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Racism on this board.

RWC said:
A significant number of blacks in the U.S. live in poverty, and a majority of those live in high crime areas. The police are often criticized for turning a blind eye on black crimes and lengthy delays on showing up on crime scenes.

It is my belief that African-Americans are entitled to the same protection as the rest of Americans. I'm all for Operation: Brown Bullet. Distribution of guns to African-Americans. Since the majority of victims of black crimes are other blacks this make perfect sense. They could police themselves and restore harmony to their neighborhoods.

This would have to be heavily regulated of course, and violators would have to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Zoning is the key.

Also, I believe that drugs should be decriminalized for blacks as well. If their only crime is possession I believe they should get a free pass. In fact I think they should be distributed freely. Heroin addicts get Methadone, a weaker withdrawal preventing opiate, why should Crack addicts suffer? I think they should also get free pebbles. The key again, zoning.

Zoning could come in many forms but I believe African-Americans deserve Negro Reservations. They can police themselves without the oppressive U.S. government interfering. Black is beautiful and they only need an opportunity to prove this. Black schools, black hospitals, black politicians, their own libraries, stores, banks... they just need a chance to prove themselves. Once given this opportunity it is my conviction that they will become the face of prosperity; a role model that we could all look up to. No, really.

Tell me you aren't serious about any of this, please.
No, he isn't. I hate when assholes ruin perfectly good debates by doing this. If he is serious, then he's still an asshole, and either way, I'll get in the way any way that I can. I'm an asshole too, and thats what we do best.
BluBoy said:
You are upset about trolling after the bullshit you've been expelling? Hello? WWW.TrollKingdom.Com? Yeah, we kinda do that here. Kiss my ass, wannabe. If you were truly serious about actually having a debate, you'd be doing it now, not playing like you are now. You've posted nothing worth refuting. I refuse to even play the game with you like BitchSlap. You missed the boat, chief, and everyone's already sailed, gotten off and gone home. A day late, a dollar short, and Welfare checks don't ship for another week.

Turn out the lights on your way out. Amateur.

I'm not upset about anything on a messageboard with strangers. Maybe you have some emotional investments here. Who cares. You're a subpar troll and more than that, a douche. A pseudo-intellectual douche to boot.

Thanks for taking my advice; thanks again for being a fan.
RWC said:
I've made several valid points and you took the lower path. You've yet to refute even one of my points.
Without getting into the validity of one or another point, I've noticed that whenever the conversation switches to something tangible, people meander into philosophical issues (violence is bad, hurting someone because of their skin is bad, bad is bad).
According to the socalist here I'm worse for society than the actual criminals who make the penal system necessary, an indictment of the weak minded leftist here who are most fluent in victimese.
RWC said:
No, just you niggers. The indians were defeated and you were sold by your own kind. But thanks for being a fan. based on that logic, it must BURRRNNNNN you that us Urbanknights! or Negga's are utilizing our "beaten" position as "dregs" on society to market and blow up parts of the economy as well as lure in your suburban white sons and daughters.

Hey it's all war right? Don't bitch when you get defeated.

Ok. Long post. this was something I came across at work a few weeks ago and I've been reading it as I can. I think people will find some of the info interesting. While most of it dates to the mid to late 90's, the article itself was written I believe around 2001. In the article, you'll find 3 links. The first 2 are still valid links while the 3rd has been removed.

I don't plan to debate the article, it's more a read and decide for yourself thing.

About 90 percent of victims of race crimes are white, according to the survey "Highlights from 20 Years of Surveying Crime Victims", published in 1993.

Almost 1 million white Americans were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by black Americans in 1992, compared with about 132,000 blacks who were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by whites, according to the same survey.
Blacks thus committed 7.5 times more violent inter-racial crimes than whites even though the black population is only one-seventh the size of the white population. When these figures are adjusted on a per capita basis, they reveal an extraordinary disparity: blacks are committing more than 50 times the number of violent racial crimes of whites.
According to the latest annual report on murder by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, most inter-racial murders involve black assailants and white victims, with blacks murdering whites at 18 times the rate that whites murder blacks. Who are the real racists?

