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This guy always gets stuck playing the crazy bad guy, I wonder if he gets tired of the typecasting.

So fat guy opens the door to the dumbwaiter and tells Uncle Wonderful that it'll take him directly to the kitchen. UW looks at him like he's crazy and says "how do YOU know?"

Seriously? What's the point of a dumbwaiter if it doesn't go directly to the kitchen. Do they think the audience is really that stupid or was that meant to be a funny scene? GAH!
So fat guy opens the door to the dumbwaiter and tells Uncle Wonderful that it'll take him directly to the kitchen. UW looks at him like he's crazy and says "how do YOU know?"

Seriously? What's the point of a dumbwaiter if it doesn't go directly to the kitchen. Do they think the audience is really that stupid or was that meant to be a funny scene? GAH!

I have one that goes up to my bedroom from the kitchen. Fun playing Elevator as a kid. made it easier to sneak snacks...wonder why I'm fat...
I completely forgot to mention Twinkniss and his reunion with Juliet. ALSO, not-Nate is getting ready to leave his father and join up with Ninja and the gang, I JUST KNOW IT.

Next week we'll find out what caused the lights to go out, UNLESS THEY ARE LYING.
It will be stupid, I GUARANTEE! They probably won't actually explain what happened, just like the previews for last night's ep made it look like Katniss was going to make sexy time with Drexel to save Nora's life, but turned out not to be the case AT ALL.

So... this episode wasn't as terrible as the first 6. I don't have any rage to give it. It was an almost decent episode in a horrible series, but only if I'm comparing it to other episodes of this series. It was still terrible! Maybe I'm becoming numb to it? MAYBE I'M BEING ASSIMILATED?

Katniss, uncle Ninja and the gang are still tracking the militia. They hide in the woods from a group of militia dudes and their wagon, which has a young man chained up in the back. Katniss and the guy make eye contact, even though they're HIDING FROM THE MILITIA IN THE WOODS. One of the SUPER EVIL militia guys whacks one of the kids in the wagon and Katniss reaches for her knife, but uncle Ninja holds her back. We can't save everyone sweet cheeks.

Fast forward a few miles, and there's a kid lying... (laying?) I DON'T KNOW WHICH WORD TO USE... in the road. Katniss runs to him and checks his pulse. IT'S A TRAP! (of course) Kids with bows and arrows and STUFF come out of the woodwork. Google guy is nervous, he doesn't like children of the corn. The heavily armed children demand to know what Katniss has done with their brother (dude from the wagon). Katniss tells them the militia took him and they're not militia. The children of the corn go around checking everyone's wrists for the militia emblem that is burned onto every militia members arm (NEW PLOT DEVICE). BLAH BLAH BLAH... Katniss decides they will help the orphaned children get their brother back and uncle Ninja agrees. Google guy is all WTF happened to uncle dickbag Ninja? Latina Barbie explains that these kids became orphans when uncle Ninja was running shit at the militia.

So, OKAY fast forward a bit because I can't remember all the details.

Turns out the Monroe Militia goes around the countryside abducting children to add to their army. They take them to a ship in the middle of a lake, brand them with an M, and beat them until they're good little soldiers.

Katniss allows herself to be abducted, so she can rescue brother corn from the militia. She ends up branded with the M, but YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS... the rescue operation is successful, of course! KATNISS AND THE GANG COULD SINGLEHANDEDLY TAKE DOWN AN ARMY. Katniss and the gang are surrounded on the deck of the ship, Google guy and some of the children of the corn are hiding in a lighthouse on the edge of the lake, when ALL OF THE SUDDDEN the magic amulet starts working and the lighthouse machinery kicks on and people on the ship are BLINDED BY THE LIGHT. Uncle Ninja takes advantage of the distraction and kicks some ass, Katniss runs someone through with a sword (she's so edgy).

OH yeah something I forgot to mention. Earlier one of the children of the corn saw the magic amulet because it was hanging out of Google guy's backpack. He is the WORST person to give a magic necklace to! JEESH. The writers don't want us to forget the amulet exists, so they need Google guy to be sloppy with it, I guess.

Okay, back to the future. Google guy has no choice but to tell uncle Ninja about the magic amulet, because uncle Ninja has magically deduced that Google guy knows what happened to make the lighthouse work.

This ep was Juliette's turn to have flashbacks. We were supposed to learn how the lights went out, but I didn't really catch all that. Juliette, her husband and some other scientists were working on something, and a friendly govt agent was trying to buy it from them OR SOMETHING? Fuck I do not know.

Monroe and Major Evil continue to be hilariously evil. They're torturing children and shit. I think I blank out when the story jumps to them. Maybe someone else was paying attention and can tell us what happened. I DON'T KNOW.


