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Mexican incursion confirmed

I haven't watched television in months fuck face.

Get with the programme and realise that I search for information rather than take a viewpoint and then defend it. I have learned stuff today from TQ, even thought he is a sacred cow that needs pricking. I've learned nothing from you apart from that you would swallow cock if it was put in front of you.
Mexicans: Southwest U.S. is ours
A healthy majority of Mexicans claim that their country rightfully owns much of the southwestern United States, while most Americans believe Washington should adopt stricter immigration standards and deploy U.S. troops along the border, a new poll says.

According to a just-published survey conducted by Zogby International, the polling firm found that a majority of Mexicans say the U.S. southwest "rightfully belongs to Mexico," and that Mexican citizens should be able to come into those areas freely, without U.S. permission.

Nah . . . it's not an invasion. It's been going on for years. It's more like an infestation.
TQ, I've enjoyed this debate but I fear our positions are entrenched. I feel like I've given more in the ground and you have dug in.

I have learned from this discourse, I'm not sure you have.

Allow me to illustrate the fallacy you're perhaps unaware you're on the verge of engaging with this statement: The "Golden Mean" fallacy, which operates on the principle that when comparing positions at two extremes, the correct answer lies at the mid-way point. Here's why that's a fallacy. If I say that 1 + 1 = 2, and you say that 1 + 1 = 5, the correct answer is not 1 + 1 = 3 1/2. It makes no difference how "entrenched" the proponent of the correct answer is -- it only matters that the answer is correct.

Now -- you asked for more reputable sources which support the number of reported armed Mexican incursions at 231. First, let me say this -- attacking a source for that information is also fallacious. If a complete lunatic tells you that 1 + 1 = 2, the fact that he's a complete lunatic makes no difference, because what he said is still correct. But on to the sources:

How about an article from The Arizona Republic? Or, if a major metropolitan newspaper isn't good enough, how about this, from the Press Office of Senator Jon Kyl, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Terrorism and Homeland Security?

Same number: 231 armed incursions, 1996-2006. Next door neighbor, in your house with a gun, once a month for a year. That's the equation.
Do you swallow the testicles as well?

Edit - I meant the above post at Lavos - you TQ, I will need NOT to be drunk to respond to.

But - I will say that Socrates got it wrong - a combatative, arguement based state of affairs is best at proving things wrong, rather than creating new thought. Edward De Bono got it right. Anyway, I am teh drunk, goodnight.
I will say that Socrates got it wrong - a combatative, arguement based state of affairs is best at proving things wrong, rather than creating new thought. Edward De Bono got it right. Anyway, I am teh drunk, goodnight.

A thought for your morning, when you get back -- sometimes seeing clearly means seeing things you don't want to; but only by seeing things clearly can you be sure not to lose your way.

You may not like what the current state of affairs between the American people and their unwanted Mexican guests really is -- but that just gives you something in common with us, because neither do the American people.
Here's a comment from an SD.Nutter on this subject in response to the feasibility of deporting all illegal aliens from the U.S.:

Surlethe said:
It's not feasible at all. As I pointed out on the second page of the thread, illegal immigrants make up about 5% of the American labor force; deport all illegal aliens, and you remove five percent of the economy's work force.

Actually, it's entirely feasible, since the Bureau of Labor Statistics finds that unemployment in the U.S. is approximately 4.8%. Worst-case scenario is that the unemployment rate in this country will see a dramatic decrease as employers raise wages and perhaps provide other incentives and tempting treats in order to meet the new demand for legal employees. Gosh, that just sounds awful, don't it? :shock:!
Not a very diverse group posting in this thread. You would think an issue like this would get more attention and input from the rest of the board.
Messenger said:
Not a very diverse group posting in this thread. You would think an issue like this would get more attention and input from the rest of the board.

I had to go lookin' through other boards to find people to slap down on the issue. ;)
In brief, the Mexican Constitution states that:

- Immigrants and foreign visitors are banned from public political discourse.

- Immigrants and foreigners are denied certain basic property rights.

- Immigrants are denied equal employment rights.

- Immigrants and naturalized citizens will never be treated as real Mexican citizens.

- Immigrants and naturalized citizens are not to be trusted in public service.

- Immigrants and naturalized citizens may never become members of the clergy.

- Private citizens may make citizens arrests of lawbreakers (i.e., illegal immigrants) and hand them to the authorities.

- Immigrants may be expelled from Mexico for any reason and without due process.

^^And yet, when any of those same things are even hinted at being done against Mexican illegal immigrants, they want to raise an international stink over it.

