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MERLIN season two

That was actually a pretty good episode despite the actually criminal lack of Morgana.

I mean it was nice that it didn't fall into the usual "Sometihng MAGIC is acttacking Camalot but Uther says "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!" and Merlin meets the dragon who is an asshole but tells him how to win". Formula.

And next week will have a lot of Morgana it seems which will be nice as she is nice.
Yeah, that was a really impressive episode, by Merlin standards anyway. They actually broke from their formula for once AND gave the characters some much needed and well written development. The only thing I didn't like was "the evil black guy coming to attack the nice white people" thing, but I'm probably just being too PC or something.
Well Arthur was getting off with the nice black girl (who suddenly has tits), so that makes it okay.

Yeah, it was better than last week's. The writing was stronger and Arthur did seem to learn and develop a bit as a character. And I liked the cheesey "Merlin has leeches stuck to him!" ending.

Next week's looks really good.
It seemed from the trailer that next week has Colin Salmon in it, continuing the scary black man tradition (or he could be a really nice posh druid that uses sorcery to rescue cats from trees).
I think one of them did something evil and Gwen's dad got the blame (HE WAS BLACK TOO HMM) so Uther killed him or maybe I'm confusing two episodes.
nah i hate it

may as well be called "Merlin and Arthur: The teenage years"

this is what i dispise about the BBC at times, they take a great concept, make it PC friendly, 'yoof' friendly , sprinkle some ropey special effects , for example take richard wilson, A fine actor who is nothing more then a shuffling mess that lookslike he has had a stroke.

Guinaviere. gwen whatever her fucking name is, a black serving girl??? what is this an apology from the bbc that black people can be a princess too???? tony head is watchable, but you can tell he could play otha (?) with more menace, if the beeb let him.

it should go the same way as robin hood , and tbh I think it will
I was tempted to write "best episode ever" because there was so much Morgana this week, and she looked gorgeous (though she isn't showing her breasts as much this season...whereas Gwen has become Chesty McGee) but it wasn't quite perfect. I wish we'd seen more of the druids and how they live. Colin Salmon's character basically just said "magic isn't evil!" then died, which seemed like a waste of a good actor. Mordred didn't really do much either, though the boy playing him is suitably creepy looking. And there wasn't really any hint of Morgana heading to the dark side (though I guess it was selfish of her to want to stay with the druids even though Uther was going to kill everyone.)

ON THE OTHER HAND it was a strong episode by Merlin standards with good acting all round and nice character stuff. Like the interaction between Merlin and Morgana and their new friendship based on a shared secret which will probably end in tragedy. I'm glad they didn't end up kissing at the end either, if they do want to go that route they should develop it longer. The brief moment between Arthur and Gwen was quite good and subtle too (for Merlin.) And the bit where Arthur said "where's my flowers?" to Merlin was an amusing bit for the perverted shippers.
I didn't think it was a good episode at all. Just seemed really messy and pointless. And Morgana's a total bitch for letting Uther carry on hunting the Druids at the end of the episode when she could've just gone up to Arthur right away and made up some excuse to explain that they hadn't really abducted her. Instead, Colin Salmon's dead (like you say, without any development) and the boy nearly died too. It was well acted, though.
Still, they're supposed to be heroes, not multi-faceted human beings who exhibit cowardice as well as courage. This isn't BSG!
They should turn Arthur into a Baltar-like character and have him sleep with all the hot girls (Morgana.)
Had to endure it tonight cos the missus wants to arthur droll..

New character whos always bad (again)

a moral dilemma (again)

arthur is a dick but underneath he is nice ahhh (again)

put in obvious twist (lancelot)

magic dilemma ( again)

blah blah

I hate this shit....

this show is about as epic as a bounty bar.

sam neils 1998 version spunks in merlins dish ears....
I like Bounty Bars.

This wasn't a great episode, though. The bad guy complimenting Gwen on her beauty was amusing considering the things people say about her. The writers made her look like a bit of a slag in this ep as well. Make up your mind, woman. Which bloke do you love this week?

Nice to see Mr Isaac back again, though. He's a good actor.