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Orphan Black

This was a really good episode! The Dyad Institute and project LEDA are finally becoming the big mystery of the season and the Proletheans are creepier than ever.

It is not weird that you think Mrs S is hot. She is hot... she could even be FCOTD hot, IMMMMMO!!! I thought it was hard to understand what Continuum guy was saying too.
Oh crap! Okay, I thought that Rachel was the real boss and that Leekie only thought he was in charge, but now it looks like Leekie just lets Rachel think she's the boss. OR SOMETHING? I'm glad that Leekie is not going to keep the treatments from Cosima.

SESTRA, BROTHER SESTRA... lol I love you Helena. So now it looks like Art is fully on board with clone club. It's about time.

I am really confused about Paul. I thought he was only working for Leekie because he has to, and I thought he really cared about Sarah... and I continued to think that even though he was making sexy time with Rachel... but then he met with Leekie at the bar, and also the previews for next week make it seem he's been working for Leekie and everything isn't what it seems. I don't know, maybe I misinterpreted something. WE SHALL SEE.

You know what else we shall see? Alison and Vic in rehab together. lol
Yeah I still don't, and probably never will, understand the structure of how Dyad works and how they are so powerful they can get away with killing cops and framing gays and stuff. I'm assuming they have more powerful people in charge above Leekie and Rachel who we haven't seen yet. I liked that Leekie isn't totally EVIL because I remember finding him a bit cheesey in season one (or maybe I'm confusing him with tail guy.)

The Helena scenes were all really good. Rachel is a sick, rapey bitch. But Big Dick Paul is still boring even when he's in interesting scenes.


Yes I'm super excited about Vic and Allison in rehab next week.
I love all the character stuff, all the interactions between clones (the Helena/Sarah stuff was really sweet) and all the comedy, but I still can't keep track of the mythology or remember who Maggie Chen even was.

I was kind of sad Vic was working for that smug cop lady.
OH Maggie was working for Tomas, helping him track down the clones so Helena could kill them. That's why Beth killed Maggie (IMMMMO).

I'm hoping Angie will come over to the clone side someday... but maybe Dyad will find something on her like they did on Paul and then she will really be bad news. I'm really happy that Art is working for the clones and not against them. He and Felix were fun.

Duncan (or Peckam, whatever Rachel's dad) turned out to be really sad. I guess Leekie really is the one in charge... and I suppose Rachel believes her parents died in the lab fire, which is why she is all proclone and not mad at Leekie?

So, it seems Ms S worked something out with Paul. Now he'll be a triple agent or some shit!

Helena and her redneck bf in the bar was really cute.
I've started to find it quite difficult to follow, so that's cleared a few things up.

The dramatic music at the end seemed a bit unnecessary since we don't really care much about Rachel or her mother. And it's not very shocking that Leekie would kill someone. Didn't he order the death of that guy with the tail?

The other thing that annoys me is that every scene seems to end with a dramatic reveal that someone (usually Paul or the hipster Prolethian dude) are secretly watching from afar. It'd happened half a dozen times this week and this show is above silly cheap cliches like that.

Anyway other that I love Orphan Black.

holy shit, so really neither Rachel or Leekie were in charge, it's actually MICHELLE FUCKING FORBES!

I dont' know if you've all seen it yet and I don't want you to be accidentally spoiled OR ANYTHING.
We'd be pretty silly to read the thrad if we hadn't seen it!

"So I'm being Alison being Donny?" KIND OF META.
Donnie was great this episode. The look on his face when he walked in on Alison and Sarah! AND ALSO I cracked up when he accidentally murdered Leekie. I wonder if Clone Club will come to his rescue... who else can he turn to but Alison?
Michelle Forbes, Mrs S and Angie all kind of look alike and it'll probably be mildly confusing at some point.
I definitely need some kind of flow diagram to keep track of who got who to do what and why so and so is running away from thingybob and which characters Paul has yet to pledge loyalty to, but this episode was hilarious. Vic's fall onto the table was almost as shocking for me as the thing that happened at the end of GoT this week.
I always expect comedy when Alison is involved. If she wasn't so funny, we would be mad at her for being a murderer, IMO!
Wow this episode was kind of bad.

Like just to get it out of the way, no I'm not opposed to trans characters or the idea of a trans clone or anything. But it wasn't done very well? I mean Tony just looked exactly like Sarah but with some fuzz glued to his face and talking in a deep voice. He even had long hair! His whole purpose in the episode was to say something vague about Paul (and who cares about Paul anyway) and then he's gone again? And Felix being kind of into what was essentially his sister with pubes glued to her face? Umm, sure. Tony felt he was there so they could have the "shocking" pre-credits scene rather than to be a proper character.

And in general the episode jumped around so much between all the different uconnected stories, each with their own background music and it felt jarring. I liked the Alison/Donny scenes the most but even they felt a bit "off". At least Cosima's story might have progressed a bit. And no Helena again and Sarah doesn't care that she's just ran off again and Art doesn't care there's a serial killer on the loose?

I was kind of excited about a "new clone" but it felt like they just made Tony be very gimmicky, or something? I am also not opposed to a trans character, or any kind of character, but it was hokey and not good. Like let's just toss in a totally different kind of character and then have that totally different character just disappear at the end without contributing much to the story. They could have given us the bit of Paul information straight from Paul. (I like Paul, SUCK IT MOFO) And I also thought it was weird that Felix would be attracted to HIS SISTER with pubes on her chin.

I really liked the Alison and Donnie stuff. I had a feeling they'd bond over the murders they've each now committed, and I'm okay with that part being a bit predictable. Alison and Donnie add the needed humor to this show, and I love Alison.

I also liked Cosima and Delphine, and Sarah and Mrs S. Rachel's part was pretty good too. I haven't been very interested in Rachel until she lost her shit. I guess it made her seem more real to lose control. How the fuck did she know that Leekie is dead, though? Isn't Leekie in Donnie's truck still?