Michael Jackson RIP (Not a lie)


I want to smell dark matter
It's always so strange when these iconic larger than life figures who have been with us so long (all my life in my case), even in the background, die.


Be patient till the last.
I (w)couldnt believe it until CBC confirmed.
it's true, Wacky - sometimes when a larger-than-life persona has been there as you've grown up, it's hard to imagine him dying like the rest of us.
My thoughts now:
1 How's Menty taking this?
2 Who will take care of MJ's children?
ah, it's just so sad.


Staff member
Thanks for everything, Mike. I mean that. R.I.P

This is just crushing news. I have been helping plan a bachelor party and wedding for one of my best friends who is getting married at the end of the month (why I haven't been around that much) and when we heard the news we were just stunned in to silence.

It's so sad..


Boobie inspector
I had a feeling his comeback concerts would never happen, I didnt think this would be the reason though.

He might have lived a short time, but he crammed a hell of a lot into those 50 years

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
For you hatfuckers who're negging me, aren't I allowed to have an opinion too? Michael Jackson was very talented and created some great work for many years. But somewhere along the line, probably around the late 80's something broke inside him. He deteriorated into a train wreck. He became very, very creepy. His fixation with children was troubling, and his eccentricities moved from being amusing to truly sad. This man was very disturbed and needed serious help. I'm not happy he's dead, and I feel sad for his children who now are without a father. But I'll be damned if I'm going to act like Mozart, Duke Ellington, or Frank Sinatra just died.


For you hatfuckers who're negging me, aren't I allowed to have an opinion too? Michael Jackson was very talented and created some great work for many years. But somewhere along the line, probably around the late 80's something broke inside him.

Yeah, it's called, "he was abducted by aliens and replaced by a white dude."

The REAL Michael is still alive and still out there, somewhere....


Let's fuck some shit up
What bugs me is that they're not concentrating on any of his musical achievements on the news. All they're doing is harping on all of the controversy he's had for the last ten years. What they're forgetting is that for 20 years before that he was bringing us amazing music and entertaining millions of people around the world. He was truly an international icon, but these media fuckwits just don't get that.

Fuck CNN.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Funny, I thought CNN had the most respectful and dignified coverage of the 3 newsers.

Jeffrey Toobin poured on the legal crap a little too heavily and sternly, but otherwise they kept all of his musical achievements scrawling along the bottom of the screen no matter what was happening.

CNN also was the only network to remember that it's a professional news service, and waited for an actual coroner statement to confirm MJ's death, while all the other nets just said "Oh, well, TMZ said he's dead, so we can run with that. FIRST!!!"

Also, when CNN didn't have another talking head ready while they were waiting for new developments, they went ahead and played MJ's videos, with little or no narration on top of them.

Meanwhile, Greta Van Sustern and the Gang of Blondes at Fox were running down his rap sheet, and speculating about "hypothetical" drug overdoses.

Also, at 6:30PM ET, 2 hours before the coroner's statement, ABC, CBS and NBC went ahead and led their evening newscasts with MJ's death, assuming that TMZ and a couple of phone calls from "friends of the family" to the LA Times was enough to go on. They were just being lazy and expedient.

CNN came out on top of this day to me.


Skin is my daddy


Can I have Ops?
*resists urge to post the mountain of funny crap in my inbox about him*

Its too easy. I loved his music and will be playing a load of his songs at my 40th this summer.

Brilliant artist who had a charming innocence that our modern world can sneer at very easily.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
As much as people (especially us here in the US) could at times wonder about his actions, there's no denying his genius when it came to music, and I have no problem seperating the art from the artist. You give respect where respect is due, and for his musical achievements, he definitely earned that from me.


Is this real life?
Funny, I thought CNN had the most respectful and dignified coverage of the 3 newsers.

Jeffrey Toobin poured on the legal crap a little too heavily and sternly, but otherwise they kept all of his musical achievements scrawling along the bottom of the screen no matter what was happening.

CNN also was the only network to remember that it's a professional news service, and waited for an actual coroner statement to confirm MJ's death, while all the other nets just said "Oh, well, TMZ said he's dead, so we can run with that. FIRST!!!"

Also, when CNN didn't have another talking head ready while they were waiting for new developments, they went ahead and played MJ's videos, with little or no narration on top of them.

Meanwhile, Greta Van Sustern and the Gang of Blondes at Fox were running down his rap sheet, and speculating about "hypothetical" drug overdoses.

Also, at 6:30PM ET, 2 hours before the coroner's statement, ABC, CBS and NBC went ahead and led their evening newscasts with MJ's death, assuming that TMZ and a couple of phone calls from "friends of the family" to the LA Times was enough to go on. They were just being lazy and expedient.

CNN came out on top of this day to me.

I don't suppose anyone over there watches the BBC news, but I thought they were fairly good as well. They did concentrate on his musical achievements and had some very interesting anecdotes from people who knew him. And they cautiously said there were unconfirmed reports of his death, rather than announcing he'd definitely died. They did show the ghoulish footage of his body being flown across LA and taken out of a helicopter, though, which I didn't approve of.

Their article about websites going down has a pun that I'm sure was done on purpose.

TMZ, the popular celebrity gossip site that broke the story following a tip-off that a paramedic had visited the singers home also crashed.

There was a domino effect as users then fled to other sites. Hollywood gossip writer Perez Hilton's site was among those to flame out.


Be patient till the last.
two girls were talking about MJ at the Y this AM:
girls:...'did you know he invented the Moonwalk?'
me: did you learn that last night from the TV?
girls, scornfully: NOOOO. we knew that years ago!
lol! they look like they're in grade 8!
can you believe it? even up here in Smallsville.
I expected people my age to be talking about him, but the younger kids...?
wonder if he ever thought about the range of his celebrity around the world?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
They did show the ghoulish footage of his body being flown across LA and taken out of a helicopter, though, which I didn't approve of.

I remember all the stations showing Heath Ledger's body being taken out of his apartment. I thought it was distasteful as well.


Boobie inspector
Still at the end of the day, at least he didn't die naked in a hotel room wardrobe with a rope round his cock and neck.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
I found out at about 6:00 last night. My friend and I and the 40-year-old pizza guy and some random Dominican guy in Adidas gear all shared a moment of commiseration on the sidewalk outside.

It's nice that there are so many people who actually do sympathize with him - it's just that they're not normally as loud as the people making jokes about him violating children.