MERLIN season two


I want to smell dark matter
Tonight's was alright, despite being the twenty seventh love potion episode they've done. I liked Kevin Eldon as the jester and the hammy evil king (and the weird bit where he talked about being attracted to Arthur.) The Merlin/Arthur interection was good as always and I liked the bit with Merlin shouting at the Dragon when it was taking too long to answer his questions like always. And Georgia Moffett is lovely. I did feel bad for Lady Georgia (can't remember the character's name, OKAY) at the end as her father decided to lock her up in her room FOREVER and she was still under the love spell and in love with Arthur...and she hadn't even done anything wrong! She probably killed herself a few weeks later.


Is this real life?
There were moments when I just wanted to switch it off (mostly when Arthur was talking about his feelings), but I must admit it was mostly good by Merlin standards. Like we saw a few weeks back, it seems Arthur's (James.. something?) quite a good actor when he gets something to do. Loved the bit when he held Gaius's face.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
I'd've been happier if they just let Arthur and Georgia Moffet marry each other because they have have much more on-screen chemistry than Arthur and Gwen.


Retired Account
thats wat u get for watchin merlin.


I want to smell dark matter
Richard Wilson has a good comedy face.


I want to smell dark matter
Tonigh'ts was really good and Morgana is fit as fuck. Like, really really attractive. Her acting was pretty good too. I suppose I could claim she's still a bit too one-dimensional in her "IF I'M AGAINST UTHER I SUDDENLY DON'T CARE IF LOTS OF INNOCENTS DIE, ALL MAGIC IS GOOD LOL" stuff. There should be a scene between her and Merlin discussing it. That's what it's missing, in fact.

But still good and the dragon stuff should be great.


I want to smell dark matter
She's fit as fuck.


Is this real life?
Agreed on the Morgana front. Was a good episode, although I'm getting really sick of Arthur being a total cock one week, then nice and sensitive the next. It's only a matter of time until he hits Merlin with a spoon Basil Fawlty style.


Is this real life?
Yeah, but he learnt not to be mean to people about four episodes ago and seems to have forgotten all about it again.


Retired Account
merlin is as gay as the day is long, the only gayer gay on tv is dexter.


I want to smell dark matter
Dexter's gay in a good way!


Retired Account
what way would that be then wacky ? ? ?


I want to smell dark matter
Klling people way.


Retired Account
but still hes well camp and shit at acting hes such a cheese ball i cant even watch him act, i like the concept of the show yet i hate dexter so much i cant sit thru an ep/


Retired Account
but shes a character and he is camp as fuck


I want to smell dark matter
Really good episode this week, by Merlin standards. Quite dark too for a family show when Merlin is attempting to murder one of his pretty friends. And she didn't even do anything wrong, really. And now she'll be evil. :(

UNLESS maybe the evil is all misdirection. Remember, it all came from the dragon and his week he wanted Merlin to kill Morgana...maybe because Morgana is the one who will STOP the dragon and she'll actually be a hero and forgive Merlin for the attempted murder and they'll all laugh at something funny Arthur just said.

Or she'll be evil.

The Asshole Dragon was great again this week. I'm really glad they got John Hurt as his voice as it really adds to his assholeness. AND HE'S GOING TO FUCKNIG KILL BABIES NEXT WEEK.

ONE NITPICK, if Morgause can teleport, why didn't she just teleport into Uther's bedroom and kill him at any time?