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Laker_Girl leaves ShatteredCorpse

Friday said:
I personally find the gangsta culture and mindset extremely offensive, especially as a woman.

And don't get me started about all those Afro-Americans I've personally witnessed wearing loads of bling, carrying cellphones, and paying for their groceries using a foodstamp card.

Respect people, have your priorities straight, and you're okay with me, no matter the taint of your skin.

How's that go? "Judge not, lest ye be judged"? None of us here has ever wasted money on stupid shit, so it gives us every right to examine the spending habits of our neighbors. Glomming on the ample free-money tit of the Government is an American tradition not reserved for the poor or ethnic in our country, they're just not as good at it if they settle for food stamps. No-Bid contracts, anyone? Fake work-related injury? frivolous lawsuits? Defrauded 401k accounts? Golden Parachutes, civil servant Limo service for the wife, haircuts on the Tarmac while traffic waits? Taking office supplies from work? It is, as they say, in the eye of the beholder what is right and what is wrong.

I would suggest that having one's priorities straight is an admirable goal, one that few of us ever actually attain in a single lifetime. Certainly, inspecting the grocery carts and clothing accessories of one's neighbors should fall fairly low on that priority list, and yet here we are discussing that very thing as if it were a personal affront to our own lives.

I respectfully submit that living a correct and peaceful life has a lot to do with raking the leaves in our own yards before looking at the neighbor's lawn.

Finally, skin color whether light or dark is tinted, not tainted. Although some may beg to differ in that regard.
jack said:
I think black pussy is fantastic. I ain't race prejudice.

Pussy is pink. And there is no such thing as bad pussy. It's like fruit. If it ain't organically grown, you may need to wash it before eating it.

Safety first, I always say.
Donovan said:
I respectfully submit that living a correct and peaceful life has a lot to do with raking the leaves in our own yards before looking at the neighbor's lawn.

Certainly; but it takes some serious spine deficiency to look up from your own yard work, see that your neighbor's yard is full of million-dollar statuary shrouded in weeds and crabgrass, and not mutter, "What the fuck?!"

Encapsulated: If you're tending to your shit, you have a perfectly suitable justification for being less than impressed with less than impressive neighbors.
Donovan, there's a difference between wasting money on stupid shit that I have worked hard to earn, and wasting money on stupid shit acquired from the government in the pretense that I am in need.

I'm more than willing to supplement programs designed to give someone a helping hand when they're down. But when those people turn around and purchase luxury items, damn straight I'm going to get pissed.

You're hungry? Take my food. You need shelter? I will help you find it. You want a gold chain? Not on my fucking dime.
The Question said:
Certainly; but it takes some serious spine deficiency to look up from your own yard work, see that your neighbor's yard is full of million-dollar statuary shrouded in weeds and crabgrass, and not mutter, "What the fuck?!"

Encapsulated: If you're tending to your shit, you have a perfectly suitable justification for being less than impressed with less than impressive neighbors.

So because you are working hard to stay afloat, it's okay to spend your time complaining about the guy or girl you see not working nearly as hard? Get used to it, it happens all the time. There are billions of people right now who are working less hard than you.

By the same token, there are billions right now who would define you as a slacking son-of-a-bitch who wouldn't know hard work if it put your back in a permanent stoop.

Everything is relative, and unless you care to open yourself up for the same public scrutiny as that you want to give to the next guy (I don't) then I have to disagree with your claim that you have the right to judge him based on the fact that you pay taxes. I can almost guarantee that your meager portion of the Federal tax allotment didn't go to that guy, and even if it did that money wasn't yours to begin with. It's the Government's money, and they can spend it however they choose, whether it's to give it to foreign Governments whose politics you don't like of give it to some single mother who needs a block of shitty tasting cheese food for her kids.

If you think tax money is still somehow yours to dictate, trot on down to your local IRS and submit a budget. After they stop laughing at you, they'll explain what I just did: it isn't YOUR tax dollars, it's the US Government's money. That's why they call it taxes.
Donovan, I think for his circumstances, TQ is doing well for himself.

Shitty tasting cheese is one thing. But when someone on the public dole uses those funds to purchase items I couldn't afford, even with a full time job, I'm going to become resentful.

Why bother then? Why bother working when it's just easier to sit back, collect a check every month, turn on my big screen TV, watch ESPN, and surf the net on my high end laptop? Farfetched, you say? Tell that to the guy that was living in Trump Tower in NYC, by committing fraud and collecting thousands of dollars of welfare checks every month.

Living in Trump Tower. Using funds allocated for people who cannot provide for themselves. It's this mentality I'm rallying against.
Donovan said:
So because you are working hard to stay afloat, it's okay to spend your time complaining about the guy or girl you see not working nearly as hard?

In a word: Yes.

Get used to it, it happens all the time. There are billions of people right now who are working less hard than you.

And the mere fact that it's a trend doesn't exempt it from judgement as a negative trend.

By the same token, there are billions right now who would define you as a slacking son-of-a-bitch who wouldn't know hard work if it put your back in a permanent stoop.

And I say let 'em judge, by God. It's not the kind of work I'm judging on the part of the welfare recipient with bling, or the subsidized-housing resident with a Porsche in the taxpayer-funded driveway -- it's the dishonesty I'm judging.

