Michael Jackson RIP (Not a lie)


There's no place like home-
For you hatfuckers who're negging me, aren't I allowed to have an opinion too? Michael Jackson was very talented and created some great work for many years. But somewhere along the line, probably around the late 80's something broke inside him. He deteriorated into a train wreck. He became very, very creepy. His fixation with children was troubling, and his eccentricities moved from being amusing to truly sad. This man was very disturbed and needed serious help. I'm not happy he's dead, and I feel sad for his children who now are without a father. But I'll be damned if I'm going to act like Mozart, Duke Ellington, or Frank Sinatra just died.

Well said.

Jackson was a good singer, and great dancer, but he was also a
VERY troubled person. He did prove, if OJ left any doubt, that justice in the US equates with ones ability to pay.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Nigel Lithgow, a judge on So You Think You Can Dance, gave a very nice speech about everything MJ has done for dance last night on the live show. He also had some nice things to say about Farrah.


I want to smell dark matter
I got sad whenever I heard one of this songs today (all over radio and tv), especially the ones when he was really young.


Is this real life?
The C4 tribute was surprisingly nice to watch. When George Lamb appeared onscreen I thought it'd be something trashy that'd just focus on MJ's issues, but instead they played his music videos continuously for an hour without any stupid presenters interfering.


Is this real life?
Mmm, they obviously edited it in a rush.


I'm very pissed (that's DRUNK to you farkin' non-Brits) right now so apologies if this seems crappym but whilst I never valued him as a person, I grew up in the 80's when he isimpley was the KING OF POP, and I've always liked his music, alleged pedo or not. The problem is he effectively destroyed himself, with a huge helpinhg hand by the media loing time ago. I feel sad that he'll never have the chance he had to redeem himself in July, but let's face hit, he 's left a musical legacyh so rich and brilliant, there's no reason anyone should be sad, but celebrating that all too brief period of excellence.

Star as a musical talent, but no shame in being a failure as a person. I'm sure many would end up that way exposed to the public glare from such a ypung age.


I want to smell dark matter
They should show that Simpsons he was in tomorrow.
RIP Michael Jackson. Fifty years from now, 100 years from now, people will still be dancing to your voice.
WOW!! Can't believe MJ is really dead!:(

I did hear however that MJ's last rehearsal was filmed & it's enough footage to be an actual concert if it eventually gets released on dvd...something to look forward to.

Menty, you must be devastated? I'm sure you are going to make a tribute youtube vid shortly?

That said...let's see what the fabulous Cher has to say about MJ's passing...



Touching the monolith
Staff member
The media are all over MJ's death like the vultures they are. Even Anderson Cooper got in on it last night.


Boobie inspector
They even filmed a special insert to put into eastenders which is normally filmed 6 weeks in advance.

Of course they used the black characters, as if no white character would care he was dead


Be patient till the last.
They aired Is It Scary? last night...very bittersweet moment when he takes his final bow...


Staff member
Here are some pictures of Michael rehearsing a few DAYS before his death.





He looks pretty good in these pictures. Thin but not emaciated and barely able to walk like the tabloids would have us believe. I hope they at least have video of the rehearsals since obviously we will never see the final product now.


Nearly 27m views in and this is still watchable, and funny.
