Joseph Gordon-Levitt is working his way through Wacky's top 100

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
He did what any smart actor would do: he wrote and directed a movie for himself where he gets to bed a lot of A-List babes.


Be patient till the last.
I saw a really gorgeous pic of him yesterday on fb and thought of Eggs and I meant to post it but then I started putting a sink in my bathroom and didnt. But now I have a shiny new sink and new taps and can focus on what's important and I will track down that pic for tomorrow.


I want to smell dark matter
The evils of Facebook.


I want to smell dark matter
Wouldn't Franco be gay in the movie and say "I'M GAY...OR AM I!?" in interviews even though no one cares?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Franco will probably suck a cock on Jimmy Kimmel someday soon and then still say "I WISH I WAS GAY BUT I'M NOT".

JGL is playing the coy Franco "I'm not saying" card too:

Joseph Gordon-Levitt Talks Gay Rumors, 'Don Jon' In Out Magazine

He's probably had creepy pedo's stalking him since 3rd Rock, so I don't blame him.


I want to smell dark matter
I like ScarJo.


I want to smell dark matter


Can I have Ops?
I saw him in 50/50 last night and I actually enjoyed it.

It was a simple film, aimed at a broad audience but not an easy subject to discuss. I was just impressed by the acting of the entire cast. It was an hour and a half long, with a clear story line, interesting characters and didn't spill over into schmalz too much.

JGL: Clearly can act, but also sparse with his acting. I liked him a lot and will look for other films he is in now.
Seth Rogen - what a surprise! I thought I would hate him as the "comedy turn" within a cancer drama, but he played it very well.
Anna Kendrick - again, a complete surprise. Playing awkward and "unattractive" very well and despite me having some reservations about the character, very believable.

JGL is firmly in the "interesting actors" part of my brain for now.


I want to smell dark matter
I posted a review of that somewhere, sometime! It was when I started liking Anna Kendrick.


I want to smell dark matter
Chloe Grace Moretz


Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts

Woof. Is that a Jon Hamm in your pocket, or are you just happy to be hung here?

Love Child

One Love
What the?
Jesus Christ.
He is a lucky fucker
But then, what is the deal with all of these pics-something about the look on every girl's face
then this last pic


I want to smell dark matter
It's his cock.


I want to smell dark matter
Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Eva Green.



I want to smell dark matter
She has eyes for everyone (in that she has really good eyes.)