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Tonight is the mid season finale, and I am SUPER EXCITED about it. It's going to feature the music of LED MOTHERFUCKING ZEPPELIN! HOW EDGY IS THAT?!!!!!!!!111 The name of the episode is "Kashmir" of course! lol I am crossing my fingers that this episode is filled with super evil villains being super evil.

Wait what? There is still half the season left? At the rate they're going the mystery of the pendants will be solved, the power restored and the show will be over by the end of season 1....cue new plot device/twist for season 2...

Okay, first off, I was wrong about this being the mid season finale, next Monday is the mid season finale. I don't know why I thought that, but maybe because they hyped this Led Zeppelin tie in episode so much I just assumed it had to be the finale TO KEEP US ON THE EDGE OF OUR SEATS, or something? I DON'T KNOW. Anyway, BUY LED ZEPPELIN'S NEW ALBUM, OKAY? I wonder how much it cost Led Zeppelin to sell out on a crappy show? They probably sold out a long time ago, anyway.

IT WAS HILARIOUSLY AND GLORIOUSLY TERRIBLE! I hope every episode can be this bad. If the show starts making some kind of sense, I will be OUT.

So, last week the show ended with our gang jumping into the uncrossable raging river in order to escape the psychopath with scary knives and his murderous psychopathic militiamen. If only they knew that they could get across the river this way from the start! Revolution likes to skip over details, so we have no idea how hard it was to swim this river and when we rejoin the gang they are in the custody of some rebels... wait, wait, wait MAYBE they didn't make it across the river and they washed up on the same side of the river, because HANG ON A MINUTE...

Cut to uncle Miles, THE NINJA, tied to a chair being punched in the face by a rebel. Nora is in the other room trying to explain to another rebel that Miles isn't EVIL anymore. She convinces him that they have a plan to, well not really a plan-plan, just a desire really, to get to Monroe and steal back twinkniss, because he's Miles' nephew. This convinces the rebel to stop the beating long enough to convince the punchy rebel that MAYBE WE SHOULD JOIN THESE STRANGERS AND THE FORMER GENERAL OF THE SUPER EVIL MILITIA. Easy as pie, these hardened rebels join the gang! Uncle Miles has a plan to get them all into Monroe's lair and it involves using a mass transit tunnel (this is why I think they didn't make it across the river, they have to go UNDER the river). The now slightly bigger gang heads to the entrance of the tunnel, uncle Miles facial wounds have magically healed, punchy rebel must have been pulling his punches!

Alright, so they light their torches and head off into the darkness of the massive tunnel, even though if I had a lair and there was a big tunnel leading into it, I'd have some guards stationed in this easily defensible tunnel, but this is Revolution and the plot demands these people be inside a tunnel so some silly stuff can happen.

Uncle Miles knows this tunnel well from his militia days, and knows there are some traps and land mines. He remembers where all the mines are, so DON'T WORRY GUYS I'M SURE NOTHING HAS CHANGED IN THE YEARS SINCE I RAN AWAY... He's so confident that he allows Charlie and Nora to take the lead, and of course they're just walking along chatting about uncle Miles (so Nora can fill us in on some of uncle Miles' backstory - he and Monroe were besties since they were little kids, which is why uncle Miles couldn't kill him when he had the chance) WHEN, OH NOES... Charlie steps on a landmine! EVERYONE FREEZE, says Nora the demolitions expert. Nora has everyone leave the immediate area so she can work on the landmine. Uncle Miles and Google guy refuse, of course, but the rebels all move on ahead a ways. Nora tells Katniss not to move a muscle, Google guy has a worried face, uncle Miles looks exasperated. Nora starts digging around the landmine and then opens it up a little, she inserts a knife into it, and then tells everyone to RUN. The knife gives them enough time to barely escape the huge explosion, which causes the tunnel to collapse behind them - OF COURSE.


