that relieved the situation.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
What did you do to handle the colic? As I'm sure you know colic is known to most adults as a lactose intolerance, something that doesn't just go away. I would be interested to know what changes were made to his diet that relieved the situation.

Actually, the lactose intolerence theory has been disproven time and again. A lot of doctors will suggest that mom's switch to soy formulas and that will seem to help for a little while but to this day, no one has a definitive answer as to what causes Colic.

Another theory is that it's caused by gas pain so some friends that had dealt with Colic themselves suggested I use Mylicon and that helped, A LOT but he still had to just grow out of it which is the cure. They say Colic subsides by 3 months but Grey was almost 6 months before it was gone. So between the Mylicon and dad taking the night shift, the baby screamed and cried his guts out from about 7:00P to 10:00P sometimes less, sometimes more, I slept through it best I could. The other times he'd cry, like in the car and sometimes out of the blue in the afternoon I'd just comfort him as best I could.

I'm just so glad it's over, for his sake and my sake.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
Yours is cute, no doubt, although you need to train the father in the use of a wash-cloth.

He does, just not until the end but his clothes always look like he was in a food fight.

MINE, however, has dozens of little girls chasing him, AND their mothers (which kinda scares me at times) and is the un-disputed pack-leader of his pre-school class. Looks, Brains, AND the attitude to use 'em. All under the age of 4.

The kids in our family are legendary, I have no doubt Grey will be the same. I've yet to go anywhere with him and not spend a huge amount of time allowing people to absolutely GUSH over him. Makes an ordinary trip to the grocery store with him rather tiring. He's crazy gorgeous sometimes I can't believe he's mine.

He's gonna rule the world someday. Tell your son he can apply as a minion now and get "early adopter" bennies when my son comes to Power.

Nope, no way, I don't raise followers.


Retired Account
babies suck :flushes ovaries:

babies are cool, my lil nephew Vince owns, in the foulest of moods and trust me i get them he can flip me to a smile like a light switch.



Actually, the lactose intolerence theory has been disproven time and again. A lot of doctors will suggest that mom's switch to soy formulas and that will seem to help for a little while but to this day, no one has a definitive answer as to what causes Colic.

Another theory is that it's caused by gas pain so some friends that had dealt with Colic themselves suggested I use Mylicon and that helped, A LOT but he still had to just grow out of it which is the cure. They say Colic subsides by 3 months but Grey was almost 6 months before it was gone. So between the Mylicon and dad taking the night shift, the baby screamed and cried his guts out from about 7:00P to 10:00P sometimes less, sometimes more, I slept through it best I could. The other times he'd cry, like in the car and sometimes out of the blue in the afternoon I'd just comfort him as best I could.

I'm just so glad it's over, for his sake and my sake.

The gas pains caused by lactose intolerance is due to the lack of a digestive enzyme in the stomach (lactase). Soy formulas do not contain lactose (milk sugar) so a lack of lactase (the digestive enzyme I mentioned earlier) in the stomach isn't a factor in the equation that results in the farting and the shitting that accompanies the intense stomach pains. I'm sure you're glad it's over though. Try popping a little lactaid (tm) in his dairy supply, it'll work just as well and it's good for his heart to boot.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
You didn't read the first sentence in the post you quoted, did you?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Right, if it were incorrect then there would be an easy treatment for it.


beer, I want beer
Colic, like most ailments, is treated on the basis of "best guess". There is evidence to support the lactose intolerance and other equally valid evidence to support other causes. Medicine is never so simple as "This works best, everybody stick with this" because there are billions of dollars to be made by inventing "New and better cures" that can be marketed and protected.

When my boy was an infant I used the ancient, time-honored cure-all for whatever sickness he happened to have: three glasses of rum and coke. It did fuck-all for his colic or fever or illness, but it made me worry a lot less about those things...


Right, if it were incorrect then there would be an easy treatment for it.

There is Cassie and it's a digestive enzyme called "lactase". That's what the soy milk is about Cassie, it's not real milk and contains no lactose.