OS@M@'s Dick
New member
new update:
69 is super fun!! We tried another new position where we were standing, but she bent over on my bed (which is super high). It was a very fun position!
new update:
69 is super fun!! We tried another new position where we were standing, but she bent over on my bed (which is super high). It was a very fun position!
Don't bait him. You care about his answer about that question as much as I do.
Please, tell me this alleged sex you're having with your super flexible wonderful girlfriend is done with some kind of protection. I don't care if you get some kind of sexually transmitted disease, it's the thought of you impregnating her that's worrisome. It's bad enough Dirk has progeny. You breeding is a sickening thought.
your previous post was spot on my boy! Pip! Pip! Cheerio! Throw another shrimp on the barbie. A dingo ate me baby.