These breathtaking disparities began to emerge in the mid-1960's, when there was a sharp increase in black crime against whites, an upsurge which, not coincidentally, corresponds exactly with the beginning of the modern civil rights movement.
Over time, the cumulative effect has been staggering. Justice Department and FBI statistics indicate that between 1964 and 1994 more than 25 million violent inter-racial crimes were committed, overwhelmingly involving black offenders and white victims, and more than 45,000 people were killed in inter-racial murders. By comparisons 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam, and 34,000 were killed in the Korean war.
When non-violent crimes (burglary, larceny, car theft and personal theft) are included, the cumulative totals become prodigious. The Bureau of Justice Statistics says 27 million non-violent crimes were omitted in the US in 1992, and the survey found that 31 per cent of the robberies involved black offenders and white victims (while only 2 per cent in the reverse).
When all the crime figures are calculated, it appears that black Americans have committed at least 170 million crimes against white Americans in the past 30 years. It is the great defining disaster of American life and American ideals since World War II.

Adult black males only make up 1.2 % of the population (ages 16 - 45), yet commit 74% of all severe violent crime.

"Blacks are as much more likely to be arrested for violent crimes as men are more likely to be arrested than women. To the extent that arrest rates are a good indication of actual criminal behavior - and there is very strong evidence that they are - blacks are as much more dangerous than whites as men are more dangerous than women. If people feel more threatened by unknown men than by unknown women and are justified in taking additional precautions against them, from a statistical point of view, they are equally justified in making the same distinctions between blacks and whites." (New Century Foundation, "The Color of Crime," 1998, p.1)

While the Census Bureau often categorizes real Whites separately from mestizos, the FBI and the Justice Department usually do not. The law-enforcement agencies of the federal government lump together crimes committed by Whites, mestizos, Arabs, Jews, various North Africans and Middle Easterners, and certain Filipinos into the same category, deceptively labeled "Whites," skewing the apparent White crime total upwards. When the FBI reports a percentage of crimes as having "White" perpetrators, we must keep in mind that the report refers to the combination of Whites and these others, who together formed about 84% of the US population in 1995. To prevent confusion between real Whites and all those whom the FBI calls "Whites," we will put the category of FBI "Whites" in quotation marks.

The FBI Uniform Crime Reports are available on the Internet at In one of these reports, titled Crime in the United States, 1995, we can draw several interesting conclusions from Table 2.8. In 1995, there were 10032 US murders having a single perpetrator and a single victim. Of these murders, Blacks committed 5175 (51.6%) and "Whites" committed 4476 (44.6%). The Black per capita murder perpetration rate was over seven times higher than the "White" rate. There were at least 1303 interracial murders (13.0% of total murders), of which 753 were committed by Blacks (57.8% of interracial murders) and 352 were committed by "Whites" (27.0%). The Black per capita interracial murder perpetration rate was about fourteen times higher than that for "Whites." There were 699 murders in which Blacks killed "Whites" (53.6% of interracial murders) and 281 murders in which "Whites" killed Blacks (21.6%). The average Black was 16.4 times more likely to kill a "White" than the reverse.

A well-known, but little examined, publication is Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1996, which is available on the Internet at: or can be purchased at a bookstore under the title The American Almanac 1995-1996. Several tables of data in this publication contain racial information that is generally unknown by the American public, though usually data from two or more tables must be brought together in order for the racial significance to become clear. For example, when the racially resolved populations of major US cities are taken from Table 46 and correlated with the per capita murder rates of the same cities taken from Table 311, it becomes clear that cities that, in 1995, were nearly all-White had relatively very few murders (e.g., Mesa, Anchorage, St. Paul, Colorado Springs) and that the per capita murder rate rises with increasing percentages of non-Whites (Miami, Los Angeles, Newark), especially Blacks (Detroit, Atlanta, Baltimore, St. Louis, Birmingham, New Orleans). It is interesting that the government publication had no special table to permit someone to more easily appreciate that fact.