So they're all traipsing along when Miles spots a militiaman going into a room.. he yanks the door open and no one is there. HOW COULD HE VANISH INTO THIN AIR? Uncle Miles has a confused look on his face, someone asks him if he's okay and OF COURSE HE IS, HE'S A NINJA! So they move on... They come to a water filled room they have to cross, it's about waist deep on the men and boobs deep on the womens. They're all moving along holding their weapons over their heads, Nora is bringing up the rear when.... SOMETHING LIKE A GIANT ALLIGATOR GRABS NORA AND YANKS HER UNDER! Uncle Miles runs back to save her, and everything changes, the blood is gone from the water, the gator is gone WHAT'S HAPPENING? Google guy sloshes over, he's figured it all out! IT ALL MAKES SENSE, HE SAYS (srsly, he said "now it all makes sense"). Uncle Miles looks at him crazily, what makes sense, fatso? Google guy says look at the torches, we're running out of oxygen, we're hallucinating! I ACTUALLY LOL'D. They've been inside a massive tunnel, for I don't know how long, but come on, even if they were trapped in there for days they wouldn't be running out of oxygen yet! So what do they do? Do they put out all the torches but one to save their dwindling oxygen supply? HELL NO, MOFOS, THEY DO NOT! They soldier on towards the exit, now and then they remember that they're supposed to be low on oxygen and show the torches burning low, but most of the time the torches are burning brightly otherwise we couldn't see Katniss' perfect hair! OH and their clothes are all magic too, because NOT DIRTY OR WET.

Uncle Ninja and the gang arrive at the exit, BUT THOSE DIRTY MILITIA BASTARDS HAVE BRICKED IT OVER! Everyone feels defeated, uncle Ninja begins to lose hope, Katniss gives him a pep talk.. oh wait the pep talk comes after Miles has a super lucid hallucination of himself walking into a brightly lit, very nice room, I think there's a computer on a desk, Led Zeppelin's Kashmir is playing... Monroe walks in, and they hug! Long time no see, Miles, how're you doing? So at some point Miles knows he's hallucinating, and IT'S REVEEEEEEALED that Miles misses the militia a little bit, if Monroe would take him back, why Miles just might GO BACK. This is how we're told that Miles is a deep and conflicted character. Alright, Led Zeppelin tie in moment is over, and Miles returns for his pep talk.

The gang moves on, there has to be another way out of here, said the joker to the thief... (they didn't play that song, but wouldn't it have been so COOL?)

They're walking along and we're treated to Google guy's walking hallucination, which consists of his wife following him and nagging him about abandoning her because he was a giant pussy. You're strong for Katniss, why weren't you strong for me? YOU DIDN'T LOVE ME, DID YOU? Google guy looks annoyed... keeps walking.

SUDDENLY THEIR TORCHES START BURNING WITH A SHINY FLAME!!!! They've reached a door that is riddled with holes, they all breath a big sigh of relief! I'm glad someone punched holes in the door, wouldn't want anyone to suffocate! They force the door open when PSYCH! the rebel who talked the other rebels into joining the gang turns on everyone and starts shooting! All the rebels but one die, of course... Katniss, Nora, Google guy somehow all manage to not get shot. SURPRISE! This rebel is really in the militia! He decided blowing his cover would be worth it, to bring THE Miles Matheson in, he's sure Monroe would reward him for his service. SO... Katniss and the gang are hiding, doublecrossingmilitia dude leads Miles through the door, and bars it from the other side. They're climbing up some type of service shaft or something... everyone on the other side takes a turn flinging themselves against the door... Google guy says GET OUTTA THE WAY, and puts his weight into it... BAM the door opens. Katniss and rebel Katniss go into the shafty thing... rebel Katniss with her bow, regular Katniss with her crossbow, evil dude shoots rebel Katniss, and kills her. Regular Katniss takes aim and kills militia dude BUT WAIT as he is falling down he raises his gun and shoots our Katniss! OMG OMG OMG IS SHE DEAD? PLS PLS PLS!!!!!!!!!!11111

No SILLIES, she's not dead! It's her turn to have a hallucination! I guess they thought giving her a hallucination during the lack of oxygen phase of the quest would be just too damn silly!

Katniss awakens on a couch, her dad is cooking din dins, he tells her to go fetch Danny and Maggie. Katniss says wait wait wait.. what's going on here? Has this all been a dream? Is this the real life? Daddy says lie back down sweetie, everything will be okay. Katniss hears uncle Miles calling for her to OPEN YOUR EYES, DAMMIT JUST OPEN YOUR EYES. Katniss realizes she is dreaming, gives her daddy a big hug, and goes back to the real world. Hey guys, it's just a scratch, I'm sure the blood on my temple will vanish by the time the next episode begins! Our gang heads towards the exit, it's probably an ambush, we'll find out next week!


Rachel (that's Juliet) is building a magic amulet amplifier! She's hanging out in the lab twisting some wires, the magic amulet is lying on a boom box, music fills the air... Major Evil, and captain nobody walk in. Major Evil demands Rachel explain the device to captain Nobody, even though she's super busy guys! Rachel explains that once the device is complete Major Evil will be able to use all the weapons of mass destruction he can find, you'll be able to kill THOUSANDS at a time. Major Evil looks pained... BUT WAIT, that wasn't a pained looked, that was a KNOWING LOOK. Major Evil and captain nobody exit, Monroe and some evil goons walk in.

