Hi Guys!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Again I say, working "in construction" is different than being a Construction Worker. By the way, what would be wrong with being a construction worker? At least it's an honorable profession, with a steady paycheck, you pay taxes and contribute to society. But your kind would rather live in squalor on welfare than take any job, so it's pointless to discuss.


"Your kind"? That was sharp for a dullard. Why must your resort to the same shit over and over. You must be stupid. Yes, stupid I think.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
By "your kind", I meant lazy fucks who job the system. Your interpretation of my comments is highly enllightening, it shows you have the mind of a racist!

There are just as many lazy, dole-mongering mexicans and whiteys as there are blacks. Especially in Cali.


My response to the "your kind" comment didn't so much as imply racial context.

There is no crumb to small is there McGee.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
I'll ask BDM to post more pictures Cassie, he's just getting cuter and cuter. I'm downright adorable and I feel like I'm not pretty enough to be his mom.

Daystrom, I couldn't care less if you believe blacks own Colic, you're not a doctor so you'll excuse me if I trust my son's pediatrician who is, ya know, A DOCTOR. Other than that, in the history of my family AND my husband's family no one has ever been lactose intolerant. Were my baby lactose intolerant he'd still be lactose intolerant and he is not.


He is Laker Girl, thats what the soy milk etc. is about. Your posts to this thread didn't contradict that.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
He is Laker Girl, thats what the soy milk etc. is about. Your posts to this thread didn't contradict that.

Then why did the colic magically stop when he was 4 months old, JUST LIKE THE DOCTORS SAID IT WOULD?? If you're lactose intolerant at birth, you're lactose intolerant for the rest of your life.


It didn't just "magically stop" fool, or do you not read your own wife's posts. Hm?


Here's my grand nephew. He might not possess supernatural cuteness, but I think he's cuddly just the same. :)


L_G, it just gets better and better! When Grey starts walking, then talking, then actually bona fide playing with his toys, you are in for a lot of fun times! :D


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
It didn't just "magically stop" fool, or do you not read your own wife's posts. Hm?

My son is not now nor has he ever been lactose intolerant. He had breast milk and then formula, regular Enfamil Lipil with iron formula, not soy. I said SOME doctors suggest switching to a soy based formula not MY son's doctor suggested he switch formula. I had no idea what the hell was wrong with him, I just thought sometimes babies cry and then at his one month check up I asked his doctor if crying for three hours every night was normal and he said no, that's Colic, he'll grow out of it by roughly 3 months. I later read that it CAN take longer and it did, it took more llike 4 1/2 months but by 3 months it was significantly better. By 5 months it really did kind of magically stop, it was great. Oh and he still drinks formula, good old, run of the mill formula and he's a frippin' angel now.