Table 2.6 in Crime in the United States, 1995, contains murder rates that are broken down by both race and age. When this information is correlated with the racially resolved US population data in Table 24 of Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1996, we can determine that Blacks in any age group are more likely to commit murder than "Whites" of the same age. In fact, there is no age group for which the Black per capita murder perpetration rate is low enough to be "merely" triple the "White" rate. If you feel up to doing interpolations and more UCR file downloading, you can determine that the fact expressed by the previous sentence holds true for 1996, 1997 and 1998, as well as for 1995.

Liberals often try to blame Black violence on poverty. The Census data, however, disproves that hypothesis. How? In 1995, among the American poor, there were 16.3 million Whites (real ones), 10.0 million Blacks, 8.6 million "Hispanics," and 1.4 million Asians. Blacks comprised about 27.6% of the American poor.

During that year, Blacks committed about 54% of all US murders. Remember that the FBI, from whom the murder information comes, counts "Hispanics" as "Whites," making the total number of poor persons eligible to be committing murders as "Whites" about 24.8 million. These "Whites" comprised 68.5% of the American poor, but committed - at most - only 46% of 1995 US murders, if we make the doubtful assumption that Asians and Amerindians committed none. The evidence argues against the liberal hypothesis that poverty causes crime.

Indeed, the US Department of Justice states baldly, "Racial differences exist" at The BJS recently also began to publicize the fact that Blacks are 7 times more likely than Whites to "commit homicide," in addition to their earlier statement that Blacks are 6 times more likely to "be murdered" than Whites. Even allowing for the slight language bias with respect to the use of the words "homicide" and "murder,"* that is a remarkable departure from "political correctness" for a federal government agency to permit itself.

Why would the FBI and the U.S. Census Bureau classify persons of Hispanic origin as being white?" The answer might surprise you. The FBI and the U.S. Census Bureau, along with mainstream media purposely distort criminal statistics and conveniently classify Mexican-Americans as white because they do not want the American public to know the truth--that Blacks are responsible for committing the vast majority of crimes here in the United States.

For example, in 1993, there were 20,343 Americans murdered: Blacks, who compromise 12 percent of the U.S. population, committed 11,686 or a whopping 58 percent of those murders. The black murder rate was 38.8 per 100,000. Based on their murder rate in 1986, Hispanics committed an estimated 2,242 murders in 1993. This is 10.7 per 100,000. 76 percent of the U.S. is White (European-American) and they committed only 29.5 percent of the murders. On the other hand, Black and Hispanic minorities combined constitute 21 percent of the population, yet they committed a staggering 68.7 percent of the murders in the U.S. during 1993.

This means, on a per capita basis, a Black person is 12.3 times as likely to commit murder as a White person. Since this information is not deemed "politically correct" and would perhaps offend the black segment of society, it is offset by falsely inflating the per capita basis for whites by backhandedly including Hispanics and other ethnic groups.

Here are some more shocking statistics:

More than 1,600 Whites are murdered by Blacks each year.
Blacks murder Whites at 18 times the rate Whites murder Blacks.
About 1 million Whites were murdered, robbed, assaulted, or raped by Blacks in 1992.
In the last 30 years, 170 million violent and nonviolent crimes were committed by Blacks against Whites in the U.S. Blacks under 18 are more than 12 times more likely to be arrested for murder than Whites the same age. Some 90% of the victims of race crimes are Whites. Blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than Whites, although they comprise only one-seventh of the White population. On a per-capita basis, blacks commit 50 times more violent crimes than Whites. Some 27 million nonviolent crimes were committed in the U.S. in 1992 alone. 31% of the robberies involved Black offenders and White victims; only 2% involved White offenders and Black victims.

Paved With Good Intentions, a book by Jared Taylor, also studies crime statistics by race. It must be stressed that Blacks make up only 12% of the population according to the 2000 U.S. census (and Black males about 6%), but they commit a vastly disproportionate number of violent crime.

