I am a TV addict


Let's fuck some shit up
My schedule doesn't allow me to catch stuff while it's airing, so I DVR or just download it. Mostly download, because I hate the dumbass DVR that Comcast gave me, and I'm too broke to go buy a quality one.

Anyway, here's what I have stored on my hdd.



Let's fuck some shit up
I should say that the folder entitled "The Star Trek Collection" is every episode of every season of every series they ever made, plus the movies. That means TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, and 11 movies. It's something like 28gb-worth of Trek.

Yes, I've watched them all at least twice... in sequence.


Let's fuck some shit up
That really isn't a full representation of all the shows I am watching or have watched. I am constantly watching older shows while catching up to and following new ones.


Let's fuck some shit up
It's a decent show. The female Watson thing is fine really. It works for the show.

I'm too jaded with Brett and Cumberbatch having owned the role so very well. Even Laurie's House adaptation was fantastic. RDJ was alright, but too... RDJ. I don't think I could stomach watching another re-hash of the Holmes tales with an American spin. I think I might get angry.


My Stars!
...but WHY!?

The misnomer/misquote title annoys me before I even start. Then there's some chick playing Watson? Fuck that shit. I'll stick to Cumberbatch and Brett.

I'll stick with Sir Authur Conan Doyle's "The Complete Sherlock Holmes" collection. I'd rather read it than watch it.


Let's fuck some shit up
Hell, even his opening line in the first episode... they don't shy away from the cocaine use at all. In my mind, that puts it heads and shoulders above ALL other Holmes adaptations.


My Stars!
Out of all of the Holmes, Brett was the best. Until he went nuts again in real life and chopped off all his hair and became a furry, frenzied little squirrel.


Let's fuck some shit up
I think it was Brett's manias that allowed him to understand how to play Holmes properly.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
How big a hard drive do you have to have in order to corral all that media?
Currently I use up almost 4TB for tv shows, about 1-1.5TB for movies, and about 250GB for music. This is spread over a few different HDDs, some are 3TB capacity and some are 2TB.

I also have a 1TB HDD with my current fave TV/movies hooked up to a mini-media player (w/remote), hooked up to my TV. I like this, because I no longer have to run a 15-ft. HDMI cable from my laptop clear across the room to the TV.


Let's fuck some shit up
^I stream it all wirelessly through my XBOX. Problem is, XBOX doesn't recognize .mp4 format and I have to watch everything in .avi. Which sucks when you have a nice enough TV to enjoy the .mp4's.