Sir Sacrifyx, I doth issue thee a challenge


Forever Empress E
A pedant is a species of anal-retentive moron, one who insists on pointless distinctions notwithstanding the plain meaning of statements made in casual conversation.

Really? I thought a pedant was a person that walks around singing the Pink Panther theme.


beer, I want beer
But that won't stop me from trying! P.S. I love vaginas too!


We kinda figured you loved pussies considering how many you brought along.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Your two Nerf Knights are pretty weird, Mr Gear. The only crossdresser we currently have is Loktar, and he's currently looking for work, hence his lack of activity lately.

The whole trolling thing is pretty overdone, and so far I've been relatively non responsive to their "trolling" if that's indeed what it is.

Mostly because I have a busy week, a show this weekend and a division to try to save IRL this month. It's kind of taken some of the energy away from fucking a couple of necks deeply and repeatedly in response to the weak trolling and retarded postings of your "knights".

I mean really..."Sir Sacrifyx"? Imagine him at home with a another live person like a wife or boyfriend whenever he "storms the gates"?


Sir Sacrifyx

Sacrifyx Aloysius Bastard I
Your two Nerf Knights
Heard it. NEXT!

The only crossdresser we currently have is Loktar,
So you're expecting more? Not surprising.
The whole trolling thing is pretty overdone, and so far I've been relatively non responsive to their "trolling" if that's indeed what it is.
Odd you'd say that, because you've made a fair number of appearances throughout these threads over the weekend that would indicate otherwise.

Mostly because I have a busy week, a show this weekend and a division to try to save IRL this month.
What, you want a medal? Get over yourself, ass.

It's kind of taken some of the energy away from fucking a couple of necks deeply and repeatedly in response to the weak trolling and retarded postings of your "knights".
Oh, is that all it was? All this time I thought you were giving it your all. I look forward to the day when you have enough "energy" to actually make an effort here.

I mean really..."Sir Sacrifyx"? Imagine him at home with a another live person like a wife or boyfriend whenever he "storms the gates"?

:::laughing:::[/QUOTE]Wow, you know what I've noticed about you people here? You're all a bunch of broken fucking records. I mean, the whole "Haha, fake knights" shit was far from original when the first one of you assholes over here posted it. I would imagine, Mr. Jackoff (I'm guessing that's not very original either, now is it?)that you actually WERE laughing at what you wrote. Sitting in your chair in front of your PC, throwing your shoulder out of joint tryin to pat yourself on the back for what you deemed to be yet another witty play on the sword/shield/armor thing. You seem to have a pretty high opinion of yourself, considering all you've shown is an ability to rehash and repeat the same shit everyone else has said a thousand times over.


Registered User
Heard it. NEXT!

So you're expecting more? Not surprising.

Odd you'd say that, because you've made a fair number of appearances throughout these threads over the weekend that would indicate otherwise.

What, you want a medal? Get over yourself, ass.

Oh, is that all it was? All this time I thought you were giving it your all. I look forward to the day when you have enough "energy" to actually make an effort here.

I mean really..."Sir Sacrifyx"? Imagine him at home with a another live person like a wife or boyfriend whenever he "storms the gates"?


Wow, you know what I've noticed about you people here? You're all a bunch of broken fucking records. I mean, the whole "Haha, fake knights" shit was far from original when the first one of you assholes over here posted it. I would imagine, Mr. Jackoff (I'm guessing that's not very original either, now is it?)that you actually WERE laughing at what you wrote. Sitting in your chair in front of your PC, throwing your shoulder out of joint tryin to pat yourself on the back for what you deemed to be yet another witty play on the sword/shield/armor thing. You seem to have a pretty high opinion of yourself, considering all you've shown is an ability to rehash and repeat the same shit everyone else has said a thousand times over.

^ haha. A fake knight! lulz


New Member
maybe you should crawl back up your mothers and she can apologise for your shameful waste of DNA that is you...

Believe me sometimes things get bad enough I sure want to. I wonder if there are people who feel the same? I bet I'm not the only one.




Vuhlkansu Wihs
The question you should be asking is, are the ladies that desperate? Or are they prone to sympathy sex?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Easy for you to say, you've been married forever too.


Forever Empress E
You know girls follow me everywhere LOL. It must be because I'm so good looking :)


Pictures please. Not that I doubt you, I just like looking at good looking men.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


Forever Empress E
Hope you're doing well sugar. I miss seeing your smiling face around here.