Yeah. Chearming little hypocrisy, that.
Good God messenger - Do you even check your sources?

It's called "war footing" and it has a picture of Oliver North in it. It's basically backed by the Center for Security Policy - that well known balanced organisation. it's also involved with the Freedom Alliance set up by Olly and whose mission statement is "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance" WTF?

Bring me balanced sources, not the lunatic fringe. That diatribe is one persons fucked up view of the constitution, not the truth.
Good God messenger - Do you even check your sources?

It's called "war footing" and it has a picture of Oliver North in it. It's basically backed by the Center for Security Policy - that well known balanced organisation. it's also involved with the Freedom Alliance set up by Olly and whose mission statement is "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance" WTF?

Bring me balanced sources, not the lunatic fringe. That diatribe is one persons fucked up view of the constitution, not the truth.

The reputation and associations of that source have no bearing whatsoever on whether these statements:

- Immigrants and foreign visitors are banned from public political discourse.

- Immigrants and foreigners are denied certain basic property rights.

- Immigrants are denied equal employment rights.

- Immigrants and naturalized citizens will never be treated as real Mexican citizens.

- Immigrants and naturalized citizens are not to be trusted in public service.

- Immigrants and naturalized citizens may never become members of the clergy.

- Private citizens may make citizens arrests of lawbreakers (i.e., illegal immigrants) and hand them to the authorities.

- Immigrants may be expelled from Mexico for any reason and without due process.

are true or false, Skan. We have a source that claims they're true. Can you provide a source that challenges the verity of any of those statements?
The 1824 mexican Constitution is based on?

You got it.. the US constitution of 1787

have a look at that you poncy git

The 1917 Mexican consitution was formed following the revolution:

On it, were included advanced principles of social reforms and rights in favor of peasants and workers, in addition, it was formulated to govern all the Mexicans without distinction of race, creed, social or political condition, since in it were elevated to the rank of constitutional norms the freedom of thought and of belief.
Source source here

Why do you think they have the phrases in their constitution that so annoy you? Any ideas what was happening - i.e. who was invading their country prior to the 1917 constitution? Who was promoting instability?

The country has moved on from the 1917 constitution - but if you wish to look back at these documents, lets have a look at the states.

Here is a source from a lunatic claiming that the constitution is against god

My point being, as I have seem to have to point out the most obvious, You can provide a source on the internet that states is a Nazi Hate site bent on an allegiance with Al Queada if you really want. But the quality of sources needs to be questioned.
No, Skan, you're just not wrapping your mind around this point -- the source is irrelevant to the claim. The right answer is the right answer regardless of where it comes from. And as far as whether or not the Mexican government actually adheres to those "advanced principles of social reforms and rights", you might want to look into the P.R.I., or even their present oligarchy there.
Accept Fascism

My American children. Goddamn if I must teach you fuckers a lesson. With your current form of government, Mexican trash will sworm into your country until they all but own the entire US. Toss democracy into the garbage where it belongs and switch to a fascist government. Once you have done this, simply create a new militarised police force to watch your border with Mexico. If any Mexicans are seen entering the USA illegally, detain them and send them back. No hearings. No explanations. Nothing. Just send them back and do this with the business end of your M-16 rifles stuck into their faces. Hand them a document written in Spanish which states 'you have been caught and returned to Mexico and this is only a warning, but if you are caught a second time attempting to enter the sovereign country of the USA, you will be shot to death'. I can guarantee the illegal immigration problem will cease once and for all. Send your M1A1 Abrams tanks to your border with Mexico, not to Iraq. The Mexican President has been making noises about the 'rights' of illegal Mexican immigrants in the USA. You warn him if he causes the illegal Mexican immigrants to rise up like they did recently, you will see fit to send those same tanks rolling into Mexico. Force is the only way. You have the means. Use them. Quit being a nation of pussies. Stop taking crap from inferior 'Spics.
^^You're an idiot, and parroting the position of your betters won't earn you a place at the table.

If you have the right answer, fine. But if all you can do is repeat the right answer that's already been given, get out -- we've no use for you.
Once again sorry if I choose not to be the "bigger man".

Here's something that Skank doesn't have to deal with but is free to judge and criticise.

If a group of Irish decided to invaded England like the mexcrement is doing to America, I could criticise you for not welcoming them and your own destruction with open arms, huh Skank?

You don't have to build a bunker and get nazi tattoes to acknowledge that there is a group of people who hate whites. But I'll be damned if you want to tell me that there aren't millions of people who want to drive me into the sea.