It's the Government's money, and they can spend it however they choose, whether it's to give it to foreign Governments whose politics you don't like of give it to some single mother who needs a block of shitty tasting cheese food for her kids.

No, it's not -- it's the taxpayer's money, unless or until the government stops using the law to force taxpayers to give that money up.

If you think tax money is still somehow yours to dictate, trot on down to your local IRS and submit a budget. After they stop laughing at you, they'll explain what I just did: it isn't YOUR tax dollars, it's the US Government's money. That's why they call it taxes.

Sorry, I just can't agree with this -- when the U.S. government does something to come by its money other than taking it from the citizenry, then it's the government's money. And don't forget this: the U.S. government is the taxpayer's employee (or at least ostensibly so) not the taxpayer's overlord.
It's the Government's money, and they can spend it however they choose, whether it's to give it to foreign Governments whose politics you don't like of give it to some single mother who needs a block of shitty tasting cheese food for her kids.
This has to be a troll.
A nigger will always be a nigger, no matter what you try to label them. I grew up in Southwest Philly, a/k/a niggerville USA. There have been 365 (366? 367? There's a new one ever day, I lose count) murders in the city of Philadelphia since January 1, 2006. Fully 95% of them were niggers killing niggers, or niggers killing innocent white folks.

Dumb niggers, I wish they would just kill themselves off already!
Donovan said:
Laker Girl left that board a while ago, right after the elections in fact. She had gone online to do a Republican rant, but then lapsed into a tirade about Democrats being responsible for the "niggafication" of America or some such nonsense. Kinda like Michael Richards did onstage. She was "niggering" and bitching about having to be polite to black people, and then there was some weird shit about Cosby Show and Different World in there too.

A few people including me thought she must be joking or insane, and asked her which. She got mad and stormed off. What is it with these West Coasters, anyway? Something in the water?

Well, for one, I wasn't mad and I did not storm off. I know when my presence on a board is just doing to degenerate into left wing bullying and typical name calling so I left, it was as simple as that.

As for my opinion, perhaps you didn't agree with it but it was certainly coherent. I'm sorry you couldn't understand it but blame your education, not me.

I'm not sure why my leaving has even become a topic of conversation, ask anyone from that board if they really care, I guarantee you, they don't. :bigass:
Sarek said:
2 years ago she was extolling the virtues of black cock. Kobe Bryant in particular made her weak kneed and sloppy wet. What's really funny is that the very administration that she hates so much and blames for the "niggafication" of America is the same one that did more through it's "political correctness" mantra to make it socially acceptable for a white chick to spread her legs for the black mamba than any other administration in the last 100 years.

Please, do find in any post where I "Extoll the virtues of black cock"...I find Kobe Bryant attractive, end of story.

And um, no administrtion furthered the cause of black man and white women being able to be together in any form, that assertion is perhaps, and I can't say for sure, the absolute fucking dumbest thing you have ever said.

Goddamn, aren't you the pot calling the kettle black.
Gagh said:
She's a racist. If she ever wonders 'what went wrong' that is it. I have no time for racists - especially those who believe they can justify why they are that way, and rant endlessly about why.

See, the funny thing here is, you assume to know me. The second funniest thing here is that I am the same today as I was the day I joined TK and you just loooooved me back then. You're young, perhaps you've changed and just can not tolerate even those who project a personna of racist and that's fine but you do realize what a total jack ass you look like for assuming you know even one thing about me. May I remind you of the many kind words of encouragement I've had for you and much understanding? No, no you choose to know me in the worst way. Do I care, kind of, because I truly liked you but now I see you've become opionated and close minded and I don't think I want to know you any more than you do me. Sorry old pal.

This is a racist board, but most people are so for shock value. When you get a real one come along, they stick out like a sore thumb.

I hate explaining myself because I think it's ridiculous but since I liked you at one time and want to put your mind at ease. Darling, I am not the "real thing", I do do it for shock value and damn it if it doesn't work every time...As in your case. I give everyone an equal shot and unlike many stereo-typical whites you've seen portrayed, I've never moved to the other side of the street to avoid a person of color. I lived in the absolute ghetto of my city for a while and walked tall and proud and was never bothered once, if anything more white crack heads irritated me than anyone of color. Also, one of my very best friends all through junior high and high school was a black man. I'm not trying to score brownie points with "my one black friend" but if I were a real life racist, he and I would have never made eye contact and I love that guy to this day.

Get a grip Gagh.
Donovan said:
...and even if it did that money wasn't yours to begin with. It's the Government's money, and they can spend it however they choose, whether it's to give it to foreign Governments whose politics you don't like of give it to some single mother who needs a block of shitty tasting cheese food for her kids.

I will go back and finish reading the rest of your post but I had to stop right here and exclaim, "Are you on crack?!?!?!" I mean seriously? My money is MY MONEY and I have absolutely no idea where you get the impression that it's not. I earn it and I should get to keep as much of it as humanly possible. My God, I am blown away by this statement, you are, in my strict opinion, the best Democrat EVER.

Oh and, I happen to agree with Sarek and Friday and it's ridiculous that any of you would assume I'm any more racist than either of them. Logic tells me that you'll accept what they have to say and never think they are racist because by and large they agree with you politically. But because I vote Republican I am truly racist (oh how ignorant) but then I would ask you to question exactly how open minded you really are.