MERLIN season two


a treat for missmanners




I want to smell dark matter
You could have pretended you needed a 45 minute shit (but then she might have made you go to the doctor.)

The Merlin/Arthur interaction was pretty good as usual and I liked the "evil" kingdom seemingly entirely populated by Scottish people (wait, were they just in Scotland?)

There was too many fucking "Gwen hugging someone and looking over her shoulder at someone else" bits. I chose to believe the bearded guy was being sarcastic about her beauty, because he seemed like the type who would.

Morgana was a bit annoying when she was shouting at Arthur...maybe her tits have always distracted from her acting.


I want to smell dark matter
I liked that she was a better sword-fighter than the King's knights.


I want to smell dark matter
Right, I let the Merlin writers have a LOT of slack, TOO MUCH SOME WOULD SAY, but even I'm pissed at them tonight. Just the usual lazy, formulaic writing...and it's a two-parter! No twists, no subplots, nothing exceptionally clever to justify stretching this story out for another week.

The troll was fairly amusing and I liked the bit where Arthur thought Merlin had been wanking in his room. BUT all the usual SHIT was there and it annoyed me more this week: Uther not believing Gaius even though Gaius is NEVER WRONG, Arthur not believing Merlin even though Merlin is NEVER WRONG...and hardly any Morgana (though she was in it more than Gwen for once.)


The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Yeah there wasn't even a comedy sub plot about Gwen needing to find Morgana a spoon and the only spoons were held in Arther's room because he really likes spoons so Gwen has to go into Arther's room and Arthur takes it the wrong way but Gwen just says "I JUST WANT YOUR SPOONS!!!".


Is this real life?
Yup. No spoon action. Nothing. Very disappointing.


a treat for missmanners
Right, I let the Merlin writers have a LOT of slack, TOO MUCH SOME WOULD SAY, but even I'm pissed at them tonight. Just the usual lazy, formulaic writing...and it's a two-parter! No twists, no subplots, nothing exceptionally clever to justify stretching this story out for another week.

The troll was fairly amusing and I liked the bit where Arthur thought Merlin had been wanking in his room. BUT all the usual SHIT was there and it annoyed me more this week: Uther not believing Gaius even though Gaius is NEVER WRONG, Arthur not believing Merlin even though Merlin is NEVER WRONG...and hardly any Morgana (though she was in it more than Gwen for once.)


I warned you, same old shit

new characters , always evil out to get one of the five or so central characters

arthur has some light comedic moments with merlin , usual he's an idiot, whilst merlin is skulking around to find the truth

its shit

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
To be fair, though, I'd say this is the only episode of Series 2 so far that had gone back to the lazy storytelling that a lot of Series 1 episodes had.


Is this real life?
Except for the first episode, where a mysterious stranger turned up, instantly became Arthur's servant and turned out to be DUN DUN DUN a sorcerer.


I want to smell dark matter
It's still worth watching for the wank jokes!


I want to smell dark matter
Tonight's was better due to all the slightly risky adult humour (why was Arthur so worried about Merlin being under his bed? THe WANKING?) Anthony Head was really good at the comedy with that big goofy grin on his face. And the nearly hug at the end seemed to be another "bone" thrown to the Merlin/Arthur romance saddos.



The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Yeah seriously they could've had these two episodes be one episode with Tony Head grinning like he's awesome (he is awesome) and had an extra episode about Morgana's breasts or something.


Is this real life?
It was an okay conclusion, probably better than the first part anyway. I LOLed when Gaius said "poison" and quickly corrected himself to say "potion". The bit when he was asking if it'd passed Uther's notice that his wife had fangs "oh, you're right. They are more like tusks" was also pretty amusing. Basically, I just liked the bits with Richard Wilson.


I want to smell dark matter
Next week's look like a remake of Blackadder's "Witch Smeller" episode.


Is this real life?
If any episodes so far deserved to be a two-parter, it was this witchfinder one. It was pretty well acted (especially Richard Wilson's left eye) and well written and although it relied on yet another visitor to the castle having too much faith put in him by Uther, it still steered away from the usual formula.

I liked that it started off with Merlin doing some pointless magic, as episodes tend to, which then turned out to be a central issue in the plot.

The eyedrops thing was a bit daft. No one's going to put shit in their eyes to make them look nicer, let alone in times before the discovery of cleaning.

Charles Dance was brilliant.

Emotional smackdown by Gaius at the end rocked. And he actually addressed some of the shows clichés, in a way. Of course, that was immediately followed by the cliché shared laughter scene to end the episode.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Yeah I liked the episode, but I think it would've been more interesting if the Witchfinder had found out about Merlin because he actually does use magic and not just because "he's evil and he set it all up mwua ha ha ha".

That way the Witchfinder would've actually been good at his job, and it would've been interesting to see Merlin have to get out of it when the Witchfinder was just doing his job.


I want to smell dark matter
I liked when the Witchfinder first appear and said "can you smell that?" because I took it as a reference to the Witchsmeller from Blackadder.

ALSO LIKED the Dragon not being able to solve Merlin's problem for him for once and Gaius standing up to Uther at the end.

DID NOT LIKE Morgana being so weak again. THEY'RE RUINING MORGANA.


I want to smell dark matter
Tonight's was really good, best of the season so far. Okay so it ended with a typical Merlin reset button, but the scene between Arthur and Uther was really well done and well acted. Glad they kept the "villain" (IF SHE WAS THAT BAD, SHADES OF GREY?) alive for once too. Morgana is really good looking.