MERLIN season two


Is this real life?
I missed the beginning, why do they keep switching the time around?

Yeah, it was pretty good. Arthur had a chance to act for once, rather than just repeating the same old "you ARE stupid!" type lines over and over. Of course, there was yet another weekly visit from a sorcery brandishing stranger, but that's Merlin for you.


I want to smell dark matter
Morgause walked into Camelot at the beginning, easily killing five knights who tried to stop her. But nobody seemed to thinking this was a big deal or cared that they died.


Is this real life?
They're really tarnishing the reputation of knights in this show. Aren't they supposed to be.. y'know, good at fighting? More than once Arthur's fought some monster and had every single one of his knights die around him. :)


I want to smell dark matter
That one with the beard always survives (Will?) But generally they'rd treated like battle droids.


Is this real life?
It was funny when Merlin mentioned his dad. Suddenly I noticed that Merlin's the same as Neighbours (and maybe every tv series ever?). None of the main characters have two living parents. Merlin and Gwen have no dad, Arthur has no mum and Morgana's are both dead afaik. I suppose writers like to kill off the parents so the characters all have to struggle constantly instead of getting a lift to the train station/sorcerer's abandoned castle like they would in real life.


Is this real life?
It was funny when Merlin mentioned his dad. Suddenly I noticed that Merlin's the same as Neighbours (and maybe every tv series ever?). None of the main characters have two living parents. Merlin and Gwen have no dad, Arthur has no mum and Morgana's are both dead afaik. I suppose writers like to kill off the parents so the characters all have to struggle constantly instead of getting a lift to the train station/sorcerer's abandoned castle like they would in real life.


I want to smell dark matter
Not even the dragon has parents. :(


Are we including this Children In Need special? Ho Ho. They used a microwave. Ho Ho. They used a hairdrier. Ho Ho. Arthur sleeps with a Pudsey. Ha Ha. Tony Head mentioned e-mail. Ha Ha. Meldrew doesn't believe it.


I want to smell dark matter
Katie McGrath has really nice hair though.


I want to smell dark matter
Well she's not unhealthily skinny if that's what you mean!


I want to smell dark matter
Plus hair.


Is this real life?
And that sexy accent.

She's in an upcoming drama on C4 about the Queen (I think she plays a young Princess Margaret) alongside Emilia Fox (who I think is fit even though she can't emote). So there are two good reasons I'll tune in.


I want to smell dark matter
And they're half sisters!


I want to smell dark matter
So tonight's was okay I guess. I mean, what was the moral of the story? "Don't fall in love because the girl might turn out to be a flying cat"?


The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Yeah it was a bit, um, I dunno.

It wasn't bad, it just wasn't as good as last weeks!

I mean did they really have to do "something MYSTERIOUS has attacked at night WHAT OR WHO COULD IT BE??!!??!!" two times? I mean it's pretty obvious the first time.

And there should be an episode all about Morgana and her lovely lovely hair.


Is this real life?
There were a lot of moments that seemed to be there for the weirdo Merlin/Arthur shippers. The bath scene could've got very gay and the head rubbing at the end could've been straight out of some homoerotic animé.