Sir Sacrifyx, I doth issue thee a challenge

Sir Sacrifyx

Sacrifyx Aloysius Bastard I
How much longer are you going to wait?

I'd say as long as it takes, but I still plan on accomplishing some things before I die that would involve me getting up out of my chair and away from the PC, so we'll just say I'll keep checking in until something better comes along.


Registered User
How long do you think it will be until you find something better than waiting for half-intelligent retorts from a bunch of dimwitted, juvenile NOBODIES?


Forever Empress E
I'd say as long as it takes, but I still plan on accomplishing some things before I die that would involve me getting up out of my chair and away from the PC, so we'll just say I'll keep checking in until something better comes along.

You thought TK would provide you entertainment while you were waiting to die? Now I'm really sad for you.

BTW - albeit there is some common membership, the helmet wearers are on a different board.


Shifty sumbitch
Hey 'Sir Sacrifyx'! You call yourself a flamer? Excuse me while I laugh my ass off, will you?

Thanks for that. It's amusing when jokes like you come around.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
This thread is funny.

Sir Sacrifyx

Sacrifyx Aloysius Bastard I
Hey 'Sir Sacrifyx'! You call yourself a flamer? Excuse me while I laugh my ass off, will you?
A bit of a delayed reaction from Bitchendick, glad to see you finally caught up.
Thanks for that. It's amusing when jokes like you come around.
This is relevant to the current discussion how? The only joke I've seen here is that you fucks are allowed anywhere near electronic devices that can't be strapped to your ankles.


Registered User
A bit of a delayed reaction from Bitchendick, glad to see you finally caught up.

This is relevant to the current discussion how? The only joke I've seen here is that you fucks are allowed anywhere near electronic devices that can't be strapped to your ankles.

I don't understand: are you trying to make people mad or make them giggle?


beer, I want beer
Bitchendick lolol. Sounds almost like a compliment a surfer girl would give you.
Booger Knight said:
I'd hate to leave too early and miss the pivotal moment, an occasion akin to the big bang, that once in a lifetime event that has never been before and will never be again, when one of you helmet wearing, flotation device using, snotnosed, spit-when-you-talk, cross-eyed, redheaded, downs syndrome having, special-education failing, short bus riding fucking retards actually manages to have a moment of clarity long enough to spit out something worth hearing.
This sentence has eleven commas in it. Somewhere in the world there is a sentence without any punctuation at all because of your wanton abuse of English sentence structure.

You, are, a, greedy, bastard, and, should, be, ashamed. I hope you get a period lodged in your colon.


Shifty sumbitch
A bit of a delayed reaction from Bitchendick, glad to see you finally caught up.
Yet another failed flame. Do try harder -- I do act like a bitch and a dick, so your quip falls flatter than a crépe and lacks any originality.

This is relevant to the current discussion how? The only joke I've seen here is that you fucks are allowed anywhere near electronic devices that can't be strapped to your ankles.

No no, please step away from the looking glass. I know you consider yourself fabulous, but it is distracting from your attempts at 'flaming'. Don't worry, it's obvious enough.


beer, I want beer

I like your head tat.


You should see the one on the tip of my penis. It says, "Warning: contents under extreme pressure. Keep away from open flame. Shake well before using. Wear eye protection when operating this device. Not responsible for accident or injury."


Forever Empress E
You should see the one on the tip of my penis. It says, "Warning: contents under extreme pressure. Keep away from open flame. Shake well before using. Wear eye protection when operating this device. Not responsible for accident or injury."
Is that in both Spanish and English?


Registered User
The joke is that he has a large enough penis to accommodate all that text. inb4 "but it's 2 point font" or whatever


beer, I want beer
Well I did make them write it small, but only so people have to get really close to read it. And by then it's too late...


beer, I want beer
Is that in both Spanish and English?

Also Latin. There's a large Catholic Population here...

But not in hebrew, because, y'know, they don't do that.


Forever Empress E
A font is a family of typefaces - i.e., Helvetica Italics, Helvetica Bold, Helvetica Regular, Helvetica Bold Italics.

Type is measured in picas and points. There are 6 picas to an inch, 12 points to a pica, 72 points to an inch.


Registered User
A font is a family of typefaces - i.e., Helvetica Italics, Helvetica Bold, Helvetica Regular, Helvetica Bold Italics.

Type is measured in picas and points. There are 6 picas to an inch, 12 points to a pica, 72 points to an inch.

A pedant is a species of anal-retentive moron, one who insists on pointless distinctions notwithstanding the plain meaning of statements made in casual conversation.


New Member
You should see the one on the tip of my penis. It says, "Warning: contents under extreme pressure. Keep away from open flame. Shake well before using. Wear eye protection when operating this device. Not responsible for accident or injury."

Wow. That's pretty cool. So you have tats on your head and your penis. Do you have tats anywhere else. Did they hurt? Cause I heard that they do.(Yikes LOL).

What else do you have? If I ever get up the guts I'd like to get at least one tattoo. How did you find a good shop?



I Love Cunt

Watch It
No, really. An avatar is that, an avatar. A picture of my choosing, to let people know where I'm from (OOTIKOF) and what I do (I flame). I never said anything about horses or Camelot (did he say cumalot?), or any of that other foolery you shitbags bring up thinking it makes you look witty and clever. Schoolyard insults, and shite ones at that, that's all I've seen from any of you. I wouldn't expect a bunch of nobodies like yourselves to ever really understand what the KOF are about, but I'll keep trying because I'm just dedicated like that.

Speaking of schoolyard, what did you expect when you came over here in your letterman jacket and uniform? Just put some plain clothes on you drama queen.