Sir Sacrifyx, I doth issue thee a challenge


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Lots of protein shakes.


Forever Empress E
Damn straight. One thing..You're alot younger then I'd pictured you.
What's your secret?

One year, my good friend, Jack, sent me a special face cream that he'd developed for a Christmas gift. Considering I'm allergic to everything on the planet, I took Jack's preparation to my dermatologist. After she sent it to the chemist, she gave me a prescription for something she said would be more appropriate for my skin. I love it. Jack is a really good friend. If he hadn't sent me his special cream, the dermatologist would have just kept ignoring my requests to do something about my rosacea. The bonus is that it does make appear younger. I love it extra much.


New Member
One year, my good friend, Jack, sent me a special face cream that he'd developed for a Christmas gift. Considering I'm allergic to everything on the planet, I took Jack's preparation to my dermatologist. After she sent it to the chemist, she gave me a prescription for something she said would be more appropriate for my skin. I love it. Jack is a really good friend. If he hadn't sent me his special cream, the dermatologist would have just kept ignoring my requests to do something about my rosacea. The bonus is that it does make appear younger. I love it extra much.

I sure hope Jack can continue to produce his special cream for you.

Special Christmas Cream

I'll just bet you she didn't really send it to a chemist. Ask Jack but I think you might have gotten the straight dope.


Forever Empress E
Straight dope? What is that?

In my limited experience from forever ago, I was never straight after using dope. I could manage to go forward at best.


New Member
Straight dope? What is that?

In my limited experience from forever ago, I was never straight after using dope. I could manage to go forward at best.

All Im saying is I'm not sure anything got sent to the chemist..Might just be Jackcream.


beer, I want beer
jackcream is only used on the neck.


Forever Empress E
All Im saying is I'm not sure anything got sent to the chemist..Might just be Jackcream.

Are you calling my dermatologist a liar? Are you assuming she would lie because your doctors lie to you? If so, that is truly sad. I pay my doctors to be brutally honest with me. It really is for my own good, you know.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
I've spent three days in this pit of vile incoherence. The stink of it lingers, and will do so long after I'm gone.

Probably. The fumigation system crapped out when you first arrived. We were counting on you taking the stink with you when it left. Must be trapped in the couch cushions or something.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


New Member
Are you calling my dermatologist a liar? Are you assuming she would lie because your doctors lie to you? If so, that is truly sad. I pay my doctors to be brutally honest with me. It really is for my own good, you know.

I'm going to go ahead and sidestep the opportunity to make a misogynistic crack about female doctors (or female anybodies) and whether or not they might be relied upon to tell the truth.

I just want enjoy the mental image of a Brutally Honest Dermatologist. Sounds rough.

How about Brutally Honest Gynecologist. Brutally Honest Proctologist?
Brutally Honest Pediatrician.


beer, I want beer
You can go ahead and make misogynistic remarks. Eloisel can take it, we're not sissies here...


Forever Empress E
Thanks, Donovan. I love you too.

So far as anyone making misogynistic remarks, have at it. It isn't like I've been appointed the defender of all woman kind. But, persons who engage in making such remarks shouldn't cry when I start comparing their balls to shriveled peas and complain about not having a ruler small enough to measure that person's penis. Considering that there is a person posting here who never has sex with the same person twice, I'm guessing that person's equipment is majorly inferior. That alone ought to be fodder for several posts.

I've had a brutally honest gynecologist. Thank god.


New Member
Thanks, Donovan. I love you too.

So far as anyone making misogynistic remarks, have at it. It isn't like I've been appointed the defender of all woman kind. But, persons who engage in making such remarks shouldn't cry when I start comparing their balls to shriveled peas and complain about not having a ruler small enough to measure that person's penis. Considering that there is a person posting here who never has sex with the same person twice, I'm guessing that person's equipment is majorly inferior. That alone ought to be fodder for several posts.

I've had a brutally honest gynecologist. Thank god.

It's a strange stretch for me as a non-believer, but I guess I could see how god would be responsible for the brutal honesty of your gynecologist.

So nobody would fuck him again or he's only fucked someone once? Just trying to keep up..


Forever Empress E
Oh, goodie. Do you want to have a discussion about god and core belief systems? That could be fun. You want to keep the side of unbeliever?

When I write "thank god" or "TPTB" what I am doing is acknowledging my good fortune no matter how it came about - luck, someone else, prayer, my own actions, accident - cause no matter the reason for it, it is a good thing that it is and I appreciate it. It is my experience that people who do not take a moment to acknowledge the good in their life, live a life filled only with the bad.


Forever Empress E
Of course you do. It is your core beliefs that allow you to reject other people's core beliefs.

How do you know that I am not God?


New Member
Of course you do. It is your core beliefs that allow you to reject other people's core beliefs.

How do you know that I am not God?

Does any of this mean we have to do sit ups or roll around on a giant ball?

I know you aren't god because I don't believe in imagining myself talking to god.