Racism on this board.


New Member
RWC said:
What do you replace Father's Day with?

Your woman who calls me "Daddy."

Next question!


beer, I want beer


New Member
Don't you feel embarrassed that whites had to rewrite history just to make you feel better about yourselves?


New Member
Sarek said:
Monkey exhibits the inability to understand a question and answer with a coherent thought.

You're really not that bright are you?

Is that way they give you the late shift and put you behind a desk?

When you say, "We" as in the local law enforcement chasing down youthful blacks, you don't really mean "we", as in you ran after them right?

You mean, "We", as in a commune, fellowshit way eh?


New Member
RWC said:
Don't you feel embarrassed that whites had to rewrite history just to make you feel better about yourselves?

Are we talking about Howard Zinn?


New Member
He's a Jew, he may not count in the eyes of some. Plus there's many Goyim examples.

Why do you people call that red crap in the plastic jug "juice"?


Vuhlkansu Wihs
BitchSlapSmitty said:
You're really not that bright are you?

Is that way they give you the late shift and put you behind a desk?

When you say, "We" as in the local law enforcement chasing down youthful blacks, you don't really mean "we", as in you ran after them right?

You mean, "We", as in a commune, fellowshit way eh?

Now now Bitchy. I don't think you're in much of a position to question anyone elses intelligence. You haven't really given anyone a reason to think you're the bright one here.

And not that it matters, but I work afternoons and evening so we don't have daycare or sitter costs for our kids. My wife and I believe in raising our own kids ourselves.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
The Question said:
And the worst that Sourcewatch can come up with is unsubstantiated allegations of bad methodology and accusations of racism -- as if either of those things invalidates the data provided by the subject source.

Well, lets look at this from a realistic perspective. Any publication that prints information of that nature is going to be called a racist publication regardless of the source for the info.


New Member
Sarek said:
Now now Bitchy. I don't think you're in much of a position to question anyone elses intelligence. You haven't really given anyone a reason to think you're the bright one here.

And not that it matters, but I work afternoons and evening so we don't have daycare or sitter costs for our kids. My wife and I believe in raising our own kids ourselves.

I'll phone CPS right now.


New Member
You know what's funny? This: http://www.cupcakeermania.com/coontact/

They're both funny and true.


New Member
Sarek said:
I don't think you have the mental capacity to dial a phone.

But yet, I'm on a computer weenis?