The irony is that, just like in the story, the show is much more entertaining when the power is out.
I can't remember an actress I've disliked as much as I dislike the girl that plays Charlie. She's made a bad TV show unbearable.
Do you remember if they said why they were working on this magic amulet project? What it was for and all that? I was playing with my dog or something and missed some of Juliette's flashbacks.
They didn't say. Flashback showed evil DOD guy that looks like Satan offering Juliet some pregnancy treatments because he wants to be friends *evil smile when he says it*
Do you remember if they said why they were working on this magic amulet project? What it was for and all that? I was playing with my dog or something and missed some of Juliette's flashbacks.

All they said was they were trying to create clean free energy and wound up doing the opposite.

I don't know if I'll be able to remember enough about this one to poop all over it! Most of the episode wasn't too bad. I mean they are still on this video game quest to find Katniss brother, they still run into one obstacle after another, the bad guys are still hilariously evil...

This one starts out with the gang trying to find a way across the river, so they can get into Philly, where superbad evil Monroe and his army of sociopaths are holding Twinkniss. Most of the bridges have been destroyed (I wasn't aware that Philly was surrounded by a raging river) and the ones that still exist are controlled by the militia. They come to a bridge and Nora bribes the guard so they can pass but IT'S A TRAP! (uncle Miles actually says IT'S A TRAP), so they turn around and run back the way the came, with a super creepy sociopath and his knives hot on their tail. The gang hides in the town while the militia hunts for them. Once the immediate danger passes a militiaman reports back to super sociopath in charge that uncle Miles and the gang escaped, so he gets stabbed in the gut for his failure (REMEMBER EVERYONE, THE MILITIA IS EVIL).

Miles and the gang mill around a little bit, deciding what to do next, when people start shouting for Nora to COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE... bam they've got Nora's sister tied up, but she's not just tied up, she's tied up in a way that cuts off her oxygen and she only has about an hour before she suffocates (THE MILITIA IS EVIL, GUYS). Super sociopath in charge shouts out to Nora telling her if she brings Miles and the magic amulet to him she and her sister can leave. Nora says NO WAY JOSE we're blowing this shit up, and then she pulls several sticks of dynamite out of her ass and they blow shit up. This makes it super easy for Miles and the entire gang to run in and rescue Nora's sister, because whenever they get into a bind everything works always, just as planned. It doesn't matter how many guns the militia has, uncle Miles can take them out with his sword.

Alrighty then, with Nora's sister saved, they make their escape. Miles and the gang survey the town from a water tower (or something, it was up high). Whilst they're having a look around Nora's sister tries to convince Nora to go with her to Texas because she finally found their dad, and he isn't dead or anything. This is where we find that Nora's sister is a bounty hunter, and she used her super tracking skills to track down daddy. Nora says no, I can't leave Charlie I promised. Charlie overhears and frees Nora from her promise. SOOOOOO.... Nora's sister knows where they can cross the river, and Nora agrees they'll stick with the gang until the river crossing and then they'll go on their quest to Texas together. Of course when they get to the crossing the guy who runs the illegal ferry is dead. SO the gang decides to go to the next bridge 300 miles away and Nora and sis head off to Texas. A little ways down the road (to TEXAS) they run into the sociopath in charge, turns out IT'S A TRAP. Nora's sister has been working with the militia all along. HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO MY FRIENDS? Nora's sister pickpocketed the magic amulet from the WORST PERSON TO HOLD THE AMULET ON THE PLANET, and she hands it over to the militia. Good job girls, you're free to go! Nora ain't having that shit... oh yeah part of the plan was for Nora's sis to lead them into A TRAP, so the sociopath is off to capture and/or kill uncle Miles. Nora follows them and kills one of the militiadudes, takes his gun and INSTEAD of killing the most evilest bastard, she takes out the other guys,while uncle Miles has a sword fight with him. ANYWYA, he gets away with the amulet and hands it over to Monroe.



Not-Nate is being beaten by some evil henchmen because he tried to bribe a stable hand for information about Katniss and the gang. He has a crush on Katniss. Monroe was goign to send him off to California, but some shit happened that changed his mind (of course) and so BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH...

SORRY THIS IS SO LONG. I lost interest after the first paragraph.
This was actually a pretty decent episode. Charlie wasn't featured much and she didn't get a chance to make her patented worried/disappointed/soulful look at all which I really appreciated. I like Boyd Crowder's cousin too, so I enjoyed his scenes a lot. I hope this doesn't mean he won't be on Justified any more though.
Tonight is the mid season finale, and I am SUPER EXCITED about it. It's going to feature the music of LED MOTHERFUCKING ZEPPELIN! HOW EDGY IS THAT?!!!!!!!!111 The name of the episode is "Kashmir" of course! lol I am crossing my fingers that this episode is filled with super evil villains being super evil.