Mr. Taylor reveals:

1) 58% of all arrests for weapons violations are Blacks.
2) 46% of all arrests for violent crimes are Blacks.
3) 73% of all "justified self-defense" killings are committed by Blacks.
4) 60.5% of all Blacks are armed with some type of weapon at all times.
5) 98% of all youths arrested for gun fights in Atlanta are Blacks.

And there is plenty more but I think thats enough to prove your ignorance concerning this subject, now are you still clinging to this fantasy that there is not a problem with blacks and crime in the US and that there is not a obvious connection between race and tendency to illegal criminal immoral behavour?
PreatorX said:
What you engage in is pure hatred.

Really! Well, then, why don't you provide some examples of this 'pure hatred' you speak of! Go ahead, I'll wait.

Or do you have a mental deficiency that prevents you from seeing facts?

Not at all -- though I'll admit that I don't see facts where no facts are presented, I'd hardly call that a deficiency.
RWC said:
According to the socalist here I'm worse for society than the actual criminals who make the penal system necessary, an indictment of the weak minded leftist here who are most fluent in victimese.

Let's apply that logic to the ones that allowed or provided conditions for the criminals eh?

crack and drugs just didn't fall out of the sky. You are worse for society cause you're a sociopathic opportunist. Just like the idiots who subplanted a virus into impovershed neighborhoods and cultures in order for them to plague their own kind.

Drug war=Race war. The color's never changed, only the Figure Heads.
As a new poster I went through this thread with some interest and an open mind. If I were to be judging this debate I’d have to say that RWC has efficiently silenced his opponents voices. Their arguments have degenerated into really stupid analogies and worthless bickering while his initial points stand. If the point of this board, or at least this thread, or any discussion is to debate opinions with facts until an agreement can be reached his detractors have done little to realize this goal.

I looked into his stats, and it does make sense. Not only are they accurate but his use and examples stand. In the research field we call this “face validity,†“internal validity,†and “predictive validity.†While we can blame culture to some degree there is a certain amount of personal responsibility we should question. Anyone who merely rationalizes the behavior of the black populace on external forces commits a logical fallacy, and does so like all others either suffering from white liberal guilt or those non whites who refuse to take personal responsibility and simply blame “the man†or (insert current politician here). By holding blacks to lower standards and blaming every other conceivable influence you are the racist.

Someone who truly believes in equality is someone who expects blacks to behave in a manner that emulates the accepted positive features of this culture. If I were to support affirmative action or say, “it’s OK to act like that since he’s a nigger and it’s his culture†I’d be the racist. But no, I expect them to behave like civilized humans.

Is it my fault that they cannot? Or is it merely the high standards I hold a lesser human to?

You be the judge. Either way, (their refusal to assimilate or their genetic inferiority that prevents them from acting civilized) there is a serious problem that arises.

I’ve always wondered why society champions George Washington Carver as the inventor of peanut butter when he didn’t invent anything. Peanut butter was simply peanut mash or peanut porridge and was a standard ration to soldiers long before Carver ever conceived of the notion. And this example is not alone, there is a laundry list of these fallacies perpetuated during Black History Month, giving credit where credit is anything but due.

If I were black I sure wouldn’t want to be credited with lies, it’s like charity. I wouldn’t want to be held to lower standards and given a diploma before I were competent in the field. We’re just setting them up to fail.
Simple solution...kill all the blacks. That way 100% of all hate crimes in the US will be white on black, and the fucking cocksmoking liberals will be right for once. ;)

With that, nighty-night.
Mad Daego said:
As a new poster I went through this thread with some interest and an open mind. If I were to be judging this debate I’d have to say that RWC has efficiently silenced his opponents voices. Their arguments have degenerated into really stupid analogies and worthless bickering while his initial points stand. If the point of this board, or at least this thread, or any discussion is to debate opinions with facts until an agreement can be reached his detractors have done little to realize this goal.

I looked into his stats, and it does make sense. Not only are they accurate but his use and examples stand. In the research field we call this “face validity,†“internal validity,†and “predictive validity.†While we can blame culture to some degree there is a certain amount of personal responsibility we should question. Anyone who merely rationalizes the behavior of the black populace on external forces commits a logical fallacy, and does so like all others either suffering from white liberal guilt or those non whites who refuse to take personal responsibility and simply blame “the man†or (insert current politician here). By holding blacks to lower standards and blaming every other conceivable influence you are the racist.

