Mexican incursion confirmed

The Minutemen have video (including a brief conversation) of Mexican military crossing the border fully armed. Of course, it was another "accident." No surprise.

Oh you bet they are grateful for coming to this country and enriching the melting pot.

Can't we all just get along? No? ok, sorry. Come into my country, take everything, burn the flags while the officials do nothing. Take everything you can carry, noble savage for we have wronged you. But whatever you do, please don't call me a racist. Then my feelings would be hurt.
Mandi said:
no, just kill them all then we'll never have a problem with them again.
It wouldn't be possible, but what can be done is to swallow the bitter medicine of racial riots and deport the whole fucking bunch.
Well, we should be gracious and compassionate about it, you know. Deport them first. Summarily execute anyone who comes illegally a second time. No questions, no interviews, no loading them onto any bus, just a bullet to the head then and there, nary even a word spoken.

Well Skan, I don't know where you hail from, but I would be pretty offended if an illegal or legal migrant took down my national flag and hoisted his own up.

The problem is that you have liberals whispering into the ears of potential allies for societal reform (In this case, migrants). Said reform might be positive or negative, but the means of change focus on as much disruption of what they see as a corrupt or elitist system as much as possible. Or in the unique case of Aztlan, which is anti-Zionist and anti-Racist, sheer weight in numbers. Some reports give the # of illegals at 12 million, others at 20 million.

Regardless, I would be pissed as hell. And if it weren't for the internet, we probably wouldn't be seeing these images at all.

Ever. Unless we lived next to a screaming horde of protesters.
Messenger said:
Or in the unique case of Aztlan, which is anti-Zionist and anti-Racist, sheer weight in numbers.

The Mexica Movement is about as anti-Racist as the KKK. But nobody's a racist unless they're White, of course, and then they're racist by default.
I have spilt some sauce on my caps lock key, no matter

I believe the Americans hold their flag close to their hearts. This is irrational in my view as it is an emotive symbol and is a nation built on immigration and assimilation.

The fact that the Aztlan movement has chosen to attack your flag is almost troll like in behaviour - i.e. pick the biggest sacred cow and attack it.

I sense an undercurrent of racism here, hiding behind intellectual high minded behaviour.
"We have an aging white America ... They are dying ...We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him."

Now I can understand the influence the pro-Israeli lobby has on the United States, but I really don't see what Bush or the USG has to gain by appeasing Mexico the way it does.

Plans for a border wall along the southern border of the US? That's racist! (The Mexicans cry.)

If anti-semitism is used as a weapon against criticism of Israel by zealots, then racism is one used by South America and the Middle Easterners moving into Europe.
I have spilt some sauce on my caps lock key, no matter

I believe the Americans hold their flag close to their hearts. This is irrational in my view as it is an emotive symbol and is a nation built on immigration and assimilation.

Illegal invasion and occupation of this country by foreign nationals is not the same thing as legal immigration. For Christ's sake, that's like saying that American soldiers are immigrants in Iraq.