LOL Reject Haven Hacked

Obnoxious Bitch

New Member
just keep posting at Troll Kingdom, OB, we're giving you all the rope you need....

I'm not Flaglerchat but I don't really care for this crap site either. The pickle thing is the stupidest shit I have ever seen let alone caring about rep.


you RH tards are green with envy, that's all. TK is a thousand times the board RH is, has ever been, or will ever be.


RIP 1970~2018
While this is all so very interesting, what exactly does it have to do with the price of weed in China?


beer, I want beer
There are, in my yard, about eight million shits I didn't give about RH or anything related to it. They fell from the sky. It was awesome.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
am I good, or what. Even Suzanne Vega thinks I'm good.


moral imperfection
For everyone's information: the next person using the alleged full RL name of flaglerchat on this board is going to be banned.



beer, I want beer
Yeah I really should get somebody out there to clean that up, but then I'd only read something stupid about Reject Haven and it'd start all over again.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I love it when Ily says "pumps".

Equal Hater

Rope ready. Wanna hang out?
For everyone's information: the next person using the alleged full RL name of flaglerchat on this board is going to be banned.


Say wat???!!!

So you can actually get banned for posting the "alleged" name of someone that is not even a member of this forum?

Does that rule apply to every possible real name of any other message board / forum member of the internets, or is it only reserved for the one giving massive permanent butthurts to TK staff and members?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
^ I don't think so. I'd love for the fat Cuban to x himself out like his little bitch bud did a couple days ago.

Go for it chubbsy. I DARE you to speak his name here.

Otherwise fuck off, you're completely pwntttttttttttt as usual.

Oh and merry christmas, little buttbuddy.


beer, I want beer
I say anything that launches a Haventard into frothy ranting is not only legal but should be applauded. Bravissima, Bella!