

Touching the monolith
Staff member
He should live with the sexy Australian and do Veronica in the supply closet now and then.


Touching the monolith
Staff member

Ended weirdly.. I bet something happens to dead wife guy while he's out there hopped up on booze and pillzlol.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Wheeeee Mercy Mercy Mercy.

I liked this episode. I liked Dawson as cool Doctor because he was a cool Doctor. I liked Chloe calling Veronica out on her bullshit and being right about it all (Chloe is awesome). Also I thought of Cassie when Chloe said she wanted to watch Project Runway because that's a show that Cassie talks about.

ANOTHER good hat for Michelle this week. That's three in a row. That's a hat hattrick.

ALSO Chloe looked really nice when she took out Mr. Dead Wife and frankly I don't blame him for kissing her because really who wouldn't.




Touching the monolith
Staff member
Do you think something bad will happen to that guy? It just seemed kinda ominous when she sent him outside to wait for a cab.. I bet they find him dead in a ditch somewhere and then Chloe will feel bad.


I want to smell dark matter
I liked the bit when the guy kept trying to kiss her. It was realistic.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
They should hire you to be her hat person.


I want to smell dark matter
I wonder what the inside of that hat smells like (good, probably.)


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Or rainbow sherbert.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee

Lots of Chloe action this week and we got to see her blow a bubble AND take out a bowling pin from a man's ass (she should have her own show) AND jump on a guy's back AND give up the flowers (I'll miss the flowers) AND get all drunk and adorable (and a bit slutty but the nice Bearded Doctor made sure she was okay). SHE'S SO NICE.

I want to hate Dr. Dawnson, I really do. He was even mean to Chloe and no one should be mean to Chloe. BUT he's pretty much standing around being awesomely sarcastic all episode which is great.

I could make like ten hundred .gifs but my connection is totally dead so I can't upload anythinggggg......


Touching the monolith
Staff member
It was a good episode! Too bad we have to wait til after the Olympics to find out what happens to Veronica. ALSO, I hope Chloe gets to be in the ER more often! SHE IS FEISTY!


I want to smell dark matter
YES she is a very good comedy actor, AND I'M SURE SHE'D BE GOOD WITH MORE SERIOUS STUFF IF THEY GAVE HER A CHANCE. Her hair is nice. Her eyes too. Her nose looked nice when she was wearing the goggles. I like her.


I want to smell dark matter
I'd marry her.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Yay! Yay! Mercy's back!

Alright episode this week I guess. Michelle did some nice things and was almost vomiting (BUT STILL HOT???) and she helped that shy girl meet that guy which was nice of her.

Everyone should be crazy and spend every episode talking to someone in their head. Chloe should talk to Natalie Portman.

OH ALSO I liked it when that crazy Jesus guy was all "HEY I@M GOING TO KILL MYSELF THIS IS A SERIOUS MOMENT" and Dr. Dawson comes in and is all "Whaaaat the fuck?" and takes the gun and walks out. That was cool.

OH ALSO ALSO I liked Bearded Doctor's wacky side-plot with the girl with the horny brain. He should have a wacky side-plot every episode.

I miss Chloe's flowers...



I love you
I saw in this weeks episode a full waiting room and a lady said to Michelle, the patients name, "last name Kerr. K-e-e-r. First name Wayne"


I want to smell dark matter
Yes, I enjoy watching this because Michelle Trachtenberg's in it and the other scenes aren't that bad either. I like Dawson and Bearded Doctor always gives good comedic acting. I kind of miss Michelle's cute scrubs though.