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Orphan Black

SEESTRA!!1 I was really surprised to see her dragging herself down the hospital corridor.

Holy shit, they packed a lot of stuff into one episode.
Was there not something about them healing super fast in the first season two? Or Keira healed super fast. Or something. So I guess it wasn't a huge stretch that she would be still alive.
I was really glad Art seems to be coming over to Sarah's side. I know he's still pissed about Beth and super suspicious of Sarah, but he knows there's some shit going down that Sarah isn't responsible for. Not so sure about Art's partner, I wish she was on Sarah's side too.
I got the impression Beth was suspicious of the partner but I might've been reading too much into it.

I'd been expecting Helena to return, as she previously managed to survive having a metal rod stuck through her among other things, but I didn't think she'd be walking into hospital under her own steam.

This stuff with the people from Helena's convent thing... Weird, but certainly interesting.

Ok, so Tatiana Maslany can sing along with everything else. Gosh.

It's a very nice bum, who can blame Felix for showing it off?

Sarah pretending to be Cosima was great. I loved that you could tell which it was almost immediately (part of that was down to the hair, but mostly the acting). I loved the looks over the prescription glasses.
Was Mrs. S in the IRA or something? I never quite got what she's supposed to be.

I'd watch a whole episode of just Allison's play.

I find the crazy religious people pretty boring, sorry. Maybe they'll be interesting when Helena wakes up and kills them all.
I am glad they killed Tomas! Creepy ass self flagellating FUCKER! I laughed when he used the cow killer gun thingy.

I think Mrs S was involved with project LEDA but something went wrong and she absconded with Sarah (and maybe Felix?). She couldn't be a regular foster mother and be on the run. I don't know. I don't think Felix is a clone, though.

Poor Alison. I hope she's not left out there on her own too long. She needs Felix and Sarah. Fucking Donnie, how is he a monitor? He's so inept.
I was worried that as more people found out about the clones the harder it would be to follow and I think it is. I still love it, but there are so many groups (and sub groups) it's difficult to keep track of who wants what and why.

Poor Allison. I hope she doesn't do anything drastic.

Mrs S previously said she helped people who were opposed by Thatcher's government, the IRA seems like the obvious answer, but could've been union leaders or anti nuclear people maybe?

The new clone reminds me of Victoria Beckham. I wonder if she was an inspiration.

Would you like a stretch?
I thought the new bad guy looked a bit like Felix and said "OMG IT'S A CLONE OF FELIX" but it's a different actor so unless he's a non-identical clone or something...
NEW DAARIO is Kiera's dad and also Tatiana Maslany has a nice bum!?

Prediction: Helena ends up having sex with Gracie.
Did that guy just have a creepy marriage with Helena? I'm glad Felix is there with Alison now. TATIANA DOES HAVE A NICE BUM.
I'm not finding this season as enjoyable so far. It's still well written and acted (and I liked the direction this week), but I'm missing all the speculation we could get up to last year. There are still unanswered questions of course, but we're not given enough clues to play with. Last year we could guess whether Donny was a monitor and guess what Beth's role in the shooting was and guess how Vic would be shoehorned into the episode (so something's have improved) and there was enough to go on to make some educated guesses. Now we have crazy religious people and crazy big pharma without any breadcrumbs left to figure out their motives.

Anyway, it was a good episode. :)
I've got to admit all the villains confuse me a little. Does Doral work for Doctor Leekie (or the same people as Leekie) or is he from another group?
He works for Rachel, IMO. He also works for Leekie, but I think Rachel is his real boss.
And how did Rachel get to be so important in the organisation if she's a clone herself (obivously this will be explained later so I'm not really asking a question here.)
The scene where Sarah finally saw Helena was alive was great. And of course you totally forget it's the same actress playing them both and they're not really touching each other.

Is it wrong that I found Mrs S hot when she was all tarted up? Canadian guy from Continuum speaking with an English(?) accent was hard to understand.