Someone who truly believes in equality is someone who expects blacks to behave in a manner that emulates the accepted positive features of this culture. If I were to support affirmative action or say, “it’s OK to act like that since he’s a nigger and it’s his culture†I’d be the racist. But no, I expect them to behave like civilized humans.

Is it my fault that they cannot? Or is it merely the high standards I hold a lesser human to?

You be the judge. Either way, (their refusal to assimilate or their genetic inferiority that prevents them from acting civilized) there is a serious problem that arises.

I’ve always wondered why society champions George Washington Carver as the inventor of peanut butter when he didn’t invent anything. Peanut butter was simply peanut mash or peanut porridge and was a standard ration to soldiers long before Carver ever conceived of the notion. And this example is not alone, there is a laundry list of these fallacies perpetuated during Black History Month, giving credit where credit is anything but due.

If I were black I sure wouldn’t want to be credited with lies, it’s like charity. I wouldn’t want to be held to lower standards and given a diploma before I were competent in the field. We’re just setting them up to fail.

Well it's a good thing you're not black, so fuck off.

That's my opinion and you can shove it side ways up your ass.
BitchSlapSmitty said:
Well it's a good thing you're not black, so fuck off.

That's my opinion and you can shove it side ways up your ass.

Why don't you try and argue your position rather than feed the "stereo type"?

99% of your responces in this topic have been some variation of "fuck you" or "suck my dick".

Give the shit a rest, act like a human being and argue the points with fact and information rather than street slang and crap. It might go along way twords giving you some credibility.

Of the approximately 1,700,000 interracial crimes of violence involving
blacks and whites, 90 percent are committed by blacks against whites.
Blacks are therefore up to 250 times more likely to do criminal violence to
whites than the reverse.

It's light reading, but I doubt many will choose to read it, or even look at the stats.

Has anyone else noticed how liberals tend to blame racism on everything to the point where they contradict themselves?

If a black man finds himself in jail, they'll call it racism. If someone backs up a bit and says that blacks and hispanics are responsible for an enormous percentage of crimes, they'll say it's because of racism, too. If a disproportionate number of minorities find themselves sitting before a judge, then you can't say that the system is somehow racist. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Well it's a good thing you're not black, so fuck off.

That's my opinion and you can shove it side ways up your ass.
Smitty, you're only making yourself look foolish. You'd be busting a nut if someone emerged with statistics showing whites commit most of the crime. Address the points, or fuck off yourself.
Sarek said:
Why don't you try and argue your position rather than feed the "stereo type"?

99% of your responces in this topic have been some variation of "fuck you" or "suck my dick".

Give the shit a rest, act like a human being and argue the points with fact and information rather than street slang and crap. It might go along way twords giving you some credibility.


you penis head.
BitchSlapSmitty said:

you penis head.
And if you were speaking before the world on black civil rights, would you shout that and later dance and sing "HAHA I TROLLED THEM"?
Sargeras said:

It's light reading, but I doubt many will choose to read it, or even look at the stats.

Has anyone else noticed how liberals tend to blame racism on everything to the point where they contradict themselves?

If a black man finds himself in jail, they'll call it racism. If someone backs up a bit and says that blacks and hispanics are responsible for an enormous percentage of crimes, they'll say it's because of racism, too. If a disproportionate number of minorities find themselves sitting before a judge, then you can't say that the system is somehow racist. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Smitty, you're only making yourself look foolish. You'd be busting a nut if someone emerged with statistics showing whites commit most of the crime. Address the points, or fuck off yourself.

Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do numbnuts? Eh?

I'll shit in your mother's fucking mouth, and call it a love crime yo!
Sargeras said:
And if you were speaking before the world on black civil rights, would you shout that and later dance and sing "HAHA I TROLLED THEM"?

Don't attempt to understand Smitty. He's beyond your pale reasoning.