What's up Rach? Oh nuthin, just building your super evil device! Sup with you? You know, Rachel, I value Major Evil's opinion above all other opinions, and he thinks you are UP TO SOMETHING! So I've brought this other scientist here to have a look at your shit! OH NOES!!!!!! Other scientist walks around the device for a couple minutes and says OMG GUYS IT'S A BOMB! Monroe is SUPER PISSED and tells Rachel that now he has other scientist she's no longer important so he will kill her conniving ass! TAKE HER AWAY EVIL GOONS! Rachel says NO WAY JOSE, and stabs other scientist in the gut with a screwdriver! YOU NEED ME NOW, DON'T YOU? HA HA HA!!!!! Monroe looks CONCERNED, or possibly he has gas, it's hard to tell!


Oh... that makes me sad. Guess I shouldn't bother any more. I thought you were enjoying the recaps, or I wouldn't have written it at all.

I'LL READ IT I just get confused with all the names and plot points from a show I don't watch. I APPRECIATE YOUR COMMENTARY.
Maybe i should write one up with PICTURES :rwmad:

I ws thinking about doing that, anyway... because I kept thinking about Monroe's gassy face, but I want it to be funny and I don't know if I can be funny. Also, I don't know how to put writing on a picture so I'd just have to do it under the picture.

I wouldn't worry about the plot, because there isn't a plot! Whatever the writers need to happen just happens. They don't even care if it makes sense.
I'M MAKING A CHARACTER GUIDE. I can't decide if I should do it in a separate thread, or in this thread. IT DOESN'T MATTER, CASSIE.. shut up bitch, it has to be perfect. NOT REALLY.

When I think about the characters in this show, I always wonder if they were written by a dungeon master. ROLL THE DICE.. Nora gets + 10 weakness to knives in the gut. Then I have a hard time remembering all that D&D stuff because I never played. I did roll up a character once, but my best friend's brother was the DM and he got pissed at us for NOT TAKING IT SERIOUSLY and refused to play with us.

Monroe doesn't look like Grimm's Monroe, but he SHOULD.

I think I will make a separate thread for the character guide. I really shouldn't be so HAPPY about it.
Cassie -- I've read all your reviews today during the lunch hour at work, and they were very entertaining. Your reviews are more entertaining that the show itself. Keep up the good work and keep up with the reviews.
I have been reading your reviews Cassie.

Me too. Just watched this episode a few hours ago(and read the review minutes ago) tonight and I have to say your review is very good, thorough, and accurate. Good job, keep up the good work!
I read recently that two shows I've been enjoying have already been canceled yet this one seems to be wildly popular. I don't get it, this really isn't a very good show at all... the plot's ridiculous, the acting is very uneven and the small amount of CGI is kind of shoddy.
Yeah, they've canceled at least one show I think is good, Last Resort. I do not know why they expect a drama like that to do well at 8pm, it's more of a 10pm show, IMO.


Filthy Whore, I like you and you are more than welcome to hang out in the MF. Don't let those douches make you think you are not welcome down here. We like to talk about TV shows, and other silly things, obviously. We don't really get involved in the SRS BSNS of making people feel bad about themselves, or what they enjoy.

OH ALSO TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION: YES I LOVE GRIMM!!! I hadn't thought about reviewing or recapping that because... I DON'T KNOW! We could definitely talk about it though, because it is a very fun show.
The great thing about Cassie's reviews (well one of them) is that I can keep up with Revolution without ever watching it. This is a benefit to me.

So did they finally just cancel Last Resort? Last I heard they didn't order more episodes, although that probably means it's gone, but have they officially canceled it?

I only watched the pilot of that, wasn't bad.
I read recently that two shows I've been enjoying have already been canceled yet this one seems to be wildly popular. I don't get it, this really isn't a very good show at all... the plot's ridiculous, the acting is very uneven and the small amount of CGI is kind of shoddy.

And the lights might be back on before the end of season 1, unless they can come up with a plot twist/plot device to stop it....other than an "amplifier"
Last Resort and 666 Park Avenue are both officially canceled. Grrr

I'd love to read and participate in a Grimm thread, I really enjoy that show, particularly Monroe. Is he the best friend you could possible have in the entire world or what? I love that guy.
Did they ever explained what happened to the people up in the ISS?

Dead, I presume. Even if the ISS wasn't caught in the man-made electrical dampening field, the inability for us to send supplies of food and other stuff for 15 years would probably kill them.
And if they were able to get back to earth, their escape capsule would presumably suffer the same fate as everything else.