MERLIN season two


a treat for missmanners
Last night was shit

New characters blah turn out not what they seem, blah bad blah

Considering merlins mentor went and told about the girl, merlin didnt seemed that pissed at him

and the trailer for next weeks arthur is enchanted by a princess that doesnt seem to be what she is

Didnt they already do this( this series) with oother and the troll that pretended to be all that she isnt?

seriously theres no arc to this, it gobshite


I want to smell dark matter
And I'm sure Arthur was under a love spell himself in season one. And why is a love spell even necessary to get him to fall for Georgia Moffett?


a treat for missmanners
I honestly think they dont know what to do with it, perhaps they waiting for mordred to grow up....

it going the same way as robin hood, I mean merlin is a fantasy show, yet it really lacks imagination at times...

Merlin should be more tortured, play the whole power/arrogance/sham angle but they dont he is restricted to quirky funny magic and serving boy errands...

i really dont like the show, they dont even know what to do with morgana, and gwen may as well be made of cardboard...

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
You're wanting a tea time family show to be a serious drama.

It will never be a serious drama, so stop watching it if you don't like tea time family shows, I guess.


a treat for missmanners
Even robin hood had some complexity to its bad guys, doctor who classed as a family show has far more about it.

Perhaps it not fair that I compare merlin to doctor who , but I class the audience target the same, therefore I compare.

What I dislike is that the Merlin story has been done better elsewhere, and the story is part of our fictional heritage and I think it is being bastardised for the sake of cute and cuddly PC correct goodness of the beeb.

If it was a kids show CbbC i wouldnt mention it, I only endure it cos of the missus strange crush now on merlin and of arthur...


I want to smell dark matter
The wank jokes are good.


Is this real life?
Yeah, I LOLed at that too. I wonder if someone just put them there to see if anyone would notice? Hard to believe no one on set would notice.


Is this real life?
Why are Merlin fangirls so gay?

yesh!! i agreeee, its canon, sooo canon, even if they are jsut too shy to admit it X3 ( imagins arthurs thoughts as he marries gwen) -think of merlin , think of no!! im straight , i love gwen, shes pretty and lovely but AHH,NOTHING COMPARES TO MERLIN, ahaaaahhh!!, i love merlin what do i do?? i just marryed gwen to please camalot but whos to say that camelot cant be ruled by a gay couple?? ah what the hell " i LOVE YOU MERLIN!!!!"
cameno xxx



I want to smell dark matter
That is the gayest thing ever. More gay than actual gay porn.


Is this real life?
The scary thing is those people went to the same convention as me, because there are photos of them gang raping poor little Colin Morgan. I'VE BREATHED THE SAME AIR... I COULD BE INFECTED. :phpeek:


I want to smell dark matter
What about the girl who asks Katie McGreath about her hair, she seems nice.


I want to smell dark matter


Retired Account
hmm hair is essential i hate bald women


gi jane



Is this real life?
She was only in this week's episode for about a minute. I guess she was off filming next week's Morganathon.