I am a TV addict


Pinata Whacker
I loved paper dolls, I don't know why.
That should be a show too, or is it?

What are the best comedy shows on right now?

Do people mostly watch sit-coms? Drama? Crime? I prefer comedy.

I watch Sitcoms, scifi/fantasy and cooking reality shows mostly.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Did you watch Boston Legal back when it was on? That was a great comedy, it was also a great drama AT THE SAME TIME. There will never be another show like that one.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
It also had THE SHAT!


I want to smell dark matter


Forever Empress E
What happened to Glee?


Forever Empress E
Don't think I've watched it all year. Thought I should check in as I really enjoyed it before but haven't had much time for it this year. Just watched the Duets episode. Not awful but it doesn't have the same awesomeness.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I stopped watching Glee sometime in the second season, I think. Sausageman still watches it, though.


beer, I want beer
Cooking shows... I used to watch the ones on PBS on Saturday until they made everything digital and you couldn't pick up the channel without cable. Some crazy Texas guy made the most beautiful barbecue I've ever seen and that cute little Norwegian guy would cook Scandinavian meals outside with the fjords in the background. God I miss PBS.

If you had picked up the digital converter box they were giving away, it converted your tv to digital and gave you three distinct PBS stations, one of which was pretty much all cooking and home shows.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I still watch Glee, but sometimes I forget to catch it since they moved it from Tuesdays to Thursdays.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Science Channel has had a Fringe marathon for the last couple days, I am hooked.


My Stars!
I like Fringe: quirky and weird. I was going to catch the marathon they had planned for Friday -- but I forgot. . .lame excuse.


Forever Empress E
They don't have a singer to equal Rachel is what is wrong with Glee.
Yes, the lunch lady's daughter can sing but she is no Rachel.

I love my Rokus. With Netflix, HuluPlus, and buying just the Walking Dead 3 episodes from Amazon, I have all the TV and movies I can watch and then some. Plus, they are there when I want to watch them. Woo Hoo!

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
I found yet another TV show I like. Elementary with Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu as a modern day Sherlock in NYC is actually quite good. I had heard comparisons between this and the Brit version with Benedict Cumberbatch and they weren't favorable. Frankly, I think Sherlock is overrated and Cumberbatch has adoring fanboys/girls that will defend him to the death when they think there's some kind of rivalry involved. Fuckheads. Grrr


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I think Dr Dave watches Elementary. I keep forgetting to watch it :rwmad: