So... this episode wasn't as terrible as the first 6. I don't have any rage to give it. It was an almost decent episode in a horrible series, but only if I'm comparing it to other episodes of this series. It was still terrible! Maybe I'm becoming numb to it? MAYBE I'M BEING ASSIMILATED?
Katniss, uncle Ninja and the gang are still tracking the militia. They hide in the woods from a group of militia dudes and their wagon, which has a young man chained up in the back. Katniss and the guy make eye contact, even though they're HIDING FROM THE MILITIA IN THE WOODS. One of the SUPER EVIL militia guys whacks one of the kids in the wagon and Katniss reaches for her knife, but uncle Ninja holds her back. We can't save everyone sweet cheeks.
Fast forward a few miles, and there's a kid lying... (laying?) I DON'T KNOW WHICH WORD TO USE... in the road. Katniss runs to him and checks his pulse. IT'S A TRAP! (of course) Kids with bows and arrows and STUFF come out of the woodwork. Google guy is nervous, he doesn't like children of the corn. The heavily armed children demand to know what Katniss has done with their brother (dude from the wagon). Katniss tells them the militia took him and they're not militia. The children of the corn go around checking everyone's wrists for the militia emblem that is burned onto every militia members arm (NEW PLOT DEVICE). BLAH BLAH BLAH... Katniss decides they will help the orphaned children get their brother back and uncle Ninja agrees. Google guy is all WTF happened to uncle dickbag Ninja? Latina Barbie explains that these kids became orphans when uncle Ninja was running shit at the militia.
So, OKAY fast forward a bit because I can't remember all the details.
Turns out the Monroe Militia goes around the countryside abducting children to add to their army. They take them to a ship in the middle of a lake, brand them with an M, and beat them until they're good little soldiers.
Katniss allows herself to be abducted, so she can rescue brother corn from the militia. She ends up branded with the M, but YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS... the rescue operation is successful, of course! KATNISS AND THE GANG COULD SINGLEHANDEDLY TAKE DOWN AN ARMY. Katniss and the gang are surrounded on the deck of the ship, Google guy and some of the children of the corn are hiding in a lighthouse on the edge of the lake, when ALL OF THE SUDDDEN the magic amulet starts working and the lighthouse machinery kicks on and people on the ship are BLINDED BY THE LIGHT. Uncle Ninja takes advantage of the distraction and kicks some ass, Katniss runs someone through with a sword (she's so edgy).
OH yeah something I forgot to mention. Earlier one of the children of the corn saw the magic amulet because it was hanging out of Google guy's backpack. He is the WORST person to give a magic necklace to! JEESH. The writers don't want us to forget the amulet exists, so they need Google guy to be sloppy with it, I guess.
Okay, back to the future. Google guy has no choice but to tell uncle Ninja about the magic amulet, because uncle Ninja has magically deduced that Google guy knows what happened to make the lighthouse work.
This ep was Juliette's turn to have flashbacks. We were supposed to learn how the lights went out, but I didn't really catch all that. Juliette, her husband and some other scientists were working on something, and a friendly govt agent was trying to buy it from them OR SOMETHING? Fuck I do not know.
Monroe and Major Evil continue to be hilariously evil. They're torturing children and shit. I think I blank out when the story jumps to them. Maybe someone else was paying attention and can tell us what happened. I DON'T KNOW.