I am losing my will to watch this show. It has gone past terrible, to so bad it's funny, to WORSE.
SO, last time the show ended with the Latino Barbie stabbed in the gut by Frank Lapidus. Her wound is septic and she's in shock, also unconscious. Uncle Ninja has a plan, and that is to get Nora to someone who can help, 5 hours away. They steal a horse drawn cart thingy from the Monroe Militia, because that's got to be the best people to steal from, they've got all the guns! Anyway, of course they are successful, MILES IS A NINJA.
They arrive in the Land of Oz, amidst a field of poppies (I FUCKING SHIT YOU NOT). Apparently the only doctor who can save Nora is in the employ of one super bad evilly crazy heroin making drug kingpin, Drexel (or something). Okay, so now I had to make myself stop giggling about the poppies, which had been torched by the Irish neighbors (and yet somehow still remained recognizable as poppies, with red flowers and everything) who, for no apparent reason, hate heroin, or something.
Uncle Ninja drives the horse cart up to the gates of Drexler's mansion, and informs one of the guards that he is a hotshit Ninja and Drexel will definitely want to see him. A few seconds later Drexel comes out, you can tell he's crazy and evil because he's played by Todd Stashwick, also he's waving a gun around ordering everyone to GET ON YOUR KNEES, and his eyes have DRUG circles under them. Super bad evil Drexel then puts a gun to uncle Ninja's head and pulls the trigger, CLICK... just kidding. Get up everyone, it was a joke, wasn't it funny? Me and uncle Ninja go way back!
Drexel is all magnanimous all of the sudden and shows everyone to their rooms, where they can take hot baths (not that they look like they need one, cleanest apocalypse EVAR), all the while giving Katniss the creepy, I wanna sex you up eyes. Nora and uncle Ninja go down to the mad scientists lab where there are cut up melons laying about covered in green mold, cuz that's how you grow penicillin! Uncle Ninja has type O blood, luckily, UNIVERSAL DONOR. Mad scientist hooks uncle Ninja to Latino Barbie and LET THE TRANSFUSION BEGIN...
Back in their rooms, Nora is in bed still unconscious, everyone standing around looking worried except uncle Ninja... he's packing up, they are blowing this poppy stand. BUT WAIT super evil Drexel has something to say about that! Back in the good old bad days when uncle Ninja was a general in the Monroe Militia he was also EVIL. He lined people up and executed them without batting an eye! He helped Drexel become the number one heroin dealer in the land! Now, thanks to uncle Ninja being a traitor, Drexel is no longer the Munroe Militia's number one heroin dealer, even though heroin is totes legal and shit. Drexel wants to get even with the Irish neighbors for torching his crops because they hate heroin. If uncle Ninja and the gang don't help Drexel will smother Latino Barbie with a pillow.. OH HE IS SO EVIL, AIN'T HE? Alrighty then, uncle Ninja says "okay, I will murder your neighbors" but NO, Drexel isn't having that, he wants Katniss to do it. The Irish neighbors are heavily armed, and uncle Ninja will never get in. So let's dress Katniss up in one of the hooker dresses and arm her with a chopstick, she can stab big daddy Irish guy in the eye!
Needless to say, Katniss gets inside the Irish compound. Turns out they torched the poppies because they were the police before the power went out. Should have guessed, because they're IRISH. Also, one of their daughters ran away to get high at Drexel's and he got her hooked on the heroin. Katniss struggles with the plan to kill the Irish grandpa, she hits him in the head with a teapot, then just as she's about to stab him UNCLE NINJA grabs her hands and gets her out of there.
Okay I skipped the part where uncle Ninja escapes from teh compound to go help Katniss but that happened.
Drexel is super pissed and decides to make Google Guy and Latino Barbie shoot at each other. One of them has to shoot the other, or he'll shoot both of them, BECAUSE HE'S EVIL. Google Guy (who's been having flashbacks to when he was a huge pussy) grabs himself by the balls, and SHOOTS HIMSELF... OH FUCK I forgot to mention they woke Nora up with a shot of adrenalin, so she could join the shootout (oh god the stupid). NEVER FEAR Google Guy is okay because he really shot himself in the whiskey flask, it was a trick to get Drexel to come over so he could kill him. DING DONG DREXEL'S DEAD.
THe End.